My experience as new pvp player

i made it to 2,400 as arms at solo shuffle without addons after 1,350 rounds.
The pvp is so unwelcome and so hard for new players that, no new player will try it or put so much effort, there are other games easier, that you just install them and imidiatly enjoy.

I started at shadowlands , where i played maybe 1 month doing only rated battlegrounds ended up 1550 and gave up.
Started again at Dragonflight where i dedicated myself more at pvp made it to 1800 solo shuffle ,i believe by luck .
My goal was to hit 2000 rating and it felt impossible. So I decided at the last season I would give it one last try and if I don’t make it I will quit.
So I started watching tons of YouTube videos, streams, add tons of addons, learning to optimize them, just thousands of hours just so I can able to play… and started practicing at 3v3 at low cr. In the end I was not playing… I was looking at thousands of icons witch I had no idea what they are, trying to look my available skills my health bar my allied healthbar my enemy healthbar my position my healer position who got stunned my teammates offensive , defensive enemies offensive .defencive and i just watching a million icons that i know someone pressed something but i have no idea what this icon is doing… and top of that trying to press 22- 30 skills with 10 fingers . i was ending up losing my character in a corner hitting a wall and looking thousands of unknown icons. then I said F** it to myself I don’t know how other people making 360 with their eyes every 2 seconds and have extra 10 fingers to press every skill, I not made for this …
in order to do well you must know all the skill icons of enemies and what they do . So I said to myself I do it without addons and if I don’t reach my goal I give up and just go for more casual games. so im happy i made it only using bigdebuffs and ton of time sitting at quene insted of playing .
So why pvp i dead?
who new player will put so much effort to learn everyskill of all classes spend time to instal and optimize this addons and manage to press 30 keys ,no man will waste so much time as i did , when they just can go diffrent game just download and play .
My fast fix - ban all these addons, put visible effects on offensive and defensive skills
(like become red, blue, visual effects), lower the amount of skills, 15 is enough…
not everygame must be e-sport, make it a little more random more casual, easier to play, .
at 3v3 u cant find teams to play everyone is asking for exp, no new player is welcome its all the old veterans who still play the game. this is my opinion , thanks for reading ,


i mean if you want to reach above average ratings (2400 like you), you need to invest more time than the average player.
Especially if you want to get to the top %.
This obviously involves alot of learning, watching and playing like in every single game.

I agree that the standard UI is not enough. If blizz implements something like gladius, bigdebuffs and omnibar it should be enough for 99% of the players.


my opinion is in other games you can play and enjoy it and reach the top without using 3d partys and spending thousands of times at youtube , you just play it , i went supreme at cs just playing , diamond at league just playing , its easy to learn and harder to master. in wow i spended 1000 hours of watching youtube and learning addons and keybandings just to be ready to play . i cant see new players starting and keep playing it its too hard and i love the game i would love to see it one day full of pvp players

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I kinda feel like wow pvp asks too much

But on the other hand, I prefer it this way, difficult and deep
All new projects are limited to 8 button tops, personally I think there should be at least wow that is a bit more than a moba+

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i see your point and i also now that i manage to pressing all the 25 buttons is enjoyable ,but does it help to grow new players and keep them play, or it can be done with 8 - 15 buttons and the game grow . my opinion is the complex so is hight that a casual player dont have time and dont want to give so much effort to learn just so he can able to play , when he can choose different game more easier to play with and the same difficult to master .

Actually you can do exactly the same in wow - just spam que which is the best way to get better. Yes you need gladius + omni bar however in the end its about playing. If you learnt abilities of 100 champs in lol then its not that hard to learn like idk 5 abilities that matter for each class?
Also dont forget its only a game, play it for fun. I Guess everyone has different definition of Fun however personally i have like 20% w/l in lol yet i’m having Fun and i couldnt care less if i play in silver or plat if i get boosted. Actually having goals usually results in lose of motivation after reaching them so you Will probably quit anyway after getting 2,4.

i aggree with you everyone has different definition of Fun , so this topic is not for the players who are here just for fun . its for the majority of players who playing and want to improve and become better and get rewarded for this, they pushing for their rating for the cool transmoge for the mount etc… that is why the games are designet when you accomplish something it give you the dopamine . the difference between the 100 abilities of league is you can see them , you visually see the ulties and everyskill its coming, you dodge them you punish them… after 3 games against same champ you already know his abilities, carefull for his stun dodge his spear blink his ulti etc… even in 5v5 where are tons of abilities you can see whats its going on and who did what . in wow, warrior maybe killing you with his avatar open and u dont know just because you was to busy looking down in the screen who used defencives and you didnt noticed that avatar icon in the right corner under his icon . my opinion the gameplay is to track full of bunch small icons isntead of playing , im 2.400 witch make me in top 1% ? if i am not wrong ,and even still if i watch arena stream i have no idea whats going on . and you as a silver player at league im sure you can watch a player streaming or a tournament and even tho you not challenger its so easy for you to watch it and understand whats happening and who did awesome play and who not .

