My experience as new pvp player

Yes, it does.

For casuals, gearing still takes too long, grinding takes too long, and figuring out what every proc/modifier/stat even does still takes too long. The game doesn’t really tell new players where to go or what to do either.

Becoming competitive takes too long, and the process isn’t fun.

No it isnt the same for most other games. Most games have very transferrable skills, eg first person shooters, or have waaaaay less abilities etc than WoW does. I see people using the argument that some mobas have 100+ classes etc as a counter but thats totally different since each of those classes only has a small handful of abilities which can easily be looked up at the start or mid match even if you need a quick reminder.
And when I say it will take years unless your a prodigy I really mean prodigy. Because even if and when you master your own spec you still need to understand what ever other spec does and how it plays.
As for watching guides I meanly mean 1 or 2 for my own spec and then dozens for every other spec that I dont play so I can somewhat understand what they do at least somewhat.
As for watching addon videos… Saying its quick and easy is just wrong. Were talking about new players here. It is by no means simple or user friendly, every video suggests a different combination of addons with different set ups on what to show and what not to show to keep clutter to a minimum. For someone that isnt particularly tech savvy it can be very overwhelming to the point you think, why bother? I dont have to do all this crap for any other game lol I just pick up and play.

None of them including wow. You dont NEED to install anything to run wow pvp, hrck you dont even need to level, just buy boost.

You said “enjoy”. You dont need to do anything to play, but you will get clapped. Even in cs:go. If thats what you imagine behind “enjoy”, then youre right.

You do need to do these extra steps in every single competitive pvp game in order to be somewhat succesfull. Does wow have couple extra of those? Ye, but it definetly isnt exclusive for wow.

Except you dont need to know all their abilities. For example i play this game for a long time, mostly i play with shadow priest, i know shadow priest have stun, silence, stun, grip and dispersion, i dont know how the spec work, i dont know what abilities they have cos i dont need to know and yet i’m able to play against it and do well. Same goes for every class, df is ending and yet i have no clue how dragons work yet i’ve been playing relatively high mmr.

Tbh youre trolling if youre doing this. I Guess yes if you want to play rly high and want to know how to make hell of enemy life and be the cleanest player ever then maybe you might learn something however overall its a waste of time. Its like me realing some chinese tik tok stuff while i’m pretty sure i wont be ever able to pull that off in a game.

My dude what Are you talking about when i started playing i was able to set up my ui without even knowing english. Today its litteraly about downloading omni bar, gladius, weakauras. When it comes to weak auras its about seeing something you like and literally copy pasting whole WA. Or whole package.

I dont get what point your trying to make here lol? Im telling you thats how it was for me and theres no lack of videos and testimonials from others and what their experience starting WoW as a newcomer is like and your answer is simply to say “no its not I had no issues”. Then good for you doesnt change that WoW especially pvp is extremely unwelcoming and overly complicated to the majority of new players.

Its not about me not having issues. Its rather you choosing wrong approach to the issue.

Ye you dont need but if you dont you are immediately in disadvantage , its like you play cs go and everyone have wall hacks except you , even if you better than them you gonna loose ,doesnt matter if you better than them or worse they will have the advantage . So ye you NEED . unless you play completely for fun and you dont care if you getting clapped all games ,but i am sure most of players are competitive thats why they joining ranks and fun part its up the rating .

thats the thing. u are accustomed to all these things by playing for long.
people who are new to wow are completely lost and for most of em it takes a very long time to be comfortable in pvp.

i agree with u, one shoudnt watch guides for other classes. but newcomers dont even know how the offensive/defensive cd’s of other speccs are called or what the icons look like. so obviously they need to invest time to learn about those.

i have friends who play as long as me but they are pve’ers. even they cant put up with all the stuff they need to learn/know to not get rolled in pvp.
when i look back i started playin rated pvp consistently in SL and it took me countless hours spamming 2s, watching streams and thinkin about the game to get better. new people who are not already in love with the game simply cba with all this.

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