My friend did all hc dungeons 8x didn't get ring at vendor,mailbox or inventory at all

Boosted my friend through all 8 hc dungeons and she didn’t get the timerunner ring anywhere and it doesn’t show up on vendor and she got the achievement. Yes she is level 70

There’s 9 dungeons to do for the dungeon achievement. Maybe that’s the problem.

Also, Timerunner’s Ring is for doing 6 Heroic Scenarios.

Timerunner’s Seal is for doing 9 Heroic Dungeons.

You need to buy the trinkets/rings/neck on alts after you get the achievement on main, it costs 10 bronze each. See the gem vendor in the Infinite Bazaar.

I bought them from the vendor on alts but also got them in the mail as duplicates if I did the achievements again.

Isn’t it the other way round? The first time you get the achievement you need to buy it, but on alts it’s mailed?

I’m fairly sure it’s the opposite yeah. You get it on the main through the achievement, then you buy it on alts.

Same here, did all the HCs, no achievment no ring ;_;

You are on an alt or main?
If on an alt, you have to buy the ring/neck/trinkets for 5 bronze
Also, I now this is a bit IT- or helpline-like question, but have you checked the achivement and it shows you complated them…?
For example I’ve seen so many people leaving after heroic Thunder King I can’t even count, totally forgeting there is one extra raid boss to complate on HC the raid, Ra-Den

I just checked the achievement page on this guy, it hasn’t credited me for: Niuzao Temple and Mogushan Vaults on the HC dungeons achievement. Yet the Achievements are complete on my Dungeons page. So I think I am bugged…

Try complating one of them and see if it cheks, if yes, the other one too
If both, they you are clear to go
If either of them will not registered as complated then THAT will be the one that is bugged and you will knwo what to actually report in your ticket!
I hope you can complete the achi!