My ideal gearing system

Many opinions have been given on this subject. Here is mine.

It might be too late for Shadowlands, but nevertheless I want to get my thoughts out there. I’ve bottled them up and given fragments about them for a long time now…

This gearing system is radically different from the one we have today.

I am not going to talk about the art design. I think Blizzard perfectly know what to do in that regard at this point. The feedback they have gotten has been very clear and concise.

Gear should…

  • be appropriately challenging (or not) to acquire depending on its strength.
  • be understandable.
  • feel as if it belongs in the universe, i.e. characters (not just players!) should be able to understand it at a mythological level.
  • have interesting and varied effects.
  • be fun to tinker with and/or move around.
  • be socially interesting.

Current issues:

  • The mathematics of gear is very complex. The stat scaling changes via what approaches a polynomial function of the other stats you have, making it virtually impossible to tell what is and is not an upgrade and in which situation.
  • Gear has a ton of affixes on it that are completely arcane. They come bottom-up but do not connect top-down.
  • Items feel meaningless. What is the story of the Whispering Eldritch Bow, and why does Prophet Skitra have it?
  • It is not always clear exactly what an item does.
  • When talking about an item, one must talk about how it was acquired.
  • Items state how strong they are, but are always wrong about it. (item level)

Making loot identifiable:
In today’s game, items are very frequently defined in terms of their item level. Whether the equipment you are wearing is powerful or not generally does not depend on which item it is and the history of that item. Instead it depends upon its item level and corruption effect.

This makes gear significantly less socially interesting and harder to understand. If I tell someone that I have Seabreeze, I can have anything from literally one of the best items in the game to literally something I got 2 days after the expansion came out, and which is completely worthless. Nobody bats an eye if I just say Seabreeze.

Instead, I have to say things like “I have Seabreeze with a socket of item level 475 and it has Twilight Devastation of rank 2 on it!”

At this point I am no longer talking about Warcraft. I am talking about game systems.

So how do we solve this?
Simple: There is exactly one version of Seabreeze, or indeed any other item, and if it’s relevant for the current tier, there’s a good chance people know what it is, especially if it’s a good item.

There are no random procs on top. It can’t Titanforge, socket, Warforge, get corruption effects, or anything else like that. The item simply is what it is. Maybe it does have sockets and corruption effects. Good for it.

For me, one of the most exciting items is Hyperthread Wristwraps, because every mage knows what it does, it’s highly sought after, and it really doesn’t scale much with item level.

“But how about Mythic+ and raid difficulties, then?!” you might ask.

Well, what about them? The items already look different in the different raid difficulties. Is it really that weird to just give them different names as well?

As for M+, change the loot table as the key level increases. Every level, a few items leave the loot table and a few new ones come in.

That means some items in each M+ dungeon run may not be exactly the same iLvL as any other, varying within a few item levels, but because of stat scaling, this is no different from today.

With the advent of a new M+ season, do not lower key levels. What’s the point of that anyway? Just extend with new items at higher levels and give people a higher base key level and allow them to drop the key to get lower level items for transmogs if they desire.

If you get feedback that an item that disappears at higher M+ keystones remains BiS, simply extend the possible range in which it can drop.

More unique effects:
If we’re going to have static items, we might as well do something interesting with them, right?

Well, various items can do various things. Today, items have a tendency to be a little generic with the 4 basic stats and the two main stats. It doesn’t have to be this way.

It is perfectly okay to have items that increase the maximum mana pool, or items that make you move a little faster, or items that only have sockets, or items with set bonuses, or items that interact with other items on other players in the vicinity, etc. etc.

An item being unbreakable is kind of boring when it happens on any random item, but if The Scythe of Death is always unbreakable due to the story that Death is eternal and therefore his weapon is, too, then it’s suddenly a really cool attribute. The attribute is not just useful - it weaves a tale in the Warcraft universe by its mere existence.

I think BfA has been doing a better and better job of this over the course of the expansion, but there’s still a long way to go.

Does Haste really have to be one stat? Why can’t we have +critical strike damage on things like gloves or bracers? Why are those just relegated to being “lesser pieces”?

Why can’t items just have a lot of sockets? Why can’t we apply a scroll to an item, similar to enchanting, that actives only when another condition is met - such as enchanting set bonuses?!

Be creative. Stop trying to math your way out of everything. It doesn’t work anyway, as will be looked at shortly. Besides, you always have to tune class DPS after the fact anyway, and you know it. You just did it yesterday.

