My Rogue is constantly being taken out of stealth by receiving a buff

As said in the title my rogue gets taken out of stealth either by receiving a buff or simply pressing nothing.

When I press stealth I stay in it for around 3 seconds (sometimes less) and then my character comes out of stealth, Im not in combat, not getting hit, I’m in the middle of a city. A buff that comes to mind is it the outlaw talent tree " Take em’ by surprise " talent. It gives me a buff when in stealth and that also breaks it, any buff from druid/priest/mage etc does it and dots from healers also break.

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That shouldn’t be taking you out of stealth. Do you have any macros? It could also be a trinket causing it.

no macros, i just press Shift 1 for stealth. ive also tried pressing it from spellbook and it also does that, I have also just found out that my other rogue on a different realm does not have this issue, but I do not want to pay for a realm transfer

Welcome to rogue, every patch and hot fix risks you of being perma pulled from stealth, the heart of azeroth or some of the armor traits which came with it are still broken.

yeah, outlaw was/is my favourite spec but I can’t play at all. can’t shroud or sap. or even stay in stealth to do my rotation.

For perspective as assa just now my supreme stealth ended early from nothing. All I had was bleeds on players, no dots on me. No flare, hunters mark or DH vision either.

Im not even in combat, just in the middle of valdrakken pressing stealth to see if its still bugged. (it is)

It shouldn’t happen, but it does, on a daily basis. I am not in combat, have no DoTs or debuffs on me and no enemy within 100 yards of me yet I still get knocked out of stealth.

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