Mythic Dungeon 10+

Hey guys,
A quick question about Rio score and whatever else is needed to do 10+

I just keep constantly getting rejected for 10’s and 11’s even though I am packing drums and resurrection thing to every dungeon

Unfortunately trying to get every dungeon on +9 done in time and getting high ilvl. Or push your own key. Or join a M+ community or discord server. Or a guild of course.


Well, you kind of need to stand out like [this is me, you know you want me].

How to do this? Well, hard to tell since every group-leader looks for something else.

But I can tell you that 494 rio + 428 ilvl does not stand out between the 24 other dpses that queue up.

Join a community so u dont have to worry about rio :slight_smile:

[h] mythics - calm keystones - #44 by Stenn-argent-dawn (Not sure how to join or who to contact for this one right now though).


In my perspective “outstanding from someone” in mythic is

  1. Be a rogue with shroud
  2. Druid for heals / tank
  3. Respec to prot warrior

Is this about meta or about getting actually help and advice :frowning:


What was the question?
Cause forum can’t raise your score faster, but timing keys does.

I am a total noob at those things. I am just saying that in most groups I see “LF Rogue” or something along those lines. Didn’t mean to offend or something.

I still however don’t understand the meaning of outstand. /shrugs

The question itself is , in order to get to 10th key I must raise only my Rio ? What’s the ilvl for 10 key ?

You have a keystone in your bags that you can raise to 10

My tip is to not waste time on third party score at all, do something more valuable with ur time ingame.

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Wait , hold on a second.

That +7 key I got for Shrine of the Storm ?

So in order to get 10+ I need to progress that key ?

Yes that’s how people get +10 keys

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Ohhhh that makes sense now.

But okay, that’s about that key.
But what about joining the group for 10+ ? What are the requirements ?

As pointed out already, join Zen Horde. Nearly 400 members that don’t judge by raider io etc.

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Seems about most logical thing to do, as that Raider io thing makes my gears grind.

Aight gang, thank you all for a wonderful input and advices.
You the best ! /kiss

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Thats totally up to the leader of every run to decide. Try looking for ppl posting chill runs for weekly, they are probably not looking at rio as much as those trying to push their key. And zen horde. Join them!


^^ This is your biggest problem. When people are taking applicants for their +10 keys they are getting people with higher scores than yours. It is their choice who to take and most will take a higher over a lower score. The bulk of the player base plays DPS so generally there is a big pool of applicants to choose from. Your score is just a reflection of your experience and atm as far as groups can see, you are lacking it.

You have three dungeons with no scores at all. I would recommend trying to get any runs in those to boost your overall score. Doing a key on time is obviously a better score than going over.

If you don’t have friends or guildies to play with to run some mythic plus with then I would consider communities like Sinaaki recommended.

Meta classes are irrelevant for +10 keys, you can do them with any setup.


Build your own key, its the best way to do it. Maybe join a guild that you can raid with, boost your ilvl a little bit. Practice your rotation and get the essences that you need.

That all being said; of course your char is good enough. You are 10 ilvl higher than the first time we timed our first +10’s. There is just a lot of competition.

I am so curious how does this thing function :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
So one m+10 key holder let’s ppl jump over their learning curve into plus 10 directly and plays 1 hour run with them to get good boi points? :yum: