My ideal gearing system

Indeed not. The problem is that a lack of unique items has caused a huge swirl of similar functioning and similar sounding items each existing in so many thousands of varieties that nobody knows anything about them and the concept of their existence as something that occurs in the Warcraft lore or universe becomes completely alien - thus hearing about them is uninteresting. It lacks the coolness-factor.

But when you want to talk about what item you get or want to tell rumours about that cool item, then you do use the name, because that’s how language works.

That’s what makes items interesting and exciting in a social environment. It is one of the pivotal differences between World of Warcraft and Diablo 3. In Diablo 3, what they have done here makes perfect sense. Here, it doesn’t.

There will be item level. It just won’t be presented to the user because it only causes confusion. It ranks items by power incorrectly and, given that, nobody will miss it.

Yes. Yes, that’s exactly what I want.

I want higher level item to feel distinct from lower level items. I want the excitement of going into a new tier to get new gear that’s different from what you had, instead of going “Well I had my BiS. Now it’s time to farm it again because Blizz just made my M+ 19 capable character capable of only M+ 9.” The current system does that and that, to my mind, makes it garbage.

You can change the droprate or material requirements or introduce quests to make them more rare. That’s not difficult to comprehend and has been a staple of the genre for over 40 years.

Already does. If I really really need haste and crit but get mastery and versa it’s a letdown.

This is a problem that is not solved because it cannot be solved. There will always be a best item. In both systems it is clear what the best item is. The only difference is that in my system there’s a reasonable expectation that you will actually get that really BiS item before the season ends - something that never happens today.

I know you don’t. I know you’ve completely forgotten about the lore and context of all the items in such a cool and historic location.

That’s what I’m aiming to change. NOTHING cool dropped in The Eternal Palace. It may look like Naga gear but it sure doesn’t feel like it.

My 15 years of experience with this game tells me you’re wrong. There have been many cases of choices between movement speed and other stats, and movement speed was often popular.

Some stats should not appear on some slots, yes. I don’t want to see chest pieces or helmets with speed on them. That’s nonsense. Leggings, boots, maybe a trinket, etc.

That’s your choice. You’re not correct about it unless you seek only burst. If you want the overall highest healing, you got for a mix of both, because it scales polynomially - just like the current stats. But there’s a difference! In this case, the choice between the two changes your type of output, not just your output. Pick +max mana for more sustain or pick +healing for higher burst. Pick both for a balance that’s overall stronger but weaker in each aspect individually.

I meant across the entire gear slot.

Large values can be a problem regardless of what the stat is. That’s the whole point of scaling power… if you scale it too much, the characters become too powerful and break the game. That has nothing to do with my proposal whatsoever.

This is categorically incorrect.

Yes, they finally figured out how powerful to make Stamina. Only screamed about it for 10 years. Figured it wouldn’t take dumbing the entire gearing system down to achieve though (and it doesn’t).

Average sim length won’t help you on the 10 minute marathon boss or the 2½ minute DPS check boss :slight_smile:

Incorrect. Things are appended to the loot table. The overall number of items by names will be larger, maybe twice as large by the end of the expansion, but it’s not going to have around 400 items x (475-315)/5 intervals x yes/no socket x 19 corruption effects/none x 3 strengths x 5 different tertiary = 9.216.000


Why should I have to tell you this? Wouldn’t Seabreeze be a bit cooler if I could just say “Yaay! I got Seabreeze” instead of “Yaaay, I got Seabreeze 475 + socket. No corruption though but still kindda yaaaaay!”

Blizzard have openly said they don’t want people to run content they’ve exhausted in the context of world quests, but they do want it with raids, but they design them so they’re immediately irrelevant because mythic difficulty items become available from normal mode difficulty bosses.

I suggest they make up their mind. I’ve offered one way to do it: Don’t ask people to play content they’ve already played to death and, if you do, at least spice things up a bit.

You do realize we are talking about 2020 Blizzard? The main problem with XForge or Corruption systems isn’t lack of flavor or lore. We can add flavors and lore but after we get a fixed gearing system in WoW. People are begging Blizz not to break the game even more in Shadowlands and they don’t even dream about flavor and lore at this point.

If the game isn’t broken and is fun to play. Right now we are at the broken part… and still there always will be filler gear. Shadowlands will have craftable legendaries and lore about the Helm of Domination and Frostmourne. Those selected items will be recognizable and lore heavy. Filler gear much much less.

There is very fine line between gear sets we have in WoW and what people like and what aRPG like Diablo offer. There there is ton of sets, bonuses and synergies.

So you will hide ilvl but when I compare two items I will see one has 100 int, the other 110 int so the second one is stronger, has higher ilvl. And with rings I would have to manually or via addon sum two secondary stat it has to see which ring has more of them. Hiding ilvl doesn’t solve much (plus it’s used in PUGs to filter based on content difficulty level etc.).