And I’m just gonna say it: Item sets. Everybody wants them. Maybe have some… different item sets? A little bit of mix-and-match? Who knows. Just don’t do Azerite, that’s too much.

Hide the item level:
As we have had clearly demonstrated over and over again for many expansions now, two items of the same item level are never of the same strength.

Item level is not a useful metric. The item level metric is therefore worthless. Worse still, it is misleading.

Trust the players to find a way to navigate your items. Have item levels internally, sure, but don’t reveal them. We don’t need to know when we know where it dropped (given there is only one version now) and what is unique about it.

Tone down the crazy maths:
You are obviously making items with spreadsheets, and we are solving your items with spreadsheets.

The four basic stats - the staples, if you will… well, they’re boring when they come in these weird quantities. Different kinds of items should have different kinds of stats. This will prevent me from stacking a certain stat to the point where it breaks the game. Sometimes I will have to compare very similar items and purely mathematically find the best one, sure, but it shouldn’t be this often, and I should be able to work it out relatively early on.

Most of the time I should be thinking about what kinds of stats I need in different areas of the game. Maybe +movement speed would be a really useful stat in M+ or PvP? Put it on some leggings and boots and let us pick it!

In this case it’s also clear what the BiS is: There isn’t one! There is no way to quantifiably compare 1.34% haste with 6% increased movement speed. What does that even mean? The only comparison is to work out what you need to defeat an encounter and equip the appropriate item. But there are BiS lists in certain aspects of the game. I have goals to work around! I have BiS lists. How many can I collect? Who knows, but it’s fun to find out!

This gets you all the “interesting gear” and “gear fiddling” and “moving things around” that you say is so much fun, and it is, without all the math.

People will still sim, but there’s a good chance they’ll stop “obsessively simming”.

Let the best item come from the activity it drops in:
In Shadowlands we have a particularly interesting situation in regards to life and death, and this situation can be exploited: EVERYBODY except the players a very limited amount of NPC’s are dead!

So… items that give bonus damage against the living or items that protect you from damage from the living? Make that a PvP reward. It makes the PvP rewards really good for PvP and keeps PvP from being contaminated by some of the most ridiculous PvE items.

Yes, that’s essentially PvP Power. There was nothing wrong with it other than the fact that it was a little boring by name. Give it a nice big spread all over the PvP items. Should keep most of the issues at bay - but don’t forget to make interesting PvP items, too!

This can be applied in many places, but there’s the most obvious one.

Let me use it!:
Items should not be unusable until I have waited a certain amount of time due to time-gating, such as the current Corruption Resistance system or Azerite necklace requirements. That’s ridiculous. When I get an item, I should not be going “OOOOOOOOOOMMMMGGG YESSSSS-oh… oh… ok I’ll be excited in 4 weeks then.”

An item effect is not a buff:
I find that BfA has extremely cluttered buff frames. A lot of this comes from equipped items.

Items are items. Not buffs. Simple.

This is a helluvalot of work, but it makes the gearing system so much more interesting.

When we look through BfA, the #1 issue in general has had to do with gear.

It’s the Azerite pieces, it’s the necklace, it’s corruption, it’s having to run islands to become better in PvP because it has more Azerite, and just the fact that the gear was kind of boring, yet massively complicated.

There’s also been some complaints about the story, but beyond that it’s all been about the gear!

So get it right. It’s important. And remember: World of Warcraft is not Diablo. We don’t get infinite drops for farming endlessly. We are exploring a world and the pacing is much slower.

If you made this far, thanks for reading.


Give that please :kissing_heart:

But very well put post and totally agree we need this .

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Remove Titanforge, remove warforge, remove corruption.
Bring back Tier sets


It’s not really a solution to give up on trying to find a solution and bring back an old just as flawed system that players wanted to be gone.

I gotta be honest man… I can’t recall anybody complaining about tier sets.

Maybe I just missed it, idk.

I mean I suppose they got quite formulaic. More things can be done with them, as outlined in my OP, but item sets are fun.


I don’t think any players wanted tier sets gone.
Tier sets existed from the very beginning of WoW.

They’re trying to find a solution to a problem they caused.


I haaaaaaate this kind of thinking, no offense.
You’re only thinking within the box of what Blizzard have already done, which is a very limited design space relative to the myriad of designs they could do, but have not yet explored.
I mean, you’re basically saying that the best possible design exists in the past. That’s rather narrow-minded, in my opinion.
I’m much more inclined to say that the best design is something entirely new that is informed by the designs of the past.

