My problem with the Nazjatar pvp event

Hey all, I've recently returned to the game and one reason why I did was to try the new battle event and I have to say, I'm disappointed.

My problem with the event is simple, It's not fun at all and you can't lose it!

Now I'm playing horde and by looking previous posts some would say (at least you're winning). Winning without putting effort is no fun! And also by some miracle of God if I find myself on the losing side, I can just find a group in the group finder that's on a winning shard which makes no sense whatsoever!. All the battles are so one-sided.

Imagine begin a soldier in a medieval battle, the second you figure out you're losing you just transfer to a alternate timeline where you're winning and go from there.

Sharding and shard hopping + war mode can't co-exist. Please for the love of God come up with a solution to this problem

You can’t lose it because you are horde. As Alliance, you can’t win.

They need to remove sharding, they are making everything much worse with it


Its only possible to leave Mezzamere if you can fly. Besides that, theres very little you can do when 1 side outnumbers the other by such large amounts. This is as far from fun as it gets

Just won it, sharding non issue.


So do you main a horde? Or do u want to send us a message using this horde avatar?

Anyway, you mentioned pvp event…i have one question…what pvp event? Because, i’ve never seen one after the “hotfix”.

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There was one today,July 7 2019 got my revenge after so many losses,we kicked your red shirts, going to paint them on blue .lol


This exactly. Makes the whole “battle” pointless and retarded.

GZ. I hope this will help dry part of the river created from blue pants tears…then again it will overflow back anytime soon…


If they remove sharding, it’s pretty much over for those of us whose home realms are lopsided. And if we have cross-realm friends, too bad! Will never be able to play together again.

I think sharding is great, they just need to improve its algorithms.


Sharding actually has nothing to do with crossrealm zones. Crossrealm zones were introduced in MoP while Sharding was introduced in Legion I think

I thought sharding was just an improvement over cross-realm zones? Like. Normally my realm Moonglade shares zones with Argent Dawn, The Sha’tar and Steamwheedle Cartel, but shards blend or separate more realms as the zone demands?

Realm no longer matters except if normal or rp.

removing factions and introducing a different system is the only way to go. otherwise they would have to balance out cross-realm-zones and deactivate the option for using group finder while events like the pvp event in nazjatar are active.

Otherwise it is just a matter of which faction gets more people phased into their zone quicker. Much fun when 20 russians just pop in right in front of you… ^^

Is this a fact lol?

Please no…i dont want to be in a faction with the QQ crusaders.


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