My take on Death and Decay

Speaking mostly for Unholy since its my main spec, however I like cleaving with it for blood, but it does not work for the dps specs at all. Make the ability apply a DoT (wandering plague, necrotic plague, anything you name it for each spec). This would make the ability a more “fire and forget” type of ability with less hassle and more focused for the disease type of playstyle. Make cleaving strikes a passive.


We all want it - but only when someone forces it on us.
Because players don’t really want that.

Throw it and forget it is a good solution. I proposed something similar in another thread.
This could act as an aura around us, which also solves our biggest problems.

However, you can safely opt out of it. Many classes have AoE skills built into the class. Warrior has Cleav and Whirlwind, Retri Pala has Divine Storm or Survi Hunter has Butchery - they live and play.
I don’t see any obstacles to Unholy or Frost receiving a Cleav-type skill instead of DnD.
Frost actually received one - Frostscythe. And it’s brilliant, it just needs to be tuned properly.

just remove DnD+Cleave for all specs !!!

However, there are many more things that really irritate me.
In Wotlk, it was one of the strongest ground effects that dealt damage to a large number of enemies. Currently, the damage output is pathetic, and Scourge Strike’s split damage is tiring and unsatisfying.
For example, the entire Festering Wound expansion was so weak that you didn’t want to use it either for AoE or Single target, and the work that had to be done was huge and backbreaking with many of its own problems.

Even if you managed to apply many wounds to many targets, but the tank decided to continue the pack, all these targets are often at different distances from each other. Someone will use stun, someone else will use slow, someone else will decide to push some of the mobs away - in such a situation you won’t do any damage with Bursting Sores because all the targets are far from each other and scattered.
Such hopeless situations in which you played well, but your team had to perform other actions, destroys your plans and damage, and then the community perceives you as a weak class and does not want to play with you - the blame for this state of affairs is, of course, the developer who did not understands many of the problems of own project. All you need to do is enter the game and go to the dungeons in the build of your choice and run tests to find the main problems that need to be fixed.
Instead, resources are repaired.

Let’s take a look at the rogue rework:

  • frequent changes in talents,
  • new builds,
  • communication with the community,
  • the entire community, the ability to choose between a passive talent and a CD.
  • There was interaction with the community and responding to feedback.

supposedly a rework of DK

  • Only players with access to the alpha version have access to the main thread in the In Development section
  • the response is small in the main thread for EU and US
  • Some sim bots or YouTubers, not real players, have access to the alpha version.
    None of them communicates what they want DK to have and how it works, only their feedback is based on the assessment of skills - this is not enough information.
    The exception is DND
  • During the busiest times, “incompetent” people have access to the game xD

The jank of death and decay is actually the only reason I refuse to play DK in PvE. It feels bad to press, bad in AoE when you’re not in it and bad if the pack moves out of it.
It seems like it could easily be fixed by giving the player a buff for the duration of death and decay when it is cast, enabling them to cleave.

If you look at what makes an AoE ability fun to press, it needs to either do a lot of dmg (Like Spinning Crane kick for Monks), or be immediately impactful on button press, like Crash Lightning for Shamans. Crash Lightning might not do a lot in and of itself, but it has a high chance of granting several Maelstrom stacks, as well as enabling your single target abilities to cleave. It also has synergy with your AoE spender, giving it cooldown reduction.
Compare that to Death and Decay. You put a practically non-damaging field on the ground that you HAVE to stand in. You spend a whole rune and a gcd on it.


The easy win is that it corrupts the ground at your feet, you move it moves.

Funny I was making a similar point on the main thread the other day… Thematically it fits DK, uh especially, very well. It’s just crap to press for all the reasons mr Skinkekurt (and many more) mentioned above.

Man it’s the first time in my soon to be 20 years of playing this game that I really wanted an Alpha access, just to give as much freaking feedback as possible on DK… Not to toot my own horn that I’m sort of elite player, but I do believe my suffering of playing a DK main for nearly a decade now has given me a decent insight on the issues of this class.


id like alpha access too for the same reason, im far from a mythic raider nowadays, even back in legion i only did the odd heroic raid, and these days im a mega casual roleplayer that has played the class since Wrath. feedback and experience from the other side so to speak, points made for those that are not used to the big leauge gameplay in both high end PvP and raiding.

That’s a point many miss, that i want to raise. In my own n=1 experiences dipping the toes into PvP and high end raiding and just getting promtly hit in the face with a new reality of what i MUST do with the class, to merely get it off the ground, in the most unenjoyable barriers placed by delibrate design that is now expected of me to just accept because thats how we are designed.

i have alot of pointers of both PvP and PvE, on why in Metzen’s grace was it designed this way? quick tangent about the PvP frost Pillar of frost burn window. It’s not as threatening as say, a rogue that gets up in your business with CD’s, and needs 12+ seconds to do its full duration of pressure, GcD’s clipping, losing you time, and need melee, no other skills than oblit and FS can be used, so using emergency death strike if you’re getting counter bursted will lose you DMG, it is also telegraphed and easy to see, and if you face ANY warlock, ANY spec they have they will just put amplify cursed of weakness on you and you are basically a non elite mob for 12 seconds instead (fyi amplified curse of weakness prevents the target from critting, making pillar obliteration useless, it is also one a one minute CD, so its almost always up when you use pillar)

that’s just one short tangent that cemets proof that no with with any Admin design plays the class, and from a niche PvP angle.

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I don’t really PvP anymore. And funnily enough, I stopped pvping when I swap to DK main (that was mostly back in Legion). I think the PvP issues are even more complicated than the PvE ones. That’s mostly due to the nature of the game mode itself, as classes & specs that can burst somebody down in 3 to 5 seconds are clearly being favoured here. But again, I don’t PvP which is why I avoid commenting.

We’re a great PvE class though, to the point that I’m surprised how much damage we can output considering how terrible our design in. Was chatting with my guildies the other day and everyone is in agreement, DnD cleave is just a terrible idea that has absolutely no place in M+ constant kitting with a muddy diarrhoea of enemy floor effects.


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