Make umbilicus Eternus do dmg based on its absorb
based on what I check it would increase Bdk dmg by like 20 to 25% overall and it makes a fun mini gameplay to mid max our vampiric blood its the best way I see to fix bdk dmg fast for now without any rework and anything else.
on top of that I have some Sugestions for 10.1.5
- AMZ absorb 40% magic damage in group contents like what atonement for priests and healing tide for shaman works its double in group content and half in raid
- give use a Debuff which makes targets we do dmg to to take 2.5% more magick and physical dmg it match bdk dmg profile and fantasy aswell and it creats a reason for us to get accept into keys or raids
- Remove Deathgrip gcd
- fix some of our talents which currently are not working at all such as crimson scourge and relish in blood due to new dk design which force us to play in DND we have to take the deaths echo which makes us have 2charge of DND and then due to that crimson scourge Doesnt proc at all since when your DND is not on cd it Doesnt proc then we have so many talents that works with crimson scourge proc its so silly and shame that it lasted too long and yet no fix to it.
- fix purgatory sometimes it procs and you die instantly without any reason and its Buged since shadowland and yet no one cares.
- makes Bonestorm cost no runic power this ability is useless for so long since it Doesnt worth to press when you die 1sec after due to 0runic power remains and yet no change.
These changes wont makes Bdk broken op or anything like this and these are not delusional ideas and even with these we wont be Meta tank or anything we just get in line with the other tanks for now.
also sorry for bad English blizzard seems listening and do changes from DF forward i hope they adress this class or spec since its really messed up now.