My concept for a rework for the Feral Spec tree as feedback

I’ve spent quite a lot of time to rebuild the Feral Druid tree that has been showcased. I want to use this to provide some feedback. I give an explanation to most things bellow in the pastebin link, if you’re interested about a certain talent press ctrl+f and write it’s name. Icons and names on the picture that aren’t documented refer to the Feral Tree released on June 3.

My main goal was for builds to have more defined directions, and for more choices to be available. Also the left side has improvements to shift us more towards other good AoE specs, and the right side is basically a mini-rework of Feral single target to make it even more of a DoT spec, that many members of the Feral community want, as far as I can see.

I posted an earlier version of this tree in the Druid community Discord server, and made changes based on feedback. I don’t play PvP, so this may be a bit biased, but I’m sure PvP specific changes could be made without affecting PvE too much.

Here’s a link to the tree (excuse my horrible paint skills):

Here are my explanations:


I like it. AoE on the left, but you can have acceptable AoE without going fully for it by choosing PW early and just not specializing for AoE in the bottom left. PS and Survival Instincts are in spaces where everyone can get them. In the bottom middle and bottom right you can choose to be more sustain by going for adaptive swarm or you can choose to go for really capitalizing on berserk or you can choose a direct dmg cooldown in convoke. Blood in the water is awesome both for PvP and PvE. I don’t like Ashamane’s Rip tbh, but it’s not necessarily bad design. Incorporating Bite is good, because even though I’m a DoT-fanatic like all us ferals are Bite is fun too. No Bloodtalons and no Sabretooth really makes room for some great talents here and makes room for Blizzard to tune our dmg properly.

Several good routes to experiment with here and multiple builds to create different, but still similar enough playstyles that there is a good bleed-identity in the spec. At the same time we can always pick those essential talents like Survival Instincts and PS without being forced to take a specific route. I think if this went live a lot of us would be happy.

As for Infected Wounds, make it 50% (or 40% at least, which could be acceptable since we do run faster than others) and put it on Shred, this is completely necessary. Make it baseline too, would be great.


It certainly is a lot more interesting than Blizzard’s tree.

Few comments from PvP perspective below:

  • Replace Bloodtalons with Adaptive Swarm

Truly, Feral does not need more complexity, especially some that is as awkward/RNG as these two. Pick one, remove the other (personally I prefer Swarm a lot).

  • Replace Adaptive Swarm (original position) with Draught

Draught is the one talent/legendary that returns Feral to a single target bleed beast as we always were prior to the combo point change in WoD, this + mid is a really good PvP line.

It’s really only PvErs complaining about Draught. Is the entire tree just supposed to satisfy PvErs at the expense of PvPers?

  • Remove Imp. Shred/Swipe and replace it with SI (just moving it up one step)

Imp. Shred and Swipe are essentially worthless in PvP, and SI is mandatory. It feels really bad to pick this, and it also makes it impossible to pick FoN when going for a right+mid build (unless you want to pick more than 8 talents here, which no one does).

  • Force of Nature should be a choice talent between SL Balance version and rebranded MoP Feral version

Feral PvPers have been asking for FoN from MoP for ages. Just giving us the SL version would be a huge letdown. Just rebrand the FoN from MoP into panthers instead of treants, and make them daze instead of root, or something.

  • SR needs some QoL

Locking LotP behind SR the way it is now is making this path looking really boring. Either 5 CP when opening from stealth, or usable at 0 CP, is needed.

  • Change Blood in the Water to fully refresh Rip at <25%

BitW is supposed to be a true execute. It was a good choice to remove Sabertooth, BitW isn’t supposed to be Sabertooth :slight_smile: . Just change it to fully refresh the Rip duration when below 25%. Basically, just allow for some fun.

  • Tiger’s Fury baseline should be 40 energy

With boost it looks like it’s maxed at 50 (with 2 talents spent)? You probably meant for it to be 60.

  • Revise Improved Incarnation

You constantly shapeshift in PvP, even while bursting. This is actually a negative talent point in PvP, if you pick Incarnation this supposedly huge end node is worse than not picking anything.

Whoever designed this certainly didn’t have PvP in mind, and wanted to pigeonhole PvPers into, yet another, RNG heavy ability, i.e. Convoke.

  • Swap Soul of the Forest and Lunar Inspiration

I know you want to make the CoS path a ranged casted abilities build but I don’t think it’s wise to do that to the only PvP-viable path.

  • LotP needs to be a permanent buff

It’s just too weak otherwise (especially connected to SR), but it probably shouldn’t be double MotW.

I’d probably come back to retail if your tree, with my comments, became true. Well, we’d need some changes to the class tree too.


Yeah, I’m sorry I haven’t touched PvP past a few arena matches to try it out, it’s just not my thing, so I had no idea about what it would need, so I instead focused on making PvE as fun as I could think of. I’d be more than happy to have a tree that makes players of all 3 main endgame contents happy.

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No worries, I understood that.

It’s an interesting take and an improvement to Blizzard’s tree.

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