My Starry Review Of Dragonflight

Compared to previous expansion, this one is 9/10. I am very hooked up to WoW again and it has been a while, maybe since Legion launch. In BfA and Shadowlands, few weeks after release I took a long break and was not interested to play at all, but this time it’s different. I even used 50 eur to transfer my old characters from dead realm to a more active realm :smiley:

One thing I don’t really like about is the use of the same female voice actor in so many places, and many times the sound does not fit at all. I mean that deep female voice we heard in Bastion, one of the first NPC’s teling us about the owl slaves. In Dragonisles, the same voice is first heard (i think) with the dark skinned blood elf introducing Dragon isles to horde players

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Because part of a location or a lore area we could visit, there isn’t much “planned”.
Are you being obtuse on purpose? I advice you to knock it off because it’s annoying and obnoxious.

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They have stated they did this during the BfA
And besides, you probably nailed the issue with narratives.
Quests feel like they’re written not as a team but as a person covering certain areas giving them its own twist.

I suppose that’s why I heard people say that it gets better.

Where did you learn to do that formating

I thought the formatting was pretty clear. One of the best formatting used.

I can’t believe there are people attacking the formatting in this very thread.

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excuse me?

Just because you don’t enjoy the lore at the moment. Doesn’t mean that they don’t have some sort of plan in advance.

I’m sorry, but it wasn’t written last week, as much to you might be under the impression that it is.

Providing evidence of my statement, and calling you out when you incorrectly accuse me of implying they have the chronicles of WoW written on stone tablets in a shrine at Blizzard HQ, is not being toxic. It’s purely pointing out that you seem to want to disagree with anything that’s presented to youX

I’m the one trying to de-escalate this though.

Whilst everytime you respond you seem to be pushing further on the attack.

Please just stop.

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Thank you! Not to clap myself on the shoulder too much, but I feel like I take care to write my posts in full sentences, with proper detail and attention to grammar. And I try to paragraph and structure my thoughts so they’re easy to read and understand.
And because it’s a forum where it’s supposed to be fun and enjoyable to read and write and partake in discussion, I do also try to make my text more easy to skim through for those less keen on walls of text.

If the style of my initial post is a bit too experimental to some, and divisive to others, then I’ll take that into consideration for future threads I make.
But I honestly don’t think what I have written in my initial post sets a very high academic bar. The only requirement is that you read in order to understand what I have written. And I don’t think it’s asking too much on a forum that people take the time to read. :slightly_smiling_face:

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What happened is actually the opposite, but yeah. Protoss got Night Elf music derived from Nightsong in Legacy of the Void.

It’s difficult to impossible not to slightly retread things. The game at this point has well over a hundred zones and thousands of hours of music split into hundreds of genres.

I also think this music is a little more layered than Northrend’s - they’re not quite the same.

These things have their place, mostly in raids I would argue, but not in the open world - or at least very rarely. If you want to see bombastic-combat-music gone horribly wrong you should take a look at ESO. I literally didn’t want to play the game for 4 years because I couldn’t toggle combat music off outside of delves.

WoW got this right. It always got it right - until it didn’t, where it decided to play loud music and really not focus very much on its ambience. WoW’s music was so deliberately and obviously different to Warcraft 3 and StarCraft - even Diablo 2. It was a different beast entirely.

My point with the formatting is merely a case that if you want a Layman to read it, you need to present it in a way that a Layman will understand.

You’re an educated person, you should understand the importance of keeping this precise, clear and too the point if you want to get a message across.

Buttons and drop downs are not commonly used on these forums, even by Blizzard employees. So when you use the high-ends of forum technologies which are not of common practice, don’t be surprised when people don’t get it first time.

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Heh, I suppose you can stir the soup in all directions, so to speak. But it’s just to say that I do kind of like when Blizzard takes some of their original music and evolves it over time, versus just copying the notes and doing little else. Again, I get that The Azure Glades is a bit of an homage to Grizzly Hills, but that’s neither new or original in WoW. I can hardly count all the homages to Nagrand in the game these days. So it’s not 5 stars to me. It’s kind of what I expect Blizzard to serve up each expansion – nods of appreciation to older expansions. And they’ve done so this time as well, which is fine, but it’s not 5 stars.

Oh I quite agree. I’m not trying to advocate that Elwynn Forest should have music consisting of a full choir and trumpets and drums.
But I do think that kind of Call to Arms music belongs somewhere in WoW, because it’s quite historically iconic to Warcraft.
Dragonflight just doesn’t have it. Like at all. It’s not there, anywhere.

So I don’t give 5 stars.
I would give 4 stars if Dragonflight had a thematic note or instrument like Mists of Pandaria. But it doesn’t.
So it’s 2 or 3 stars to me. And I lean toward 2 because I can’t find as many highlights as I usually can in a new expansion. If it’s different for others, then that’s cool, but this is just how I arrived at my score. :slight_smile:

I don’t want a layman to read it.
I want people who are interested enough to take the time to read my thoughts and think about them before writing out an equally in-depth and detailed response sharing their thoughts and opinions.
That’s the kind of people I like to converse with on the WoW forums. People who seek the deeper and more detailed discussions and who won’t mind reading long posts and spend time writing their own thoughts with careful detail.