When I was “young” in arena I used only Bartender and X-pearl, something 15 specs where viable in pvp and classes had like 10 spells (?). The game was different. At that time that’s all I needed to get up to high % in arena.
The game has changed, for better or worse, (i still enjoy it) but Blizz has done nothing until df to handle the number of stuff you have to track.
I think arena is not there to have fun, but to challenge yourself and push to the extreme (rn the extreme is too much tho). I find more fun in bgs rn. So to whoever starts in pvp and wants to just enjoy good fights and play with some tactic I always give the advice to start from Bgs.

No it doesn’t.
Causals can go play GW2 or MOBAs. WoW is the only complex MMORPG with good PvP, I don’t want it to become dumb and easy like in Legion again.

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What are we waiting for nerf?

Shortest joke ever.

Aren’t you tired of playing the elitist role with your 2.1k peak exp?


Tbh its actually kinda the same, you dont see ashe Q for example, its same as idk Warrior sharpen for example. In both games you can see or predict what is going to happen. The difference is in how you deal with them. While in lol you can see abilities in the air and Dodge them in wow you can see warlock casting chaos Bolt and you can kick/los it or w/e. If you can’t see whats going on then its skill issue. Also when you face any class in wow dont tell me you have no clue what abilities they have, if you get spam sheeped by mage you wont Spawn in next game not remembering you turned into a sheep after he hard casted it.

Obviously he’s Faker and CBA playing low skill ceiling games :smiley:

i disagree ,you comparing me some casters witch everyskill you can see they casting , what about they defencives ? can u see them ? how about rog using evasion and you keep pamping him and you loosing the games cuz you have no addons to tell you he used it , how about you just used colossus smash at bless of protection or at dispersion , as a new player you gonna loose so many games cuz of a skill issue called addons . why the game requires to use a third party to able to keep up and to enjoy it ?

lets be real. for people who are completely new to wow theres a sh*tton to learn.
keybinds, character movement, what every class does, UI, addons, settings, how to get the optimal gear (set, embellishments, stats)… theres just so much beginners dont know of.
pvp especially is very beginner unfriendly. if u have zero clue u get rolled in 3s and shuffle. 2s is better to learn but if ur bad nobody will wanna play with u either.
but ye it is what it is. wow just isnt a 4 button moba but a quite complex game.

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Same I just returned to the game recently to mess around in pvp and WoW the only game I know of where if you want a chance in hell you need to spend countless hours watching guides JUST ON HOW TO SET UP all the various 3rd party addons to a point where you have what you want before you even start playing lol. Then you spend countless more hours watching guides because you dont know what all the other classes and specs do especially since even just patch to patch stuff can change wildly never mind expansion to expansion so theres little established consistent knowledge benefit if you take a break and come back compared to other games.

Unless you are an absolute prodigy with perfect memory and reflexes you will never go above a certain rating because your competition are people that have been playing for years and years if not decades that dont even need to see their bars to know what all their keybinds are and know how to predict and counter what every other class can do because chances are they have numerous alts and have played those as well.

If you want a chance at pushing to the top your basically gonna have to invest years, level most other classes too because nothing helps you understand how to counter a class more than by playing it yourself. And ofc somehow get a stable team which, good luck with that since everyone only wants to play with the players that already have high experience and titles.

I wonder who told you that making it to the top should be easy? In order to be the best you need… well…to be the best I guess


Being better than 97% of all players is not garbage.
If anything, you’re playing the elitist by insinuating that Duelist is garbage tier.

Nah, this is the biggest copium.
In pvp if you wanna reach some decent “ratings” no matter the game (which 2400 in wow isnt low nor casual at all) xou need to invest alot into the game, get the knowledge, skill and mechanics down before you can do that. For some its faster for some its slowee…but no matter what, “instal and immediately enjoy” and simultaneously winning wont happen in any game.

You can install and enjoy wow too…boost to max lvl and que arenas, you will get deleted, but you can play instantly and enjoy…

All that beign said…wow pvp is very hard to start with, that part i do agree with. Players are just way too far with skill levels when it comes to pvp.

Actually usually yes you can. You even mentioned dispersion which completely changes your model. Same with ice block etc. Few years ago people had to play without addons at blizzcon yet they made it work.
Actually check some older pvp movies such as reckful 1, check how many addons he had and tell me how is it possible he was able to see people used their stuff. If you can’t see bop without addons its skill issue.

You need like 3 addons how exactly do you need countless hours to set up a gladius or omni bar? Even if you want some weak auras which in most cases you dont need you simply import them with zero effort.

I rly wonder what guides you watch. Have you tried learning by playing?

There were only few patches that would rework classes and that rework was adding 1 new spell or deleting a honor talent. Actually classes have been kinda the same for last 10 years when it comes to their toolkit.

This is the same for every game tho?

Well first you need to level ,i get it its mmo ,as long as it wont take weeks its kinda fun part , not for me , but many others , then you must to farm gear , craft gear , and once you ready to join pvp … oh wait … boom !you need to install a third party programs so you wont be disadvantage with other players , and ye you cant just install them you must learn and spend time to tweak them from so many options because you dont want to overload your screen with bunch of ussless buffs or spells,if i didnt fell in love with the game, i would just say i can install cs.go press play and thats it . witch other game require you to install other programs so you wont be in disadvantage? . Anyway my point of the topic is, the game stuck at his old ways , the game is living from the old and veteran players , the pain i went threw just so i can enjoy and compete at pvp no other new player will willing to endure .