My Starry Review Of Dragonflight

My half-baked semi-educated brain says that a report should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Furthermore, the introduction and conclusion should hold the key points of the report with the body being optional reading. And it should be structured as such.
I have presented my review post on that basis.
Clear introduction up front and straight-to-the-point conclusions below. Additional reading is optional and opt-in.
I consider this a decent way to present a wall of text on the forum in a way that gets the main point(s) across. Not the only way, but the forum tools have some limitation on what you can do.


Not really. Sure they put the buttons in the software. But if a creator really wants people to understand their post, it really is their responsibility to present it in a way that anyone can work around.

I mean, my point still stands.

Why walk into a room of people having a good time and enjoy themselves, and declare that you don’t like what the others are enjoying? All you’re doing is dragging down other peoples moods.

Whilst I appreciate that you wrote that. As someone who hasn’t seen the buttons before, and didn’t even know they were a thing on the forums, I would never have even thought that’s what they were for.

And whilst I’m happy to admit that I saw red at your very different opinion to mine over the beautiful music and art work in Dragon Flight. Actually having clear bullet points outlining your thoughts easier to read may have been a better option.

That’s the closest you’ll get to an apology from this stubborn old fool, for my behaviour to you in this thread.

But still as I said above, sometimes when you’re not having a good time, it’s better just to let others enjoy themselves and not pull down the mood.

That probably makes it worse to be honest. Because that’s where it starts to become bullying.

If anyone is a bully it is you agiasnt me and Jito but w/e you have trashed this post and still will not admit that Jito never said it was bad and never said he wasnt enjoying it .

You are a liar and a troll and i am done with you trying to twist it to your way and make you look the victim its a sick trait you have and very dishonest. I hope you are banned i really do for flase flagging and lies you have spread.

Stop derailing the thread please and move on let it drop.

It’s fine. :slight_smile:
I have posted on this forum for decades and love to share my thoughts on WoW with anyone who might be interested, just as I am always eager to hear other people’s thoughts on WoW, so any open-minded WoW discussion is always enjoyable to partake in, even if you have to sort through the dirt to find the few gold nuggets.
That’s part of the charm of the forum, that you get a bit of everyone saying everything, and there’s always something insightful to be found in the rabble. If nothing else it’s nice with a little internet banter once in a while as well. :slight_smile:

And I think I’ll fuss to bed now as well. I suggest doing the same. :yawning_face:

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I will just so sick of people telling lies ive had my say i will not speak of it again and if im banned so be it at least im honest :slight_smile: good night.

My friend, I’m tired. You’ve been stalking me and attacking me on this forum since Christmas Day.

I’ve have kept a record of what you have written about me. but please don’t make me go through it all now.

Once again, stop projecting your own faults onto other people.

I have not derailed the thread. I have be having committed discussions with multiple people. Just have a read through.

Trust me, he’s not writing that to defend you. He’s been stalking and harassing me since Christmas Day.

That wount last long, all i have to do is link the post when you said you are better then me in every way and form just because i didnt share your view about blizzard working over xmas.

Blizzard will take one look at that and my comments and see i was flame baited into my actions. Carry on bringing up xmas and your imaginary case agaisnt me and you will be the one deaing with harrasement issues now i ask you to stop and let it go before you get yourself into a real mess.

once again playing the victim here.

As I say, I would rather you stopped derailing this thread and I politely ask for the final time that you stop stalking, harassing and trying to provoke me.

If you can do that, I’m happy to continue to mind my own business.

Threating me all you like, forum is public and i can talk in any thread i see fit as long within CoC.

You are not worth stalking and its you who is “making a case and writing things down”

You just can not admit when you are wrong whilst i can. Get me banned it does not bother me but for you if you got banned it would incense you even more to throw vile accusations about me just because you do not like my views.

Drop it and move on last time of asking.

You flagged the OP wrongly and didnt even do him the honor of reading his thread properly.

Good night.

I’m not threatening you.

I’m just asking politely that whatever vendetta you have against me, that you just drop it and leave me alone.

Because on one hand you’re accusing me of derailing this thread.

But on the other hand, you’re constantly responding to someone who has politely asked you to leave them alone.

And you’re more than welcome to do so. But please only respond to me in future if you’re bringing constructive discussion, and not just name calling, bullying and harassment.

I have, I’m just waiting for you to do the same.

So I’ll repeat myself:

I leave that there… i am writing it all down :slight_smile: see how that work’s.

And now, I’m asking you to stop.

That’s all. Just stop and leave me alone.

There was no need for that snide comment after I apologised about MINE NOT YOUR’s actions to Jito so yeah give me a break its looking bad for you.

There’s no need that you need to keep responding to someone who has gotten fed up with your stalking and harassment and politely asked you to leave them alone.

If you can leave me alone, I’m more than happy to leave you alone. That’s all I’m asking.

Whatever the problem is, let’s just drop it here, and move on. I’m taking the adult approach here.

The problem is you thinking and saying you are better then me and you know nothing about me .

The problem is you keep calling me a stalker and a troll when you are the one bringing that up in every thread.

The problem is you trash talk, troll and are toxic to everyone but you are never the problem just the victim.

I have asked you 4 times to get off my case but you still continue to call me a stalker and a troll , you think im going to sit there and let that slide when you basically bully everyone that does not agree with you.
No sorry i am not going to bow to you, you aint nothing. You are just some words on a forum.
“I saw red” when i read your review.

That speaks volumes to me and the person you think you are, you tried so hard to make Jito look bad.

Oh he is negative he is blabla and you didnt even read his whole OP . I should have put you on a year ingore and saved myself the hassle because you are just toxic , never seen anyone who can try and twist words and make others look bad because they dont share your view.
Have the last word i am done as you sicken me acting like you are.

Just take into consideration how your behaviour towards me from the first time I met you on Christmas Day, might have created that opinion.

Now one again:

Good night.

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Get a grip you are no angel and very toxic, but you have not got the guts to admit you are wrong about Jito. Go on carry out your case threat try and make yourself look the victim . Mister I Am Better Thanyou.

Same can be said to you with your

case threat
stalker accuasations
harassing accusations

Every time you say that i will bring this up, you honestly think thats acceptable i dont.

Yeah because telling somebody you are better than them just because you been to a couple countries is good actions yeah ? just because i said blizzard had no need to work on xmas and boxing day to suit you.

They’re not “owning noobs” though, they’re sometimes owning better players simply because of raw numbers.
This approach was never meant to be in a competitive PvP environment.