Mythic+ and leavers

its a topic people are passionate about that gets consistently ignored by blizzard

Welcome to the forums! People will always complain even complain about others complaining.

Makes nice forum entertainment though. :seat: :popcorn:

You seem nice. So I will give you the answer to your question.

Think about it :

I find it ridiculous to suggest that there are people that join keys for the sole purpose of leaving them just to ruin the day for 4 strangers on the internet. And they need to be somehow punished.

I find it even more unbelievable that apparently M+ PuG scene is full of people like that. That every PuG out there absolutely wants to troll others.

No. Its not true.

99.999% of the people join a key with the intention of finishing it. And if they leave, 99.99% of the time its because of legit reasons (RL emergency, internet issues, ect…). OR… something during the key went wrong…

So then. Ask your friends. What happened during the keys where someone left? And is there something they can do about it?

Absolutely : Making a nice, positive, and fun ambiance for all players.

If you talk to people, are nice to people, and just play to have fun… people will finish the key even if its 20 minutes overtime. Because they are having fun.

If on the other hand you treat people like NPCs. Talk to nobody. And the instant there is 1 mistake you start complaining… well… you got leavers…

Like I said. I see maybe 1 leaver every 40 runs or so. Im not special. I just treat people like people. Not like NPCs.


Discussed since legion and "search " on the forum is part of the rules before posting. Also this is blizzard’s own view on it

Blizzard on Leavers in Mythic+ Content - Wowhead News


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Funny you should mention this. We’ve had several internal discussions about this very topic, and while there’s nothing to announce yet (and, realistically, not likely for a while), this is a concern very much on our radar. It feels a little disingenuous to say “stay tuned” because nothing is going to be immediately forthcoming, but if and when something comes of those discussions, this is your forewarning to not be surprised. !

Incentive for group content? - Community / WoW Community Council - World of Warcraft Forums (

This is why you do research before making mundane posts.

Nothing you have said OP is fresh at all.

read above it has not it just because you got an answer you dislike.

People like you and the OP really need to read up before posting sorry to be blunt.

Because it’s a consistent lack of reading comprehension and thinking things through.

Of course I know people have talked about it before, it is all over the place, streamers, discord, all soical medias. I was thinking if people have talked about having “surrender” button like pretty much 90% of the other “competitive with score” games have it so we Don’t punish people for leaving. That is what the topic is about, not if it is happening or not

You did not read my reply at all and just like the sound of your own self importance, blizzard know about it and will do something about it and will let you know when until then you have to deal with it.

End of the day you either join a group or make a group with the risk of a key depleting.

And they should continue to ignore it !

Because “passionate” complainers cant see farther than their noses. Lets look at two examples where blizzard actually listened and check the results :

OK… Why are people not complaining about leavers in HC dungeons? Because the leaver gets punished?


Because if someone leaves you put the group back in quew and find a replacement to finish the dungeon.

So what have you achieved with the “punishment”? NOTHING. Just pain for no useful purpose.

Now. EXAMPLE #2 : Solo Quew Arenas. If you leave one, you also get a 30 min debuf. And you loose 200 rating (a massive chunk)…

What do people do instead ? They AFK the arena, making a miserable experience for all 6 players involved.

What have you achieved? Also nothing productive.

So as you can see… the PROBLEM is key depletion.

If you focus your efforts on that, then MAYBE there can be a solution. And countless propositions have been suggested in the forums. But they are flooded by meaningless whining about punishing leavers.

So until I see someone actually complain about the correct and impactful things, I will continue to call “passionate complainers of leavers” total idiots that don’t know what they are talking about.

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What do you mean self importance? The post was made because OTHERS are having the issue, I started the post with saying People, not me, but others. So I have no idea why you would think that

And that is true, they said last year they will look into it, and haven’t put out anything on what that might be, so that means they are still trying to find a solution to it, that’s why I do post like this so we can brainstorm about a solution for it to help them find the best way to approach it, that is how feedback works, and even better to give solutions to it before they put something out there that might not work

Suggestions are done via in game tool not on forums, besides there are options already in place.
Join a guild/community/make friends and like me and others have said already use the search feature on the forum before posting as this has been done to death. End of debate nothing more to be said at this point which has not been covered since legion nothing you have said is fresh or new.

:thinking: :frowning_face: yikes

Its not ignored. It was addressed the first time.

They are not going to add any punishment.

When someone presses that surrender button, he wants to leave. When the other people will keep him hostage in that group where he does not want to be anymore by pressing “no” that player will not be a valuable team member anymore. He wants out.

The only thing you get is someone who will not contribute anymore, or worse is going to troll the run because he wants another wipe and Surrender again.

You will only generate more toxicity with those kinds of systems.


If 1 person out of 5 wants to leave because he thinks it won’t be timed, then the other 4 people think it could still be timed, because otherwise they wouldn’t be there or press the button.

If I take this scenario and play it 100 times, I think we can agree that if 4 people think it is time-able, and 1 person does not, in most of those scenarios, the 4 people are right (Because they are the majority)

And he can leave, the penalty I suggested is an hour cooldown, which is not big at all. You can still do world quest, mount, or anything at all during that hour, even log another character

If this would reduce players leaving time-able keys at the start by a lot, and the “penalty” is only an hour cooldown, I personally think it would be worth it

If the person would troll around, then just agree as a team to click the button and go next. Just like they do in any moba game or any other comp games

1 hour is actually really big. I play in the evening about 3 hours. When in my first run i get people who has no clue how to avoid avoidable damage at all, as a healer, they start toxic to me (“healer???”) and i just want to get out of that nonsense, then i can not keep playing. I have to start netflixing. And i have to tell my friends i will not come since i am not allowed to play the game.

So it mean i will just AFK or die on the next pull randomly in a circle.

Never seen it honestly.

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Or people refuse to accept that its a time/stubborn/wants to spend even 2 h there.

You really think people in m+ follow cold logic? Most are emotional and will even fly into a rage the moment tank steps on the left instead of the right.


Seen this idea so many times since legion and its been debunked so many times as useless but then again the OP would have known that if they have only followed the forum guidelines and searched before posting.

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Have they already talked about having a surrender button? I haven’t seen that being spoken about and a lot of info about it from blizzard, but maybe you got inside info here. You could tell us about it if you got info about surrender button because that is what we are talking about here, not about if people leave mythic+, which you have STILL have not spoken your thoughts about in 3 posts now which is the topic at hand

End of debate.


You can run m+ two ways. Either guilds/friends/community or pugs.

Guilds/friends/community - Quality runs. People tend to be more trustworthy. But yes yes. I know. Asking to simply say “Hi!” to another person, some people scream like we are demanding them to marry the said person and move to Antarctica with them.
Pugs - Convenience and you get to avoid the most lawful thing imaginable in the 21st century - talking with somebody but pugs are not as trustworthy and dont give 2 peanuts about you.

Quality vs Convenience. Make your choice and accept the price each option brings with it.
Cant have cake and eat it too :birthday:

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Still, we are talking about surrender button not only the leaving penalty. Leaving penalty still exist in other forms. This is about PUG, not premades, there is no issues in premades, we all know that already. I’ll just stop responding because idk if you trolling or not trying to bring anything to the topic. 5th post now