My fellow Wow veterans

PvP IS difficult. Keep in mind that Duelist is about top 3% of the ladder. I’m currently in the top 300 players of my specialization as of writing this.
I’ve been playing WoW for over 10 years, and Mistweaver exclusively for 7 years.
It’s only natural that I perform well, even with very little game time.

pvp is not difficult it’s just so mind numbly boring that very few care about it thus the number on the ladder is low :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m 41 and i’ve played wow from the start across several regions started on NA though personally I don’t care about the “end game” the 3 pillars can go to Diablo hell for all i care :smiley: I care about the “world” in world of warcraft sadly the devs don’t :confused:


41 here!

Single so i spend my time and money to Job, WoW, Funko Pop!

I avoid PvP cause it’s kinda boring and toxic atm all other WoW content i’m in!

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But that’s why you keybind them to your liking. Everything is customizeable in that regard.

For an example i put abilities that have long cooldowns further away than my spenders and builders.
Personally i use 1-5 on the keyboard for regular damage abilities, 1-3 always being builders and ST, and 3-5 for AOE. 6-12 on the mouse for damage abilities not used as much and buffs/debuffs.

Then Q,E for spenders aka buttons i mash all the time.
Then i use R, T ,F ,G, V also a combination of Shift so
SQ, SE for defensives V and SV for self heals and healing.

Ergonomic keybinds is simply a must, as well as correct height and proper posture.
Also mouseover marcos and a weakaura that adds a circle around my cursor so it’s easily trackable.

I have my own love/hate relation with addons. But the fact is, retail is just designed with them in mind, especially the powerful ones.

Well, I am nearly 80 years old and I have been playing video games since the first day there was such a thing. This was back in the 1980s. I have been playing WOW since day one and I still play almost every day.

But I have to say there are many things in the game that do not interest me and I never do them. I never play PvP, I rarely do dungeons or raids. Most of the time I play as PvE and as a lone wolf. The Hunter has always been my favourite, but I also love Warriors. I like to just wander around in PvE steadily levelling up to see how high I can get without getting killed. I have high level characters that have never been killed. I think I am a good player.

I doubt that I will ever stop playing WOW. Unless another game comes along that I enjoy more.

So that’s me. Happy hunting guys.

Bearwulf. (I do have much higher lvl chars than this.)


Hi im 35 and i have used a keybind mouse it worked like a charm for 3 years and then same old same old XD
age is getting to me

Its an absolute honour to meet you <3

36 here been playing on and off since panda land been getting into it more and more recently wow actually keeps me sane believe it or not lol

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I notice getting older more when I get up too fast and my body doesn’t agree but I’ve yet to notice it ingame luckily.


lucky for you

52 here… absolutely banging it. I dont get into any toxic stuff, Raids, m+ or PVP, doctor told its bad for my Blood pressure… i have a guild who are kind enough to carry me. apart from that im loving this expansion

All of this is entirely true but also so far removed from the game that you’re taught by the game.

Regarding the cursor you can actually make it ridiculously huge. Good enough for me.

But I mean you’re right. You can fix all this stuff. You can change every key bind and delete half the default UI and replace it with better stuff, but how in the world do you figure all that out as a new player? I mean the hill to climb is just beyond comprehension.


Also teaching new players about Weakaraus, which has become a mandatory system in this game. Someone has to explain it to them, and that can be a learning curve.

Since I play on US, I saw a new player ask Trade chat why people were talking about Washington State (WA is the state abbrevation). Why are you downloading a state? I was like… oh.


Thank you.

Yeah, we rely a lot on 3rd party websites. I like to think of myself as a “new player” still, but i’ve been playing for 5 years now :smile:

I still remembered when i began playing in BFA though.
As someone who never had followed WoW or played it before, i just wouldn’t have made it without Youtube guides, WoWhead and so forth.

Then later i began to do M+ and suddenly started realizing there is a lot to keep track of.
So i learned about Elvui, and thought “Neat, it looks kinda like the FFXIV UI”

Then i learned about details to keep track of my damage and others, as well as other resources.
Then of course Weakauras.

And from there on, if i had a problem. I learned to just search for an addon, or weakaura. 90% of the time you’ll find something that matches, or closely to.

The whole addon debate is a whole different discussion though.

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I didn’t start playing this game at launch but in Pandaria. But been playing other games for years. I’m now 43 with two kids under 7. I have a nine-to-five job and marriage and your typical ‘normal life’. I also lift weights and exercise multiple times a week.

After any hamster wheel of a day me and my husband take turns putting the kids to bed in the evening and then we play WoW most nights of the week. We have a very active guild we have been to for years. Our kids are 4 and 7 so we don’t play games often when they’re awake; there’ll come a day when they’re cooped up in their rooms as teenagers when you never see them so better hang around with them now that we can :slight_smile:

On my main (with the guild) I always go for curve. Now we currently are on early mythic progression. I also tend to get KSM at least and then just see how I feel grinding them keys to any necessary point level and afterwards just laidback runs for the vault.

Right yeah I’ve also loved pvp, did some laidback arenas last season.

Personally I feel like I’m still the same person that I always was (always 20 at heart), just chilling and gaming with a few beers. Now there’s also just this adulting thing with kids, and beers are mainly during weekends only :smiley:

I don’t see any need to change any aspect related to gaming, I assume I will still be playing something when I’m in a nursing home. I know that my reflexes are not the same as a 16 year old’s but I make it work as a healer still. I hope I can keep healing years to come!

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I’m way below 30 (Some might say I’m closer than I would like but…) but I get the idea of leaving home at 7 to get back at 7, having a mortage and doing IRL stuff or just playing other games.

Regarding classes paces, I think it’s fine but I’m a guitar player so moving fingers fast is not an issue for me.

However, from a “macro” standpoint (or just general game design) I felt like I just couldn’t keep the pace with bfa and SL daily grinds and I’m really glad they’re gone (and hopefully for ever). It’s nice that DF is more about consuming at one’s pace rather than silly timegates without proper catching up.

well, I’m 72 and started WoW when i was 54 - not at all “hardcore” player in this game, just relax and solo PvE mostly. I raided 3 nights a week for about 12 years in a game called Everquest and I think I’m all raided out from that, now I enjoy exploring stuff and raising lots of characters.

To be honest I’m not sure my reactions were ever all that good, even back in the early days of computer games (and the first game I played was on a mainframe computer that filled a room back in 1972) - been playing games (and a little programming) ever since.

There’s different ways of having fun in WoW - its a big game and can accomodate different playing styles and goals. I do it my way.


Huge W sir
Particularly the Stress-free job
we won’t look at the hours

I am 44 here, I jush wish i had the same stamina/chi and interest or body/mind i had when i was 20, 25 or even 30 but here we are. If not for my tenacity and faith it would be very harsh and I may still get older and older.

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