My take on the 58 boost (41yo oldschool wow player)

The difference is leveling in Classic isn´t difficult like Dark souls. Its long, boring, tedious process. Sorry but classes in Classic are extremely simple with simple gameplay and you pretty much autoattack or frostbolt/blizzard your way to 60.

I have no problem to put time and effort into smt which brings me joy :slight_smile: But playing a game while being bored pretty much denies its purpose.

Do you not know ? That will not change post 58 :smiley:

Oh it will. The difference between TBC and Classic is huge. Leveling is more polished, classes are much more polished.

pretty general statement. Yeah classes change, but they change because of the TBC (pre) patch not because of the lvl ( yeah i get it, more skills, i guess ). Its just that TBC makes classes more balanced, but that actually even happends before lvl 58.
Just test it: take a class, maybe a pala and lvl it to lvl 40 or something. it wil be different, hope you get my point.

I really don´t get your point … ?

Its about the lvl 58 boost after all right ?

Ye but that boost will be here (probably) when TBC hits. Still don´t see your point.

Edit: Oh you edited your post. So you are suggesting me to levelup during TBC instead of Classic right?

Prepatch: Because the changes will be there for all the classes ( if there a any )

I probably will if I have enough time. Depends on how long prepatch will be and if 2.3 xp nerf will be a part of it.

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That is actually a sexy answer :slight_smile:

My experience is not the same, at all.
I logged into one of my retail characters yesterday(cuz I have all classes at level 50+ even without playing the game more than 10 hours lel), friday evening at 20:00, Twisting Nether server, EU. There were 10 players in orgrimmar thanks to CRZ, 4 russian dudes, a few random english servers and 2 german players, all afk waiting in a queue for a dungeon or raid, with no interaction whatsoever.
I checked the group finder to see what’s going on. 9 groups out of the first 10 I saw were boost selling groups for irl cash. I flew around orgimmar, then went to ardenweald quest hub, was super empty even with CRZ.

Then on classic, it has been 1 year 8 months since release, we had the last patch of vanilla content start of december, basically the game is at the very end of its story, we still have hundreds of players in stormwind, there is so many people in the evening that it is lagging out for several minutes, in STV there are tens of people levelling and there are massive ganks going on, felwood is the definition of a grieffest with a hundred gankers and ten dispeller priests waiting as ghosts, there are legit groups of players everywhere. I can’t stress this enough, I have access to both classic and shadowlands, there were always more players in classic except the first 1-2 weeks of release hype of SL.

Because the design doesn’t revolve around finishing everything asap and zooming all the way to the endgame content. The game design forces every player to interact and live a journey.

Retail design is like fast food: Every kid wants fast food when you ask them what they want, but in the end it is bad for their health and if you give them what they want, they will become fat and have colesterol at 25 years old and diabetes at 30 and hate themselves for their entire life.
Classic design is like proper grandmother meal with quality material in it: vegetables, carrots, brocoli, meat, beans. The kid(uneducated, unconscious player) might want to prefer fast food if you ask him at first, but this food is better for his health and well-being, he will be more healthy and will be happier with his life in the end and eventually, one day, he will appreciate that his grandmother made him eat this food instead of junk food. (when he gets more of an mmorpg player and gets some experience with this genre)

It is simple as that.
Oldschool, classic MMO design manages to retain players better and even if they don’t get instant gratification and everything they want with ease, they will eventually be happier with the game IN THE LONG RUN and keep playing the game.
Newgen zoomer MMO design gives the player everything he wants easily, is fun and funky and flashy for a few weeks then everything becomes dull and meaningless and player gets bored af and quits the game 1 month after every expansion pack.


Well that is your opinion. Leveling in classic might not be the most engaging thing ever, but I would not call it boring. It depends also how you go about it.
Leveling is a large part of MMOs, and you are literally paying money to skip that part. And you are basically allowing for a service to exist in the game that could potentially harm it in the long run, just so you can save some time.

If you do not like leveling because its long and “tedious”, then Classic might not be for you, because the tediousness does not end when you reach max level.
You can always play retail where there are many such shortcuts that you so much enjoy.


I think that for me there are two sides of the coin. A side of me that thinks that there could be harm by adding a boost and another side of me that thinks it could benefit some people.

I’m not the most intensive player on WoW and doing some dungeons and a lot of PVE makes the experience for me. I used to be an altaholic and loved playing different classes just because I could and it was fun. To me levelling will always be a big part of nostalgia when it comes to playing classic (and I think that applies to most players). Sometimes I don’t even use addons for that authentic feel of just levelling. Although I can imagine this is not the case for everyone I hope that many classic players feel that the levelling side is just as important as the end game and therefore probably won’t be the kind of players that will pay2skip. I feel Blizzard should deal with bots a lot more effectively by banning them rather than just ignoring them and that people should just have fun playing classic as intended.

On the other side though I have a few friends that prefer end game content and didn’t really have time to level. They are quite experienced players and a boost would benefit them a lot considering that life’s responsibilities come first and they can no longer put the time into the game especially if they don’t enjoy that side of it. Blizzard have put restrictions on the boost which makes it a bit more plausible to have and there is a chance that their could be consequences as a result of adding it especially since the game didn’t have it originally. But if it’s only on one char and that excludes Draenei and blood elves then they aren’t milking the boost that much.

Personally, I think that a lot of people playing classic play it for classic and if there is anyone playing it like i do then levelling a character isn’t much of an issue because I actually find levelling quite fun and chill. I may be only a minority but if people think it’s as fun as I do then a boost might not necessarily ruin the game because there are people out there that just enjoy that side of it meaning there will always be some kind of levelling. Of course if people play it for raiding and end game content with only and if there is a larger scale of those players, then there will be less people levelling and more people at endgame and probably more people willing to boost to get to such content. I do hope that I’m not the only one that feels levelling makes actually makes the game but even if I am I’m not going to skip it as long as I play it.

I never said I want to play Classic. I want to play TBC :slight_smile: Actually I want to avoid Classic as much as possible :smiley:

So the prepatch counts then ? :smiley:

Depends on what we got with prepatch.

Should be everything exept Outland :slight_smile:

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Didn’t boast xd
Fighting tooth and nail to get people to believe he got 2.4k rating first time he did pvp on his retail char right?
Didn’t Wanna prove anything though. Only thing he could prove was he was one of the better fireball spammers.
This is my classic char btw.

Edit: telling me i should learn how the game works when I explained you how the game works. Ingame ignite is added to the first mage.
I didn’t know wcl split it up. Should’ve told me to learn how wcl works, missed opportunity.

Smallar Dungeons and not designed by a spider on acid with a felt tip pen.

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