My take on the 58 boost (41yo oldschool wow player)


Try keep this thread under constructive critisism. Insults and such will simply be ignored. The other big thread on this topic is filling with that nonsense.


The purpose of “no-changes” has always been about so nothing crazy happens. I am a one of the NC ppl in general but I don’t mind paladins get the “seal of blood” as it may help the Horde/Alliance ratio that so many talk about and some other things and some private servers did just that and was very welcomed, so fine.

However, Mmo’s (especially oldschool ones) are all about taking time, invest in your toon etc. Not pay2skip! You got that in Retail already. Long time Mmo player here. First was Daoc in 2001. How can it be “my fault” people did not want to play Classic and spend time there? I did take a break from Classic but have been back about 3-4 months now to farm up gold and get profession alts up etc.

They already get money from subs, transfers and don’t hate me for it, name chances. Yes name change was added in TBC, October 2007. I know they did not say anything about this (yet).

They don’t need more ways to milk this. Once TBC comes out and we get the 2.4.3 patch the leveling is what 30% ish faster. Add that with guilds/friends boosting up their Belfs, you got a “catch up” already.

The issue as I see it about buying the “only 1 time per account lvl 58 boost” may even help botters. Why? Now bots don’t even need to level from 1-58 after being banned when getting a new account and pay for that boost. Also getting dungeon blue starting gear etc which help their farming even more. Cause most hunter bots got crap gear. As they don’t need much gear.

Too often I heared the classic panel during Blizzconline talking about “convenient, easy for all, everything for everyone” etc.
That’s exactly the mentality and thinking that led to Retail gameplay in the first place. Retail did not happen over night but thoughts like this led to it.

Many of us in the Classic community have been talking about the issue of mage boosting in dungeons too. I’ve been a guest on Defcamp&MelderonTV a couple of times and in one podcast we talked about that. Yes this is “vXCozmoz” for those who might recognized my name. The dungeon boosting IS a problem, but why add more bad things then?

And yet they wanna milk this even more with lvl 58 boost and as Staysafe pointed out, they will make loads of money on this. So, will we accually get GM’s now with all the extra profit they get? No.

Like helping us out who spend their time doing these detailed reports on the bots, which would only take a GM seconds to notice if that’s the case or not.


Staysafe, Defcamp&Melderon, Hamsterwheel well many content creators, not just those with loads of subs calling this out as well. Incl myself and many I know, who are more regular players.

I guess this might not be something we could make them change their mind on as it has been annouced and all that but everytime I hear people saying “it’s only 1 per account, I see no issue here” etc …lost for more words.

Thanks for reading my book here. As a 41yo gamer who played WoW since closed/open beta (was 25 in Vanilla unlike most) and been very passionated and vocal about Classic I want to help it out best I can. Been doing some podcasts with content creators like Defcamp&MelderonTV, some guides and more. I go under the name vXCozmoz on Youtube for those who might have realized who this is.



Retail mentality is not needed in Classic portions of the game.

People managed to level 1 to 70 in TBC so should be the case here


Thank you for your reply and I do agree with what you said. I know having your own Youtube channel would help out more but my time is limited. Maybe will happen some day but I would not do it for the fame or money. Just continue doing what I’ve done for a long time, helping out.

Regardless of what “some” folks say and calling me out I didn’t do anything for Classic. I have little energy and time to care about short sighted and insecure people throwing out insults left and right without knowing better or atleast look things up :slightly_smiling_face:

Just for the record, do you also follow Defcamp&MelderonTV? Think my first podcast with them was 2019 before Classic launch, number 33. “Play Classic how YOU want”. I do follow others but been following them longest.


IMHO the prepatch could just have bonus quest experience on top of what TBC changes and it would be more than fine. Free, no boost, and more appealing than in-game boosts (and no need for Blizzard boost).


That is something we have also talked about in the content creator community and yes I think it would help and sway more people to TBC without having the pay2skip boost. Thanks for the reply and do you generally agree or disagree with the topic? I always welcome constructive critisism.


Boost and pushing people into existing realms as the only option is bad. They likely don’t expect much new players for TBC - where as on private servers playerbase is divided by expansions so there may be bigger than Blizzard-expected wave of TBC-only players.

Haha there are a million post about this, you were talking out of your butt and now you make your own post?

Not wanting a boost has to do with one thing, and that is looking at other people and wanting to deprive them from their fair share of fun.

If you look only at yourself you cannot name 1 argument.
Too bad for all you people with emty lives trying to pick on other people. Besides Boosting wil come, Blizz has said so, so cry in a corner.


He gave his reasons why he was making another thread.
Please go back and read what he said thank you.


You again, go back to the big 58 boost topic and take that attitude with you. I won’t be wasting time on this here.

