My Struggle

There is a spectre haunting Zandalar Tribe…

A snivelling, wretched mass of incels, many of whom were formerly unconnected and disparate elements, have now fused into a collective of the weak and pathetic, forming a hive of scum and villainy from which they launch repeated attacks on all those who merely wish to live in peace and prosperity amongst their own kind. These incels have seized the reigns of power, placing themselves into privileged positions among many of our finest guilds, masquerading as benevolent keepers of the peace, when in reality they are ignoble knaves of the lowest sort. These champions of filth, speaking from their high towers, are even now engaged in a pernicious and predatory campaign to disseminate falsehood and exert their control over ever greater numbers of naïve citizens.

Honour drove me to pick up the torch of liberty and drive it forward into the dark, so that these incels and their agents could be unmasked. The vermin shrank from the light, but through great sacrifice we uncovered their true identities. There is no need here and now to speak their names, for those criminals know full well who they are; incels – your days are numbered!

In this war of true believers, pure of heart, against incels, ridden by hatred and jealousy of their superiors, a pyrrhic victory has been won, however the war has just begun.

Citizens, receive this as a call to arms. Who will help me crush the incel hive? Who among you will sacrifice themselves as I have, for a greater cause, for the greater good? Witness our bastion of truth and virtue: Orbis Customer Synergies. To fight evil, one must employ the weapons of satan; to this end, we kneel at the altar of mammon and pray for his grace. Our quest is to achieve our economic manifest destiny. Our belief is that by maximising our profit potential we can achieve financial dominance and hold these criminals to ransom for their foul acts against the integrity of Zandalar Tribe. Our vision is a world free from the incel scourge. Who will answer my call? Who will anoint themselves and don the robes of Mammon in the service of Orbis Customer Synergies. Who will serve the greater good?
Brave citizens, step forward and claim your glory in the fight against the incel plague. Help us cleanse Zandalar Tribe and achieve our economic manifest destiny!


Before I joined Orbis, I didn’t have a gold coin to my name. In as little as 2 weeks I’ve made over 100 gold coins! Join us now and help us build you build us the new you!

Manella Duban, Lead Recruitment Officer

(((We’re a very laid back guild but we take our roleplay very seriously PLEASE have your character background ready when you /w, thanks! :slight_smile: )))


The heroic sacrifices made by this noble man must do nothing but inspire the strong. The incels will see this and know that their time has come.

My friends, be brave. The metaphysical beacons of Gondor have been lit, and Rohan will answer.


Before I met Shylock I was an NPC, cursed to wander the land as a mindless monstrosity.

Now I have a soul and life has never been better. I can teach you how to, too.

Whisper me today for more information on how and where to pay your joining fee.


Are you still failing at ganking people in STV? <3

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Shrieked the salty literally-who into the void, Xir hands shaking as xir typed.

I wish you were Horde.

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It’s just cross-faction banter buddy, no need to get all /pol/ incel about it!

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Your craic’s lifting

Here comes the salt.

You cannot fight the incels if they are in your own faction! All you can do is mewl in the streets, crying at your own inadequacies!

No, for there to be true victory, you must fight them! You must deny them the satisfaction of lording over you. You must join the HORDE!

Fuseblower advices against joining Horde! Hordies are ugly!

Fuseblower says to incels to play with cute little girls instead and roll Gnomette! Gnomettes are prettiest girls and are easy. Not mean and nasty longshanks. Incels will be volcels in no time.

Gnomes going their own way! Eat Red Pill and Join GGTOW!


As a trans-incel (a celibate soul trappen in a magnifican body that receives carnal pleasures of surprising variety daily), I abhor this message of hatred and exclusion. Be rid of false idols of Mammon the Deceiver and shirk the alluring call of material wealth.
Join the Cosmic Saviour Ashtar Sheran on his cosmic ship to the eternal paradise of Argus, where endless pleasures of the soul await thee.


I think there is a resurgence of inceldom because at this point in time Zandalar Tribe has not yet learned how to do it. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. World chat is not going to be the monolithic incel hub it once was in the last month. Orbis are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Zandalar Tribe to make. They are now going into a chad mode and Orbis will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, WoW Classic will not survive.


There is a Spectre in the air, a Spectre of Barbarians that will resent the change that awaits them. The chads will bring nothing but ruin to the international inceldom. A true Learner would have spotted the signs long ago.