Mythic+ and leavers

Nope, people need to stop being crap at the game. Had enough of fail groups and I shouldn’t be forced to stick around for a fail timed key.

Yeah… because streamers are always right.

He should explain to me why I dont have any leavers in my runs. I must be a special unicorn or something…

Last I checked he’s arguing with people mid-run.

Disagreement isn’t rude

That explains the leavers…

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forum would be a wasteland then.

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well i also had this situation before.
tank is too stupid and you cant heal dumb.
it is generally known you use BL for the first pull in many dungeons.

argument can be made if it was a +2 tyrannical but who care about BL there lol

BL can be an arguement point but generally not worth it to be mad about.
I also dislike someone lust right before a hard healing check on tyrannical
I mean i had someone lust the last pack before khajin on tyrannical. which can lead to a failed key, but still can try to kill the boss before arguing. but things like that could lead to a disband

sometimes there is a reason and it isnt you, not gameplay wise of course.
it has to do with group building.
you see on my main which is geared and has score or even just had score and no gear, i had almost no leavers.

when switch to a crappy alt, I had sometimes leavers because I had to invite people that look already terrible. Why? because nobody applied and i wanted to run the key.

No? It was to give a perspective of how disbands happen half the keys he reviews arent even hes.

Cuz u are either full of sht or dont do a lot of keys

Only when they decide to make some reason for them to stop the key in hes opinion you should finish every key even if its not timed because you would or someone in your group would always learn something new from the completion

Again you have 0 idea of who you are talking about and you hear 1 word and you go EH NOTHA ASMON CRYBABY HE BAD PERSON, like what kind of way is that to act to judge someone that you have 0 idea who is just because he uploads videos about m+ xD

Exactly, and I was the healer… But I know people prefer different things in pugs, and just because I’m used to giga pull the first pack and lust, didn’t mean they wanted to xD

So I asked, but I die a little bit inside, when no one says anything, but flames when I use it at a time they didnt like xD

Common… when keys go well nobody will send that “boring” video to a streamer. And definitely the stremer will not post a 40 min stream of “nothing happening” because it does not create any views.

The bias towards “drama” is blatant in this case. How can you not see it?

You can inspect me or my alt (Zavia-Uldum). I only have 2 toons.

Feel free to back up your claim with data.

Again. Streamers earn money by VIEWS. Not by uploading.

Drama == views. Streamers == a skewed view of reality.

Streamers have value, but you should never take what they say at face value. You have to know their limitations.

How is that gonna prove anything? they dont track disbands.

Are you like daft or something? I literaly just said he went over disbands aka failed keys, going over mistakes that caused the deplete or peoples awful behaviour, so again whats your point? You have said nothing useful besides he steamer he bad.

Which means absolute nothing and is just a clear big ignorant bias from you viewing every streamer as bad people.

You said :

I am not full of BS. Its a legit observation in my runs. And you claimed that I dont do a lot of keys. Inspect me. Count the keys I do.

So I ask again : Am I a special unicorn or what?

And I am just as “representative” as the streamer you mention. I do as many keys as he does. So my “observation” is as valuable as his. Except that I dont make any money from my runs. He does.

But he does say something of value:

Here you go.

So if people do a lot of mistakes, people leave. Solution : dont do mistakes. Or atleast, dont get tilted about it. And B, peoples auful behaviour.

So there is a correlation here : people’s auful behaviour.

And how do we fight auful behaviour ? By having a good attitude. Not the childish "but you did it first !!! " that many people have. I said it already… If there is 1 thing you can do to prevent leavers is :

And that is what that streamer is proving to you. But he himself is not doing it. So he keeps having bad groups !!!

So I ask again… what is YOUR point?

I did not say that. I said he has a bias.

You are claiming this : Streamer X sais this. Therefore, there are a ton of leavers all the time and its a problem. You took his message on face value.

I never said the streamer is bad. Or that he is full of BS. I just said that streamers have a bias. Here, I will quote it again.

So I ask again. Are YOU daft?

bruh he has like 5-10k views thats like max 5 max dollars (its probably way lower)

I mean there is a ton a leavers? Is that something you need a streamer to tell you xd but again you clearly havent watched oneazeroth or any of hes content and i dont think everything he says is true if i was that dmb i would be watching asmongold instead.

Stop spreading hatred about people you dont know clearly you are ignorant and refuse to look into what he actually stands for therefor i dotn wanna waste anymore time on you because you clearly dont wanna see other peoples perspective and your view is the only thing thats true in your eyes.

Come with some examples then if its so true. You go on this whole point that hes a bad person and he trolls hes own keys then come show some times where hes the one trolling the keys.

Jesus ! His goal is to expand viewers. If to achieve that he needs to fill the feed with drama, then he will…

Common. Stop trying to “gotcha” me because this is known stuff…

I mean… please… tell me how you feel when you read the news? Because the BBC and social media does exactly the same. How do you view the world if you don’t filter out the bias of the media you see?

Im not saying the BBC lies and you should not read it. Please do.

All I am saying is that if I open the BBC now, all I see is chaos, death and destruction. But if I look around me, I don’t see a “Mad Max” apocalypse.

So there is bias. Yish… its not hard to understand.

Never said that. All I said is that if you make a nice and fun experience for everyone involved, you will not have leavers.

Its true, because I do it and it works perfect.

If instead you pretend to argue with everyone you see… then you will have leavers…

Its a tested strategy. Be nice to people, and they will want willingly be with you. Because its FUN. Its not rocket science. Works also in the office at work, and with personal relationships. Strangers in the internet are also people, so it works on them.


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