My enha totemic is broken dmg too low

i have seen many shamy and they did on same ilvl with totem 5+M dmg and my top are cca 2M i have good stats copied talents and cant icrease my dmg
i thing my char is broken and some talents dont count, for example i change from earthsurge hero talent and the dmg of totem is same

There is 0% that some talents are bugged only for you while they work for someone else.

If you believe that you should be doing more dmg and you are not, then it is 99% a playstyle issue, and you can ask for help either in the discord or in the forums by providing logs.

Also keep in mind that totemic is rng as heck. On the same pull with the same rotation I can do 2m, and on the next one I can do 8m without changing anything, only through proc rng.

i relocated hero talents and had 80% dmg increase, no changes play style

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