My Experience in Retail WoW and the Struggles of Feral Druid in PvE

I started playing retail during Dragonflight after years of playing private servers, primarily Cataclysm and Pandaria. I was a huge Feral Druid fan and achieved rank one multiple times on those servers. When I bought a new PC, I decided it was time to jump into retail and explore new adventures. Guess which class I chose? Feral, of course! Leveling up was fun, and it felt great to be strong, but things changed once I hit max level.

I began doing Mythic+ dungeons and raids, but I was struggling. Feral wasn’t in the best shape, and I wasn’t performing well. However, I thought maybe I was the problem, so I decided to learn more about the class in Dragonflight. When Season 2 arrived, I dived into Mythic+ but faced a sad reality: nobody was inviting me to their keys. As a Feral player, I had to run my own keys. Despite the struggle, I reached a 3k IO score, but deep down, I wasn’t satisfied. The damage I was doing, especially in Mythic+ and raids, was lackluster.

Season 3 came, and I was hyped. I saw top streamers like Psybear and Max talking about Feral being a top spec, so I gave it another shot. This time, my performance improved, but I still faced the same problem—no invites to Mythic+ groups. I had to do my own keys again. By the end of Season 3, I reached an IO score of 3,150. Still, my raid performance was struggling. My best performance in the last raid was 83.9, which felt underwhelming for the effort I was putting in.

For me, Dragonflight was my first experience in retail WoW, and I’d say it was decent for a new player. However, by the time Season 4 came around, I had to step away due to real-life priorities. When The War Within launched, I returned to the game. It’s been fun, and my class is performing better in raids, but in Mythic+, I’m still doing my own keys. I’ve reached a score of 2,957, and my goal is to hit 3k or higher, but it’s hard with pugs.

The purpose of this message is to ask Blizzard to please do something for Feral Druids. We’re really struggling in PvE content, especially compared to other classes. I’m hoping you will consider a full rework for Feral, as it’s a class that many of us love deeply. We may not be the largest community, but we’re passionate, and we want to see Feral thrive.

Please, we’re asking for your help.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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