My feedback since I'm not allowed to reply to blue Post

It is a complete mystery to me that hunters are not able to answer to a feedback on hunters but here we are.

I will not be talking about survival in any way shape or form as I never played the spec since it became a melee spec.


  • Hero Talents: Dark ranger and Sentinel are complete snore fest be it damage wise, originality wise, flavor wise and interactivity wise. I think you just read “Bring back black arrow” a lot and called it a day after 2 hours of thinking on how it could compliment MM but as it stands, it doesn’t. I like how Pack leader interacts with a pet focused game play more even if interactivity is still lackluster.

  • Visuals and SFX: Don’t you think is about (damn) time that hunter earned some love visual wise? I know we’re shooting arrows and sending doggies to bite ankles but you can make it look better and (more specifically) SOUND better. The only sound effects I find acceptable are kill command and kill shot. Shakram had a cute effect (I liked glaive toss more but whatever) but you removed that too on the account of button gloat (?) maybe in MM but BM don’t have a lot of button to press in standard rotation.

  • Talents:

  1. Tactical Reload is still an awful talent. Can’t say anymore, it’s just bad.
  2. AOE MM tree is really awkward as things we want like Salvo is on the opposite side of Barrage and it forces us to go the middle way to get it. Some redistribution might be needed.
  3. Venom’s bite: While I applaud the return of poison in BM, the refresh ability was poorly chosen, it’s not like you had a more flavorful ability to choose from. (Cobra shot perhaps?)
  4. Explosive venom: WHY 5??? Is it a kink of the hunter development team to restrain hunter behind the number 5? (Same for trick shot target limit)
  5. Implosive trap: Very nice design choice, finally a proper cc on hunters, oh wait 90s Cd. Again why?
  6. Call of the wild: We shouldn’t have to go so deep in a tree for a proper burst ability. The same spot as trueshot would feel better and not leave ST BM hunter sacrificing a good ST talent to get it. On the same note, all Kill command synergy for BM are spread around on the bottom of the tree, perhaps focus it somewhere?
    7: Multi shot (BM only) can you, hum, please buff the damage of this for BM? It’s kinda ridiculous.
  • Flavor: Dark Ranger and sentinel were demanded by hunter for a while as a flavor and visual possibility, not necessarily talents. Especially talent that bring almost no visual effects (Dark ranger). I have many other complaints about the hunter in general. The two legendary bows (only bows?) were … Meh? Thoridal was a wonderful weapon with a quirky little ammunition and animation that looked nice. Sylvanas’ weapon? Yikes … Worse damage wise than a random rogue dagger, no real animation, skin looked okay at best … The mail transmogs are some of the worst in the game except (obviously) shaman specific sets. Hunters could really REALLY use some love.

  • Utility: Again hunters bring little to nothing to the table, we have a few stun there, cc here … But ALL of them worse than most of redundant abilities in other classes. Hunters always feel so limited in what they can bring. Aspect of turtle is not really an immune. Tranq shot is not really a dispel (it doesn’t dispel all stacks). CDs are sooooo long on almost all of our abilities. Aspect of cheetah 3min CD? It’s not even a raid wide ability and it has 3 times more CD than a druid’s roar (if talented). Please bring those numbers down and give us something unique to help.

If anyone read this completely, thanks for your patience.


Maybe because you’re a ranged that cannot be interrupted while casting idk. Maybe its just me.

Thats entirely just you. Hunter is among my favourite solo pvp spec entirely because its so self sufficient and u can always do something.

Druids Roar has 2 min cd. Anyone who plays the 1 min cd talent is either a fool or a newbie whos gonna loose on essencial traits by picking this one.
For example: There 2 ways to have it reduced to 1 min. One way is via the druid tree and the other way is from a pvp talent. Taking the tree talent you loose Renewal or 100k absorb or Well-honned instincts (the auto Frenzied Regen) or PvP talents slot ,which again nobody would invest in.

