Hello, I will try not to give out to many negatives here as I generally think DH is enjoyable to play regardless of its short comings.
I’m just what many would call a filthy casual when it comes to gaming these days, I work a full time job and don’t spend half as long on here as I used to back 10 years ago now. So take my opinions with a pinch of salt ;).
As I said over all I feel its really fun to play. The night fae ability The hunt is really cool, and I like how you can spec sight stealther’s who are unaware of it, and hit them with it xD. Damage wise I do feel it is kinda lacking in some respects, like being able to do decent single target affectively. But for the most part its not super bad. I have the chaos strike legendary and feel it can be a little lacking at times. I once went an entire arena without a single proc which didn’t feel really legendary to me . Last night I managed to get 1400 rating with my mate ( yay right…) in arena’s and I was pretty chuffed when I finally got there. But boy didn’t it half take a while. My mate is playing holy paladin and has mostly 220 gear and he kept saying to me " Dude your soo squishy, its really hard to heal you at times" To which I’d say. Well I do what I can to survive". I press blur, I use darkness. I even tried the talent to increase the blur reduction by 10% and passive proc on 35% hp. We mostly would struggle vrs warrior/monk/paladin + healer teams, with rogue/mage feeling like an instant loss every time. One time a rogue killed me on his own in one opening because I wanted to see if I could survive without using a trinket. 31k hp gone within 3-5s or something. Pretty incredible damage they got.
I remember thinking to myself, wow rogues are pretty brutal. When facing warrior and monk teams I felt like I was hitting like a wet noodle compared to the sort of numbers they was putting out. It got frustrating at times because I would always very nearly kill them or a healer, but the warrior saved his healer with intervene I think at 4% hp and my damage was doing nothing. And most times vrs a monk he would simply just output more damage than me and apply more pressure than my 4 min dps cooldown metamorphosis I’d try using. Ret paladins where another kettle of fish. Trying to kill them or their healer was pretty hard. I’d get his healer low and he would throw out some mad off healing, or If I got him low he’d bubble, then get full healed up. Then I’d get him low again and boom another shield proc’s ( not sure what its called ). But i’m normally dead before that happens in most cases because damage seems to radiate from them. 100% to 0 in seconds out of nowhere. I ended up installing that mod that gives me an audio que when big cooldowns are used to help me time my defensives. It helped somewhat but even though I’d use them in time I seem to get squished on, or I’ll try running away and using felrush along with nightfae blink but 9 times out of 10 it was pointless.
The games I did win I felt like I had to really work hard for them. But overall was rewarding because of how difficult it was. But it don’t change how frustrating it got at times. I am quite a calm and relaxed person when it comes to games, and I enjoy a little competitive gaming. But sometimes I really felt like, what is the point in even trying vrs this comp. Because the outcome was quite common on a lot of match-ups. And we was seeing a lot of the same class comps a LOT.
Now I aint here to tell the dev’s hey look you need to buff this or buff that or fix this or fix that etc… But from my person experience there is some work that needs to be done to the class to help it a bit. I don’t have time to be rerolling to another class to try and get higher rating. That to me feels bad, because I picked demon hunter for the lore of the class and the play style is fun.
Anyways I know most of you will laugh and call me noob etc… that’s cool and your very much entitled to your opinion. But was just giving some feedback from a casual player. Since a see a lot of talk blizz only listens to the casuals these days right LOL?
GL HF, thanks for stopping by.