My wraith king theory

i think the wraith king is arthas from warcraft. in warcraft 3 arhas use boat and get same sword as the wraith king


Guis I think Dethwong is a dragern and might cause the Katoclysm?



i think the wraith king is the lich king from wraith of the wraith king

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I think Ilidon is the devil hunter from wc3 because he has tattoos

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Here you can see a pic of a wraith:

is that what you mean?

Or do you mean the Lich King formerly known as Arthas Menethil as you can read about here:

Who got killed by us (or now is going to be killed by us) and replaced by Bolvar Fordragon the new Lich King.

how u know that

he lie do not beliuve him


Arthas is not Abaddon from dota ? O.o He was made to resemble Abaddon !

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