The herp derp knee-jerk reactions crowd have no interest to me. I cannot exclude them from posting, but their input holds little insight or value to me, personally.

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Then why post them on the WoW Forums then?

If you want to post this to an exclusive community, post it to a private discord. Not on a public forums.

I’m not suggesting you shouldn’t post it here. But you should just take into consideration where you’re posting and not be surprised at the response you get.

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Because I’m tolerant of everyone who posts here, even if I don’t have a huge interest in conversing with everyone.
Some people here are pricks, and I don’t tailor my threads to be inviting or likable to pricks. That’s all.
I try to write long and detailed posts so they’re inviting and likable to the crowd of people who want long and in-depth discussions about parts of WoW.

I mean, the moment I posted this thread you started typing your initial reply (I could see your icon typing in the bottom). So you posted your initial post as a rebuttal to me without having read anything I had said. You just saw the stars and off you went telling me how wrong I was.
That’s kind of a weird basis for an ongoing discussion if one part isn’t even interested or willing to take the time to read what the other part has to say before going on a spiel of their own. Where’s the conversation in that?

That I have no interest in. I cannot prevent it, but I try not to invite it.


Likewise. I posted my response to your and your icon appeared. That’s how the forums work.

Because you have posted on a Public forum and formatted it in away that Highlights you rating and hides your reasoning.

Not only that you designed a rating system where you mark 2/5 and still consider it to be good. Where as 2/5 would clearly represent below average.

I’m just pointing out, if you’re posting something publicly and you want to create a friendly atmosphere you should present your work to be enjoyed by everyone, not just a few exclusive people who might understand you.

You can’t blame the receiver for not understanding something, if the communicator has failed to communicate clearly.

No it was written last year.

No because the argumentation was that I got called out for Blizzard writing the lore in the most banal way possible, blaming it on the newly batch of writers, while you and the MVP said “they actually create these expansions 10 years ahead!”.

Like yeah, I know they have some ideas for further expansions, but the way they decided to flesh that out is not done 10 years ahead, it’s actually done a year or two before release.

And while you might think the quality is supreme or perfect, I think it says a lot that they’re not showing sale numbers like they did with Shadowlands.

No I’m just saying you’re being obtuse because you’re constantly backtracking on your own arguments.

That’s not what we claimed at all.

Nor am I doing that.

I’m afraid I don’t have time to argue with you. I’m glad you’re enjoying Classic though.

That’s not the same at all.

You dismissed and rebutted the entirety of my post without having read any of it.

I asked you what your favorite music tracks from Dragonflight was since you thought the music was great.

That may be how the forums work, and I am a huge advocate for people having the freedom to post as they please, but that doesn’t mean I have to appreciate all kinds of posts and all kinds of people here.
I think it’s quite natural to seek discussions with like-minded people. I like those who err toward in-depth and lengthy conversations, so I tailor my posting toward them.
If others prefer different kinds of discussions, well then they’re free to have them amongst each other elsewhere. We don’t all have to conform to a standard where you’re the forum police who decides who gets to post what and where and how. That’s not how this forum has ever worked.

And I posted a brief introduction that explains why I did that and how it works.
If people can’t take the time to read and comprehend that before going off on a posting crusade, then I’m not holding myself responsible for their uninformed posting. Like I said previously in this thread, then I don’t cater my posts to the lowest denominator.

I do not. I just say that if this kind of thread and style of post and discussion isn’t to your liking, then maybe it’s not meant to be and you’re better off seeking other discussions elsewhere on the forum with people who you have better conversations with.

Not everything on the forum has to orbit around you.

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You did.

You are doing that.
When your first argumentation was met with very little foundation to back up your argument against my opinion of the writing, you instead keep changing goal posts.

I’m glad you don’t have the time to argue with me because I am not interested to argue with a person like that.

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Not at all.

We’re merely pointing out that Blizzard have a 10 year plan for Warcraft.

That means they start writing in advance, and alot soon that last year.

Granted a side questline might been written 1-2 years in advance. But the overall story of the expansion is conceive, written, re-written, scrapped, and started again many years in advance.

Sorry if you don’t want to understand that is what we claimed. But that is what we have claimed.

That’s not what is being claimed at all.
Again, you first tell me that you don’t claim that the story is being written years ahead, and now you say this?

I’m truly lost, either you’re being obtuse on purpose or you can’t help it.

This is annoying.

Yes, they’re just writing down simple concepts on what they can make expansions around.

That doesn’t mean they’ll start writing for it.

You can either state a source because that’s how we know Blizzard “”“”“”“plans”“”“”“” ahead.