Edit: Unless you can keep your manners intact or atleast come with constructive critisism that will help the topic. The endless insulting, name calling or bashing have has no place with me.

This is a newer account so had no post on it before and tried to stay away from the Official forum and such. You gave one of those reasons why I prefer stay away from them. But enough of this.

You reap what you sow. But you don’t want constructive criticism. You want an echo chamber filled with likeminded people.


I have to agree with that, your reason for a new post OP is to make the same points other have made elsewhere.


That was to be expected imo. As soon as you let go of the #no-change mindset you get into a change-adding sequence.

Either Classic will be for everyone, and some adjustments will be made. Or it will be for Classic-fans only. There is not really a grey area. And this includes the levelling process, or ability to skip a part of it in this case.

Ignoring the “fresh server” argument for now, new players who want to enjoy TBC will be heavily disadvantaged if a boost was not to be offered. Is that really what you want?

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He doesn’t want insults.

Big difference


If that’s what you really think then I can’t help you. Too bad there is no getting to you in your own “I’m so badass” little world. If you even knew what we spoke on those podcasts I was guesting, you would notice it was not a echo chamber. Nuff said. Again you have made your point, now go back to your other post and continue your dreamworld there. The End.

This video is spot on


Exactly. I want a civil talk and not the endless insult fest 2.0
But I sadly know how things go on forums nowdays. You almost can’t say anything without being bashed, namecalled or worse. People coming up with thoughts they have no background on.

Sadly too many can’t see the big picture and that endless insulting isn’t helping the game or community in any way.

Yes that is a great video! Seen it before. I am going to link something that I personally like as well. Simular aspects.

I have read your posts several times, there is only 1 real argument in it (bots don’t need to level anymore) the rest is wining about a company making money. They are not mother theresa, they have to pay people etc.

About your argument it may also help to find bots faster if I were Blizzard i would track new accounts with only one boosted char alot closer then normal accounts. It also takes away some of the profit those bots create and puts it back into the developers hands to keep running the servers. There will not be more bots, they are just faster, if they are faster it may also ruin their price structure, they dont make money by having 100k gold sitting at the char they get it from selling. The ammount of bots is defined by the player bases and those willing to use their “service”.

Noone is forcing you to buy a boost, not from Blizzard, also not from chars ingame via dungeons, you can still do the classic leveling and you still have to for every extra char, expect you want to pay for multiple accounts, but thats your personal decision I want blame you for doing that either.

I don’t really see a problem with a company offering a shortcut for money.


That is true. Thanks for the reply. Like I said earlier I am a NC generally speaking but as long nothing crazy happens, I’m ok. NoChanges basicly means “damange control”. There was no 58 boost back then and that is something I feel do goes into the crazy part. But hey that’s me and my honest view.

If these “new players” (imho won’t be the majority) want to play TBC then what’s stopping them from playing Classic now and put the time and effort in as we speak? Coming fresh to 58 with no gold, profession alts etc is not going to be that fun for them, I think. Once they see the prices AH with mats and all that.

“They don’t want to play Classic, just TBC” well I want a new car as well but I got to work for it. Can’t just skip the part of me taking my time earning the money of it. Ok that was a BAD example, but the same princip. I’m sure you understood =)

People are obviously entitled to have their own opinion, where that be to agree or disagree, but the insult bs helps nobody. Having a civil talk on it does (or can).

Atleast you got your manners intact and for that I’m taking my time replying this back ^^

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Oh I get what you are saying, but uhm, it remains a video game. If you have to go through content you don’t enjoy to be able to start the content you (may) enjoy, then players will drop off before they even get started. Ofc you can argue that they then don’t belong in an MMORPG, but well, the real deal was walked through 14 years ago, give it a slack :slight_smile: let them try it out and explore Outlands without having to go from Elwynn to Winterspring first.

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If this boost(as I believe) will bring more players into classic TBC and give Blizzard more revenue out of this project I’m fine with it. There is a fine line here and I don’t think Blizzard has crossed it. We are in the end of Classic ERA, and to let those who don’t want to spend months leveling in classic to be able to jump into TBC faster is IMO not harmful.

We also have to remember that Blizzard offer 1 boost per account, the new races cant be boosted and you will not get any shortcuts to crafting. It’s very limited in that way and is not close to any retail boost.

I am however worried that they will keep on adding these pay 2 skip options, but if Blizzard are able to keep it 1 payed boost per expansion only I see no harm in it. I will be strictly against anything else they invent, but I’m totally fine with this 1 convenience thing since it benefits Blizzard and us as we will see more players jumping on board.

Remember larger profits for classic means more investments, maybe not much but if they can show off good numbers from classic it will be a benefit for all of us!