My own crazy theory why the arbiter broke

I know there is speculations about it beeing Genn who broke it, but what if the decay start way earlier already.

my theory is, that the distruption already started whit the opening of the dark portal first time when Medivh did it.
my theory is that, shadowlands the part we se, was actulay only 4 planets to begin whit, Azeroth, Nathreza, and 2 unkown to us planets.

But shadowlands works in a wierd way, when the darkportal was opened, Draenor became connected to, or atleast the orcs that came through, becuse they ended up on Azeroth and that for became part of our Shadowlands.
But this was not yet enough to brake the Arbiter becuse there was room.

second decay came when the Nazherim and the burning legion, came to Azeroth, this made a huge influx again, due to the Dranei becomming part of our Shadowlands again.
this still somewhat worked, but it started to become overflowed.

third came whit Garrosh opening an gateway to an alternate Draenor again, this confused the arbiter even more, due to 2 draenor beeing part of the wrong shadowlands now. and it was close to overwhelming now.

then in legion the compleate shut down came, when we literaly started to use portals to other worlds, that in now way should have been in our shadowland, and then combine this whit, Illidan opening a gateway to Argus, what most likely opened even more planets to wrong shadowlands, and due to this the Arbiter just shut down totaly.

this would meen everything what has happend is connected directly to the Arbiter braking down and the jailer getting way to many souls way to fast.

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all souls always went to the shadowlands so the dark portal connecting azeroth and draenor wouldnt affect shadowlands at all.

also the devs already stated the arbiter broke during legion , sometime after emerald nightmare raid but before sylvanas burned teldrassil.

I reckon killing argus is probably what broke her

I would have agreed that it would have been Argus… BUT Blizzard said that Titans does NOT go to the Shadowlands.

They said that Mortals goes to the Shadowlands.

The Titans have their own " Shadowlands " in a different Plane.

And in the " A Thousand Years of War "
was Argus Soul described as a Emerald Star.

  • Audio Play and Short Story.

Plus… Im in a discord group ment for Speculating.

And you mentioned the raid of which soul it may have been, as it somewhat would have made sense.

But yeah its not Argus due to what Blizzard said about Titans and their afterlife.

I didnt meen Argus was the reason, but the outcome of other planets arround that area, what could have done it.
when illidan kind of twisted space and time, he most likely pulled in way more than just one planet, but everything in between also, what could have done it.

blizzard states plenty of things that they retcon shortly after, us killing the old gods comes to mind.

Until somebody can give a more compelling reason im sticking with the theory that its argus.

No one needs to give you a more compelling reason as its right infront of your eyes.

But i am curious, are you colorblind by any chance ?.
Im actually curious.

Because you can CLEARLY see Argus in the Defeat cinematic this his SOUL is BLUE - at 0:10

Look at the beginning of the cinematic.
Do you see any red in his Soul?.

So you mean that the Red star in the sky could have been what crashed into the Arbiter?.
And even so, Planets does not have a " Mortal " soul.
So it would be impossible.

no but the creatures living on the planet do, and we cant be sure, that not more planets got connected the same moment illidan did what he did, meening it could just have become to much to handle. heck the red thing that crashed in to the arbiter could have been sargeras even or N´zoth for that matter.

Titans don’t go to the Mortal afterlife.

And it’s impossible that it’s N’zoth, as the Arbiter broke in Legion and not in Battle for Azeroth.

I’m suprised that no one has mentioned Xavius from the Emerald Nightmare.

that is a possibility, also an even crasier idea, it was teldrassil, when the tree died, it soul became loose, and literaly rocketed away.
but this again would not work whit the time line, where yseras soul still got there, so xavius could be one possibility.

The Tree happened in Battle for Azeroth.
Arbiter broke in Legion, sometime after Ursoc died.

The reason why me and most speculators in a discord server thinks it’s Xavius is because.

Xavius was a MORTAL from the start before he became corrupt.
He’s filled with HATRED.
When Night Elves dies they become a Whisp.

The Orange / Red-ish thing that struck the Arbiter was pointed out by one member in the discord as a Whisp-Looking thing.

In other words… a Whisp filled with HATRED.
And when you defeat Xavius in the Emerald Nightmare you can see that he becomes his old self as he’s dead, he’s back as a Night Elf.

At this point you gotta ask yourself, when did Xavius get in contact with the Jailer?.

The Rift of Aln is a deep part of the Emerald Dream filled with the Nightmare.
The Rift could have had an entrance to either Ardenweald or to Thros.

Thros is the land of the Drust.
He could have gotten into contact with a spy of the Jailer.
That way, Xavius and the Jailer got in contact.

And in some way he could have told Xavius to break the Arbiter when he dies in order to make it so that every soul goes to the MAW.

Look Carefully.

And i also added 3 pictures as a comparisson.

yeah it is realy possible, xavius was realy powerfull in legion no question about that, probably even more powerfull than he let us se.

Did you see the pictures ?

How extremely close they are to eachother?.

I just did you a huge favor since you think it’s Argus Kor.
This is the World SOUL of Argus.
Where do you see any red in it?.
PLUS World souls have this Celestial material in it.

The Red - Mythic mode of Argus is because of Sargeras Hatred.
Plus Titans don’t go to the Shadowlands.
So there is your " Compelling Reason ".

yeah I did, and it does look realy plausible

It was argus. The Titan of DEATH.

It was not hes spirit that hit the arbitor. But the Titan of death is connected to the shadowlands.

Cant the Titan of death Go to hes own plane after death, but still effect the shadowlands? If Think so!

My theory at the moment is that Denathrius himself did it. Noticed how the Arbiter is hit by a red wave? It seems to be anima. I think that was a calculated plan between the Jailer and Denathrius.

It would fall in line with Denathrius sending the massive influx of anima to the Maw to empower Zovaal. The purpose is the same, more anima to the Maw, the stronger the Jailer becomes. It looks like an inside job to me.

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