This is one of my main gripes with the current item design.
In some places it’s there and you can feel that Blizzard have tailor-made an item around a particular boss or dungeon or zone.
But for the most part there’s just a truck-load of generic items dropping all over the place.
A minor improvement I would like to see (more of) is flavor texts. That little lore text below some items is sometimes all that is required for a mundane weapon to be elevated into something really cool. Blizzard does it sometimes, but they should do it way more often.


I want more niche stats like SP back. Frost, shadow, fire, arcane, nature.

Doesn’t have to be classic wow but a small incentive so that not everyone had the same staff because all casters needs mastery or whatever. Also wish whenever a new tier dropped it didn’t have the same exact gear but with better stats on it, I think it’s fine if a piece or two from the previous tier was still competitive in the next tier. I think if they removed the ilvl like you said and put the focus back on the gear they could do something like that.

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Oh man… yes. How long has it been since we’ve seen that on a lot of items?

I think it really boils down to this, at the end of the day. What would they even write about these items? I have no clue. They’re so generic. They have no story.

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Not compliants really just that for example in legion to function as BM hunter i needed NH 2 set ToS 2 set and rest Antorus . But i did love tier sets .

Because they like to make WoW an instanced aRPG game.

But Blizzard really want us to re-do already done content. In their mind you just can’t finish stuff nor can you say enter normal raid and not have a chance for an upgrade - sockets back then, then XForge, now corruption. What they see gearing is different how players see it :frowning:

You get bloated key range. Like keys 2-19 would be bad, 20 first one at which good players would aim at leaving little players and less skilled to do the lower ones or even start M+ adventure. Legion had incentives to run lower keys by more geared/experienced players.

Even now 12 is good, 11, 10, 13, 14 are somewhat worse when you want a weekly quick run.

Also changing a loot table - it would be just renamed item of same look for the most part. And for end-game any gear below +max reward key would be kind of obsolete so best and most recognizable gear would always be on the very top only (and some people would be furious they have to do M0, M6, M10 or M15 to get gear where as they HC/M0 drops the same thing just differently named but they can’t comprehend it and feel that “elitists” are breaking their game).

In modern WoW BiS item is much more loose term than previously. Like my good items are with mastery, crit, versa. There is a lot of combinations, plus additional effects like sockets, tertiary stats and of course ilvl.

Old BfA LFR and old raids are dead and people wanting transmog don’t have people in queue. Lowering key level to get transmog would be the same - hard to find people. And don’t expect unique models - most of the instance gear is one set and few unique ones no matter what difficulty level.

Haste is important to some classes, similarly crit heavy classes would always use crit damage items (Benthic). You would create a system where for a given spec 5% would be always BiS 95% always trash. Items can’t be so specific.

But Ion wants you to see the ilvl and never ever SIM it. You see 10-20 ilvl increase and that must be considered an upgrade even when sims say it’s a downgrade. Like he said recently that we have to get out of sim mentality. We supposedly can’t even handle a vendor.

You have to be careful with giving clear BiS items as that will make all the content last much much shorter. There will be very little reasons to run any dungeon or raid that does not drop exactly those items. There will be no reasons to re-do the content after the item dropped.

Gearing and character progression must be done in time on a path you clearly see and pursue. And not just best gear from highest content but also actual horizontal progression so that people that aren’t “hardcore” have goals to reach and get unique gear/rewards through content they want to do.

Gearing system feels incredibly unrewarding these days, and most relevant stuff is placed behind heavy RNG.

And yes, everything has become way too complex for no reason. And no Ion, people won’t stop simming just because you think it’s not needed. I bet even you sim a lot.

Some of your wants seem mutually exclusive, it’s easy to say that you want gear with interesting, fun and varied effects, which you can tinker with but also be simple and easy to calculate.
Not sure how you’re going to achieve that.

What’s the problem? Okay, so keys level 1-19 are bad. So don’t do them.

Do you mean you have to upgrade your key too many times? Because in that case it seems simple enough to just let each season start out with higher keys. There’s a floor on the key you get out of your chest each week. S1 it’s 0, S2 it’s 10, S3 it’s 20, etc.

There’s nothing wrong with the concept of a level 52 key in and of itself. It’s not a particularly big number. Yes, it reveals some other issues with gearing, which is the sheer number of power levels - probably because Blizzard wants to make it visible yet keep the same few simple stats and distribute them across 14± slots.

