My first complain in 12 years

So for the first time in 12 years I finaly came to the point where I post a complain and my reason is the new way to level up professions.
The crafting order system needed for the last levels is not good at all and as my age make me slower and my eyes starts to make things blurry in raids and battlegrounds, working with professions was one thing that made me enjoy the game by beeing the crafter of our guild.
With the new system it looks like I got to retire even from crafting, so what’s left to do is to hang out in Orgrimmar telling old Barrens jokes.
Please look in to this as this is something a lot of ppl complain over in a expac that lifted the game in all other ways

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Okay…so what’s your complaint exactly?


I guess the same as of everybody else: insanely dumb design of profession levelling.

In every expansaion before, you could at least reach max level, even if you could not get the high game end receipes, like from raids, doing insane things, and others.

Now we have so many specialisation, way to craft things, but most of it locked because many of the crafting professions are locked at about lvl 55, because there are no crafting ordes to do that would level you up.

And the consequecies are stacking up: you getting left behind, because you can’t craft high quality gear because you profession level is not max, and as it’s going forward, the chances are gettin lower and lower. The only thing you can do, is to level up alts, get the sparks from the quests, collet the primal soulbing crafting material, and make personal orders to the character you want to max out, and those alts will reach max level with darkmoon quest in about 2 years, when the new expac will start (if it will start…)

Other mmos like Amazons’s New World tried this, that crafting stations level were based on the activity of the server’s community, but it didn’t worked out. I don’t minf if rare crafting reagents needed for high tier crafting gears are dropped from hc-mythic raids, +20 keys, rated pvp, if you let me level up my profession to the max, so I can do things not important for hardcore gaming, like toys, pets, etc.

not quite shour what you you complainging exacly , leveling you profession above 50 is so you can make gear for super hardcore you just said you dont care about , so what is your problem exacly ?

The recipes are quite cheap and you’re supposed to level it by crafting stuff for others.

Those materials can only be provided by the buyer, so YOU don’t need to farm any of them.
Just to be clear: I don’t think the current system is well implemented (or that it can be within the context of WoW) but the arguments people are making against it are flat out incorrect, and the only thing they tell blizzard is that this community is not worth listening to.

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Thank you.

Thank you kindly.

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