“Bring nothing to the table”?
How about one of, if not THE best burst AoE in the game (at least on Marksman).
Now with Implosive Trap we have a really nice on demand AoE knock up, Tar Trap has a root instead of a slow, we got a ranged stun with Intimidate that doesnt even use a pet anymore, a reliable buff removal in Tranq Shot, and possibly the BEST survivability of all classes, except maybe rogue.

A class that brings nothing to the table is warrior, lets be realistic.

Aoe Burst is not a utility, it is a nice niche for sure and I take a lot fun from it, but it has very little to do with utility.
Regarding an exploive trap, it’s an extremely unreliable knock back in pve, that can cause more harm than good as it throw adds in all diferent directions, when most of the time you want to have adds stacks for cleave and aoe stops. I don’t know what fantasy world you are living in but even majority of MM hunters rarely use explosive trap except for niche scenarios, other hunter specs probably ignore it all the time as it’s choice node with intimidation. With the introduction of of petless intimidation, explosive trap will probably become a dead pve talent unless fixed.
Regarding improved intimidation, it stuns up to 3 targets, when even on higher keys normal pulls are around 5 mobs or more, so you won’t stun everyone, making this unreliable aoe stun at best.

Tar trap has nice niche uses, but mostly as a slow, not root. the root gets cancelled upon damage and with typical aoe damage of m+ group root barely lasts 1 second.

Survability has been greatly boosted, that’s for sure, added with Dark Ranger Smoke talents hunters can become an exceptionally sturdy class both in a pvp and pve.

Warriors bring +5% attack power buff and reliable aoe stun. Probably something else, I am yet to study that class in details.

To conclude, hunter a class still has utility issue. I am currently around 525 ilvl with 2.8k rating and 90% of the time I get invited into pugs because the group doesn’t have BL and I am the only one among people in queue who has BL buff.
And ofc I till have to summon my bloody pet, waste around 5-6 seconds on summoning unsomming and lose my 10% damage buff for 20 seconds or so.

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I did not mean Explosive Trap, I wrote IMplosive Trap. It’s newly implemented and knocks adds into the air instead of knocking them away.
Neither Explosive, nor Implosive Trap, are a choice node with Intimidate, they are the new capstone talents and are a choice node with each other…
You must have not seen the current Hunter Class Talent Tree iteration my friend.

I wouldnt even bother summoning/unsummoning my pet rright now, as Lone Wolf only gives a 5% dmg buff right now.

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I had the same issue, if you have the Epic edition just try logging out and log back in.
That was the fix for me.

You’re only mentioning the PVP side of the hunter, which I do not care for.
MM cannot cast Aimed shot (Main spell) while moving so you’re just plain wrong there.
Talented roar is often taken when required in PVE content which I’m focusing on.

Warriors bring:

  • Raid wide HP buff - Only personal for hunter
  • Immense execute potential - Kill Shot is only good on MM if talented
  • Continuous AOE damage - MM has 45s cd on volley, Multi shot is useless on two targets and we are hard capped at 5 targets AOE.
  • Physical damage buff (Unique) - Please don’t talk about hunter’s mark …

Ew pve andy mad he cant play his wallmart comercial scripted screen play.

Low quality bait, do better next time.

Oh yeah, sorry, I missed that most recent fix where they introduced the implosive trap, thanks for pointing to that!
Implosive trap seems indeed like a powerful aoe stop that we needed. Although 1.5 min compared to Dh’s chaos nova 45 sec or priest’s psychic scream 30 sec seems a bit too long. But that’s already a huge step in the right direction so you can disregard all my talk about explosive trap and intimidation.

The rest of my points remain valid though. As for Lone Wolf, 5% damage buff is still big a deal, especially in aoe scenarios where pet’s damage contribution will be abysmally low. On top of that Lone Wolf isn’t just about doing more damage, it’s about a playstyle that allows to play without a pet, which many MM hunters enjoy.


I hate to summon pet as the hunter do not make me do this EVER I hate this gross and bad ! Illegala

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