Even with all that, it’s still better than what we’ve got. It has all the advantages of the current system + more.

Also, some of them may have the same model, but it’s a recolour. Some items look the same but have different stories (i.e. it was worn by different people for example). That’s fine. It’s still way less generic than the current setup.


If it’s not a noteworthy problem for raids, then it isn’t a noteworthy problem for M+.

I do think it is a noteworthy problem, but that’s actually another issue entirely. It’s the problem that also leads to having more than 50 total M+ difficulties: The sheer amount of gear scaling necessitated by all the unnecessary tiers of difficulty - but that is a discussion for another time.

For the purposes of this discussion: It’ll just be like raids.


What’s the problem? Why are you looking at every item as if it should be the best one? Of course it shouldn’t! Progression is like a ladder, each step a level of items which you must tread to get to the next one. That is their purpose.

Some items will be famous for facilitating that purpose particularly well. A very famous example of this would be getting Sulfaras towards the end of Classic.

That’s a good thing. I’d prefer to have moved on from a lot of pieces of content in BfA, personally. Just because you can redo it doesn’t mean you want to. It might have upgrades, but it’s not fresh and exciting.

Items should facilitate a progression through lots of content. Once I have the item, which should take months, it’s okay for me to be done with that content and not return until I bring a new character along or I want to help somebody.

My proposed system provides that. There will be plenty of items that are useful in different scenarios at different levels.

Simple. Effects are mostly orthogonal. You cannot compare a larger mana pool to a bigger healing spell. You cannot compare a bigger healing spell to a faster movement speed. You cannot compare either of those to Health. You cannot compare Nerubian Gloves of Snaring that has an on-use snare to anything else. Each are completely distinct.

Well… you can. But you have to compare them on the basis of gameplay. A sim can’t tell you which one is better.

Will there still be crit, haste, versa, etc?

Sure. But not every item will have them, and that means that there are fewer source sof them, which means you need to do less calculations. Furthermore, because all the items are set in stone, your particular item is the same as everyone else who gets that item, which means they can do the sim for you. You don’t have to do it anymore!

But how much damage you can do is not calculable. Being able to ignore mechanics or more easily escape mechanics or stop an add running away does not up in any simulation. It only shows up in gameplay.

So in conclusion: You less frequently need to sim because the effects are orthogonal, and when you do sim you don’t get an accurate picture of your damage output, and other people already did it for you anyway in case you’re interested.

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Not really, it just adds clutter and confusion and doesn’t solves anything as there is only a very limited amount if items that can be famous.

You are just creating inflation for some old content that never exists in wow. They don’t re-do gear, gear models in dungeons/raids. Somethings ends and something new starts.

Same boss will have generic weapon name just different color. That doesn’t make any noteworthy lore and nobody will care.

You are making a gearing system based around mog and dubious lore and gear uniqueness. Mog farming of current expansion raids brings little players and you want the whole game to be based around 50 M+ levels and other inflation based systems.

Sulfuras is famous and sought only after limited amount of players/specs as it’s not that good… Flavor items are good but they are just that - flavor items. People won’t run with Sulfuras in competitive content if other weapons gives them better numbers.

And every paladin in Legion had Ashbringer. That’s not really that special.

You don’t really get it? You proposed effects like bonus crit damage. Creating such specific stats makes them very good for very specific classes or specs thus it undermines gearing for them as they need only those items. You can’t make strong niche stats as either they will become either completely useless or 100% bis.

A raid tier lasts ~6 months. By that time average progression player will change his/her gear 2-3 times. At minimum from going to normal/low M+, then going to HC/M10 and later on by some Mythic raid bosses or weekly PvE/PvP boxes.

After that ilvl inflation makes existing tier gear drop to normal or below (not perfect but works) and the progression starts over again. If you make expansion without ilvl inflation then people will be deck down first tier and then barely see any upgrades. Even in Classic gearing is much faster until you get to the very last two tiers - and ilvl increases there too. Plus set bonuses and itemization gets vastly better with each tier.

Usually there are no different scenarios or levels. Designing gear with increased run speed just to then make a raid encounter that needs everyone to use full set of run speed gear (or alike) isn’t really fun/engaging. There can be 10 bosses and each requiring different set of gear that leaves no freedom or intent in players hand. The game plays itself and players can’t do anything aside of paying a sub and pressing a button.