You do realize LFR heroes are going to melt down how elitist and toxic that is? :wink:

ilvl inflation is part of any expansion. Even Classic had it. It’s not fun that mythic gear becomes normal but there isn’t really any better way right now to make raid tiers so that progressing gives reward. Jumping between tiers the gear must improve else what reward and incentive will you give? As you can see in MMORPG studies like

Players were highly motivated by the Achievement component and Immersion showed to be the weakest motivating component

Achievement consists of three subcomponents:

  • Advancement : The desire to gain power, progress rapidly, and accumulate in-game symbols of wealth or status.
  • Mechanics : Having an interest in analyzing the underlying rules and system, in order to optimize character performance.
  • Competition : The desire to challenge and compete with others

In short gearing system must satiate players lust for power and glory. Their ilvl, damage/healing numbers, feats of strength, achievements must go up.

People are lazy, people are greedy and WoW is in a weak state. If game doesn’t give people what they want they will leave. There will be craftable legendaries in Shadowlands and that should be the hard to get and long path to then upgrade and customize them. Filler gear can’t be so gated.

I also hope we will see a return of faction gear systems like Cenarion Circle and Argent Dawn turn in from Classic. Like if you opt in to one covenant you then can take missions like the Silithus one and in relatively challenging (not dumb-world quest level) mode, maybe even instanced complete them to get tokens to then turn in for one of many actually usable gear items. So that when hardcore players farm and progress through M+ and Raids more casual or alts can have same progression fun in content they like and can do.

Right now secondary stats aren’t that far away from each other. You may still need specific treshold or amount of a secondary stat but that’s a soft curve where as with secondaries that would be multiple times better than others - that’s more aggressive curve.

The question would be why naga gear is compatible with bipedal humanoids?

This exists in Classic not in retail. I played resto shaman and I went for around 75 mp5 on gear and second ~75mp5 from using mana pot on CD and more if needed from runes. Plus oils/pots. On Twin emp I was assigned at tank healing which was 2 healers intersecting low rank heal spam to keep the tank topped off or he could be one-shotted. That was one of if not the most mana intensive fights where more mp5 was desired. On shorter fights or fights with higher amount of raid damage mp5 would loose on value so healers could adapt their gear as needed. In such scenarios mp5 and +healing works.

In retail there are no ranks of spells and no +healing nor + generic mana regen items. There are some mana return enchants and essences but there is no baseline stats on gear for it. Would it be somewhat more interesting to have long raid fights where mp5 can be used and matters? Likely so, would be a high skillcap gearing decision (but pushes more sims and hard theorycrafting) where as high skillcap disc priest can argue it’s not always good to be “high skillcap” in this game.

Right now my M+ healing is around Vivify and Envelop Mists where as raid healing is mostly Essence Font, ReM and then Vivify, often with mana tea in periods of big damage to manage mana (Legion was very good for mana management where you had damage windows to skillfully use such talents).

I can cast vivify. I can’t cast small or big vivify. I can cast more expensive Enveloping Mists but that’s a different spell with different purpose (and interactions with other spells). And I’m not a holy priest…

That doesn’t tell me anything. How much +int does it have? If it’s 2,555 Intellect (445 ilvl), then for me it’s trash.

475 with a socket could be an upgrade for me. It doesn’t have secondaries and bad haste proc but the increase in int and stamina could do it over my current 360 weapon. And a socket to drop a mastery or crit gem, that’s likely a definite, although annoying upgrade.

Even without XForge, corruption or sockets ilvl and secondary stats matter. As you can see I don’t look on the name as name is meaningless in pursue of power. Name could be good for pursue of splendor, fame, glory but not power. If you are one of very few to get something really really hard to obtain then it’s quite an achievement (but there is only a very small amount of things that are the most rare or the most hardest to get).

It’s not irrelevant because Timmy from LFR will run LFR for months to get all those XForges. Guilds will farm and split-run HC on the first 2-3 weeks to get all gear and some XForges for mythic progression. Mythic raids will always have better ilvl or better itemized ilvl than non-mythic raiders fishing XForges. Even as that system wasn’t good from our perspective it was very good from Blizzard to keep people bribed into staying subscribed and farming existing content.

If you won’t bribe people you will get guilds having less and less people show up for a raid as more and more people won’t get anything from it. When tanks need bindings and 3/4 of your guild is already heavily done with MC that’s kind of a problem. Yes, people are lazy, but still, some kind of bribe can do wonders. They had sockets, XForge, Corruption, maybe finally some good non RNG, non-mandatory-grind system will be made.

Honestly, the fact that you start out like this makes me not want to respond.

So I won’t.

Dismissing ideas, whether good or bad, on the basis that Blizzard are stupid… I mean come on. I don’t even know where to begin.

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