My current thoughts on current state of PvP

I honestly thought this would come later down the road (later in the expansion) but balancing and the way Blizzard is treating PvP currently is beyond miserable. Healer balance is horrendous. Shuffle is horrendous in its own way. I don’t even want to mention Blitz. There is not a single reason to heal in PvP. 50 extra conquest points per shuffle lobby - really? We all love to see that good ol’ ‘‘monitoring’’ from the HQ:

We’ve been monitoring player feedback on rating in PvP, and we will make some significant adjustments to inflation, beginning with a hotfix that is going live as soon as possible, to help alleviate concerns.
Going into Dragonflight Season 3, we took preemptive measures, with the goal of making a player’s PvP rating and progression feel as they would expect relative to previous seasons. The rating system, calculations, and rating gains throughout a season can be difficult to predict. They’re impacted by various factors, including player activity. We need to be cautious about making changes to MMR and rating, to best ensure that we’re not creating unwanted effects or trends that do more harm than good to the ladder overall.
MMR, rating, and associated rewards are topics that the team monitors and discusses frequently, and we’ll continue to do so in future seasons.
Suggestions that are offered here are generally in alignment with our internal discussions about what we might do in future seasons. For clarity, there is no cap to MMR, but the highest rating is a result of the combination of population trends and lack of inflation.
Thank you for your continued feedback and patience on this topic.

Don’t worry guys, by the end of the World Soul Saga, we’ll maybe have normal PvP.


Don’t nerf top healers, Buff the other ones.
And for god’s sake. Rework MMR or just fix it.


This can never happen because Blizzard likes that cash from FOTM rerollers. It’s simply that easy. Even if it happens, it will take place over multiple weeks.

They will not change anything because the whole game its balanced around the mythic+, and these percentual changes every two weeks on pvp side are like hot garbage, the whole dev team is clueless, the battle ground blitz its a joke 1400rated players are playing in a 2700mmr lobby, solo shuffle its only about disct priests, 2v2 its only about disc priest + feral/rogue/affli/bm , and 3v3 is also disc+ rog/warlock , disc+feral/Warlock , disc + feral/frost,

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true and real, that he left was the end for pvp tbh

Bringing Holinka back would achieve nothing.

The optimist in me would argue that he never had the authority to make the changes to class design/balance that needed be made.

The pessimist in me would argue that he was a driving force behind Ashran.

Let’s not forget just how hard people crucified him back in WoD when we were all being funneled into Alterac Valley 0.8, gearing up in anticipation of stepping into arena only to spend the entire expansion being bodied by Turbo and a wizard cleave so universally disliked by the community that it was renamed to Godcomp.

Did he deserve the hate he got? Absolutely not. Would TWW be somehow different under his care? Lol, lmao.

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