Larger mana pools is junk unless it’s like +25% or more mana. Even though mana plays a big role for healers for the most part it’s not needed. And also less healing = more spells = more mana used. Bonus mana is exclusive with stronger heals. Classic has mp5 (mana regen) and +healing which kind of works out but mp5 is only desired to a certain level after which is wasted stats.

No. With your overly complex and cluttered gearing system you will always have to sim to see which odd stat or effect is needed. It will be way harder to manage.

This does not work. It has to be simple. SIMPLE.

I’m sorry? Coupling power to naming is going to cause confusion just because there are many of them?

Does the existence of Scaled Leather Leggings of the Eagle also confuse you?

I don’t get this at all.

I’m not creating inflation. It’s already there.

Better than item levels. At least it’s distinct by name.

Also, making a recolour != making an item with the same but higher stats.

Not really. I just want to make it possible to lower your key for transmog runs. I expect people will be at the same key levels as they are now +10 per season elapsed in the current expansion. It’s exactly the same as today except the numbers are a tiny bit bigger.

If that number bothers you, what does a Twilight Devastation critting for 280K do for you?

At least Ashbringer has a bit of history to it. I totally agree that it was ridiculous that everybody had it, but at the same time I wouldn’t mind that being a hard to acquire item that a handful or two of Paladins on each server had. That’s fine.

As for Sulfaras - you’re right. It’s not particularly good. But it’s cool, and it’s a great stepping stone into harder content. It’s not BiS by any means - but it doesn’t need to be.

I don’t consider gearing undermined by this.

I am completely okay with being able to just look at an item and work out if it’s good or not. In fact that’s the whole point.

I believe this falls under the definition of “months”. 6 months - 2-3 times. 6/2 = 3 months, 6/3 = 2 months. It does what I want it to do.

Depends on who you are. People are not all getting all the loot in 2 weeks and then farming Mythic. Maybe you are, but that doesn’t invalidate the existence of that gear.

Who says the item requires everyone to wear +speed gear?

+speed gear might allow you to more easily/consistenly finish casts before having to move. You can’t sim this, but you can feel it, and it does increase your damage.

What are you talking about?

Firstly, we can make it needed. That’s just a tuning problem. Secondly, mana is very important for healers. We have had OOM issues before. They’re very common in M+ in particular.

And +25% mana overall is fine. Don’t see the problem with that. As long as we don’t give them insane amounts of regen, because regen scaling is inversely proportional to mana usage and therefore gets out of hand. We learned that lesson in the past, so we just avoid that. Doesn’t mean there aren’t a lot of new ideas.

Yes. But is that bad? It means you can burst less, but it also means you’re better at putting out more small heals, keeping the raid topped.

It’s all about the boss and your role in the healing team. That’s as it should be. You can’t sim what’s best. You already can’t sim healing output in any meaningful way.

It is simple. It has far, far less systems. The total number of items in the current game vastly exceed those of my system, because in the current system, each and every item has thousands of variants. How is that simple? How is it simple to say “Seabreeze with socket and item level 475” instead of just “Seabreeze”?

Nobody cares about names, naming isn’t the current gearing problem.

I don’t look on the name, I look on the stats. I don’t know what names I have on my gear, I aim at secondary stats, azerite traits not names.

There still will be item level. One will have more stats than the other, and if hidden addon will calculate it. And nobody can manage 100+ item names. Amount of stats is ilvl and upgrades provide more stats or more better stats. Names don’t do anything.

So you want them to redo the whole gear each major patch and then so that people can get the mog - downgrade the key to run under-tuned old version for mog… So not only they will spend a lot of time each patch to redo existing gear but then big part of WoW gearing will become mog-friendly acquisition systems. LFR/old BfA raids show that it’s not common to run them for mog/whatever. People complain the queue is dead yet you want to push mog-alike system as the main feature of the game.

But nearly everyone will have given raid or given dungeon item. Just the right amount of runs and it will drop. People having BiS rings/trinkets in dungeons re-farm them every major patch.

If there is one superior stat everything else feels like a letdown, trash, unwanted, inferior.

Mythic raiders get it even before mythic. M+ players cap M+ gear few weeks, depending on affixed and amounts of runs. I already have most of slots covered by M+ ilvl and I didn’t do that much runs. That’s way more gear than one item per 2 months.

And my mythic EP/previous patch gear is also pretty much gone. Disenchanted long ago. And I didn’t looked at the names either.

Didn’t you wanted to force it to be used for something? Because without forcing players to they won’t.

