Ages have past since our bravest warriors left us as the sky shattered.
But did they even stand to think what their endless thirst for glory would mean for us?
Eternal damnation upon them! Traitors! Traitors to their families and their kind!
Chaos have we faced ever since. Evil… burning in our eyes.
Men against men. Brother against brother.
Tyrants. Despots. Untold suffering.
Darkness fell upon our world.
We always thought tomorrow will be better. How could we have been so wrong?
As soon as we realized we were alone we returned to our petty squabbles for gold, land and resources.
Meanwhile the islands nations did what they always did…
They closed their harbors from us.
They gave us no refuge.
In the North, the King of Lordaeron brings war to Stromgarde and Gilneas who will not bow to his fanatic faith.
The undead yet walk the Plaguelands, torn between those who try to make peace with their new life in the Tower of Scholomance and the cultists who gather under their Despot’s banner in Stratholme.
In Khaz Modan the Council of Three is no more. Skirmishes occur every so often between the clans and massacres happen in the cities as those who lived along side can do so no more.
In Azeroth, the once mighty Kingdom of Stormwind is but a shadow of it’s past. The King has been replaced by the Church and the military elite who rule through fear.
The people are suffering from drought as the Cartels and their mercenaries try to cut the water supply and terror unleashed by the Stormwind Intelligence.
The eruption of the Un’Goro Volcano turned southern Kalimdor into a cold barren desert. Mass extinsion ensuded while insectoids thrived.
The spawns of the Old Gods: Silithids, Qiraji, K’thirs and Mantids clash over who will rule the new Empire.
Further north, the Draenai Exarchy is at war with the Man’ari who transformed Dire Maul into their new capital and wish to expand their territory as the old Horde got weaker.
The Cartels built a new harbor in Theramore and now control the seas and the trade, using their wealth to amass a formidable army of mercenaries.
They terraformed parts of Kalimdor into farmland while other parts lie devastated by the constant drilling for oil.
Some orcs and the taurens who follow the Earth Mother are trying to stop them.
Meanwhile, after the distruction of Darnassus, the night elves have sought refuge in Moonglade. Over time, they became extremly xenophobic against the other races, especially the High Elves, and banished all others from their lands.
They began to rebuild their once mighty Empire with a new capital, Nighthaven, and drove the orcs and goblins from Ashenvale and Azshara.
Fearing that Quel’Thalas might be next, the High Elves preemptively invaded Azshara sucessfully defeating the Sentinels. They now use Eldarath as an outpost for further incursions into the Elvish Empire.
As for Northrend, the end of the Lich King meant a resurgance for the Nerubians who once again control much of the land.
The Nerubians began sieging Icecrown and the few Scourge defenders who remained there seek help from the Cultists in Stratholme.
The tuskarr and vyrkrul have become trapped by the nerubians to the north and the fanatics of Lordaeron who settled New Hearthglen and wish to convert them to their faith to the south.