Hello, I personally enjoyed delves a lot this season and looking forward to try them on season 2. Maybe a bit more variety would be great, but so far it was really fun type of content as an option to do + that zekvir. Now I have question, why many ppl hate on brann or don’t wanna hear his voice, for me personally it added a lot of the explorer vibe from the Brann. I always liked him and I am glad he is helping out in delves, and his speeches are quite funny.
But this is how I feel about it, interesting what you think.
TLDR: why people find Brann annoying?
Because we never liked him. He has an unpleasant voice and accent. So his ever-present joy for adventure is irritating in the long run. I was honestly hoping that season two would bring us another companion that we could use. And here it is still Brann and Brann.
To everyone’s own taste I guess, but I personally did not mind sound of his voice/accent, I even kinda liked how funny he sounds when he says something like “Get out of there”. And I did not understand what was irritating in his ever-present joy for adventure?
The only problem I have with Brann is his ever annoying habit of standing in the way so you cant click on stuff.
My only complaint related to Brann in delves would be maybe the experience in underwater delves like Tak’rethan, where he could throw potions in the air and it is hard to reach
I enjoyed the few Delves I did and wish this system had been introduced back in WoD or Legion. I’m now not really able to do this content anymore at a reasonable level, i can muddle my way through a level 1 given enough time (so no underwater or other timers involved).
Saying that I would have prefered if they’d done this type of progression in the Follower Dungeons instead. Recruiting, training and gearing similar to WoD Garrison Followers to accompany us in Follower Dungeons would have been cool.
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I don’t find him annoying. At all.
I don’t enjoy delves a lot, honestly. Being locked inside a dark place isn’t really my idea of a good time.
It’s a nice route to gear, sure. But I’ve started to doubt whether that route is worth it, just for gear that I won’t really use anyway because Blizzard has still not made the outdoor world a place interesting or compelling enough to spend a whole lot of time in.
I’ve really liked delves - they’re an excellent challenge for someone who can’t do group content. Brann is getting marginally better at healing than he was at the start and, once I’d equipped my Kalu’ak Fishing pole, the underwater delves became so much easier. No more running out of breath, but I still dislike the ‘3-D ness’ of them.
I do, however, find that if there’s somewhere unhelpful that Brann can stand, that’s where he’ll be.
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I personally think he’s alright. Not great, not terrible, just… passable. His voicelines do get stale quite quickly however, so I tend to mute the game and turn on Spotify when serial-running delves once a week.
This is where I am with regards gear just now. I came to that realisation in DF when I got to 463 and didn’t really feel any more powerful as I was already one-shotting most mobs in the areas of the game I played.
Could do without him stating the obvious all the time or screeching about not standing in things when he’s the one doing it - not me.
Other than that, enjoyed delves a lot.
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My main complaints about gear in delves that it is quite subpar compared to same level gear from something like normal Nerub’ar Palace raid, especially trinkets, man, I wish they will add more variety in terms of usability for delven gear. Especially knowing you can get up to heroic track with delves, I would wish that the gear would be on level with other similar gear from different activities, maybe bringing some exclusive utilities or decent damage buff as well
Something people own mind and dont like him.
Myself liked Brann. He gave me smile from his happy/cheer words
Honestly I only do them for the achievements cause my ego disallows me from seeing them incomplete. The overarching Zekvir story is kinda “ok”.
Other than that it’s boring filler.
Your opinion(s) may differ from mine and that’s fine.
EDIT: Sometimes I forget Brann is there.
Personally its the “Get out of the way!” While im standing in nothing and he’s in a frontal that does my head in.
My friend Brann , is awesome .
He likes to pull agro from my pet in tier 11 deles screwing up the boss position.
He likes running towards me and place aoe under me , or point one shot deadly lasers at me when he wants to hug me , while the boss smacks him .
He likes to feign death after that and not give me any potions , just to make sure I don’t overcome his little antics .
Overall he is a swell guy .
BTW . Maybe we can get some control buttons for him . You know so he follows orders for once . The randomness out of control he gives is soooo good .