Haste also, and the speed increase would have to be significant which then can pose many other balancing problems, like ignoring mechanics, outrunning ads and alike. And watch Limit N’zoth kill or any other raid encounter - there is very little time to sit in fire circle before fire lands, then add network latency and your speed can wipe more casters than anything else.

Yes I drink quite often, but I would never use +more mana over +more healing as burst healing is needed. M+ is designed to drink, while in raids healing pattern is different and mana management can be done. You can tune healers to always have mana problems and re-introduce mp5 but that doesn’t change the gearing system in any fun and good way. Just more simming to see how long the fight is to determine how much value mp5 has versus + healing. Or just switch from healing because it become way less appealing…

Large values can cause problems. Or when tuned that you pretty much have to have that item with +25% then it’s like a legendary in Legion - you have to use that item for that slot no matter what. And for expansion end boss what that would be? +100% mana? +1000%?

There are no small heals in retail and usually there are more raid specific spells healer uses in raids versus 5-man content. Do we have to reintroduce ranks of spells as well?

Also watch some AutomagicJak videos on how current stat increases and ilvl inflation keeps healer power in check. We aren’t healing for more or less % of toon HP as major patches roll out. Static systems like those from way back then didn’t had such features which ended up with first healers in WoTLK reaching positive mana while spam casting or just shields/spell spamming in subsequent expansions to absurd levels as expansion gear rolled out.

You can sim a lot. Knowing average fight length you know value of mp5, or knowing the damage outgoing on the raid you can calculate how many healers you need and of what type. I can put my logs into wowanalyzer and it will tell me stat weights, it will rank trinkets, it will analyze my performance and give tips. WoW combat is based on math and math can be used to optimize it.

No it’s not. All loot tables are re-done every major patch in your system where as current one has fixed loot tables. Corruption or XForging is just an affix.

What ilvl is Seabreeeze in your system = how many stats it have? Does it drop from +15 or hopefully from +6 or lower so I can avoid it as it’s really bad for MW and I don’t want it to drop for me.

if it’s one fixed ilvl tied to a name then after that patch ends nobody will care and nobody will use it. It will be dead and obsolete content. If the name is attached to an item dropping in low content then at best alts will use it for a while before going for the actual end-game gear and not caring about names just the ilvl and stats.

And don’t mix sockets, Xforging and other affixes with this. With no affix systems gearing would not have any RNG to it which may be fine but also would have the old problems (from Blizzard side) of people not wanting to run content that doesn’t give them anything any more.

I hate corruption, azerite powers, essences. If it were up to me all that crap would be gone.

Bring back tier sets with tier bonuses.

This 1000 times.

Most of the gear is completely forgettable. Look back at classic and see how items are famous because they either are really good/have an amazing unique effect/have a really unique appearance. There’s so many identifiable pieces of gear. Hell even vendorstrike is famous for being complete garbage.

I honestly couldn’t tell you what my shoulders are called or what stats they have on retail. All I remember is that they’re 430 ilvl and have same model as green quest reward gear…

I love corruption. I was actually just telling my brother who hasn’t played since Vanilla about it yesterday, on how I think it’s the biggest change to itemization since WoW release. You now have to think about what gear you want to equip instead of just looking at ilvl.
The problem with corruption gear IMO is that it is most cases it’s still just a static stat boost (ex. more haste or more crit => dmg). I’d like that to see that gear was more centered around what they tried to do with legendaries in Legion - where affixes support a playstyle in the form of custom utilility (ex. +1 Blink for mages) or spell alteration (ex. Your Fireball and Frostbolt merge into Frostfire gaining the benefit of both spells).

From what I’ve read on Wowhead, some of this is actually is actually what they are trying to do with Shadowlands. You harvest abilities from items and merge them to create custom legendaries. Still I think they might play it safe like they always do and it’ll end up just being another stat boost - guess we’ll see.

However cool this might sound it conflicts with the very essence of what class/spec talents are. They are the only REAL character customization we’ve got. Making an item system like this, would conflict with the talent system. You could argue that the talent system, functions like a baseline customization system, just like some spell are baseline for each class. But I think thats a long shot. In my honest and humble opinion I really think that WoW could do without the talent system, and just put all customization into the item system. Then you revamp the talent system into a stat-allocation system, where you … holy cow-level I realized that I’m stealing the design of Path of Exile. Oh well, RIP WoW, all hail World of Exile.

Corruption is the worst thing ever happened to gearing.
It’s a rng system on a rng system.

It’s insane that a passive ability does over 14 k dps (infinite stars) and is 2. Place in your dmg meter.