[H] Zen Horde - Chilled PvE Community

Almost 200 members!

It’s a cool milestone for the community, and we see people from all different interests just talking or grouping up to do activities and have fun :slight_smile:


NICE, just joined :wink:


Just joined cant wait to do some m+ and bgs with you guys :slight_smile:


Welcome guys.

There’s a lot of friendly people happy to get stuck in with you, or just have a casual natter :slight_smile:

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Anyone after chilled community for running M+ should Join Zen Horde. Running M+ stress free with like minded horde players. Just be chilled too :slight_smile: Enjoy the game!


Hello, all! if anyone wants to join the community feel free to add me via Bnet and I’ll drop you an invite when I’m online :slight_smile:


We have a whooping 350+ members now and a wonderful community :smiley:

The link is down due to some reasons until we resolve some stuff.

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Im interested in joining this community. I sent you a friend request - Speak to you soon :slight_smile:

Hello, I would like to join the community if possible.:3

I have so many drums for bloodlust , we can make an orchestra of only drums !


Thanks everybody for making such a wonderful community, we now have over 400 members! and a good news is that we’ve re-opened the invite links!

Is the new link, use it to join the community :stuck_out_tongue: or if you prefer a more personal interaction you can add me or jaigo on bnet

Engineersan#2776 ( me )
Danny#25265 ( Jaigo )


If you have any troubles joining you can whisper me in game too for a invite or add my bnet!
We are really becoming a big solid friendly community and it’s awesome! :smile:

My bnet: reigasm#2210

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Hello all, this is a second invite link if the first one didn’t work for you, use this :smiley:

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Dervast#2371 I would appreciate if you guys can invite me

Ofcourse :slight_smile: everyone’s welcome, sent you a bnet friend request!

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Hi there, I would love to join :slight_smile:


Ofcourse! feel free to join using the link, or when I log in I will add you after I come back from work :stuck_out_tongue:

Done :slight_smile:

Sounds great! I love initiatives like this. Will join once I get home from work!

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Hi Hinata! Aylish has been trying to join zen horde but haven’t been able to (and has some forum issues, thats why i’m writing u). She has tried to add u on battletag so u can invite her to the zen hordes, just wanted to let you know.

Edit: just ignore this, i found the right invite code for her :slight_smile:

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Awesome! we’d love to have you in!

I did invite Aylish :P, I know the invite links can be abit confusing so anyone lost can just add me at engineersan#2776 btag :stuck_out_tongue: and i’ll invite them asap!

We also are also signed up on communities LFM tab, you can find us there and apply, though applying there and getting invited can be slow so just write a note so you stick out :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hi there,

I have applied in the tool ingame. Is there still a spot free for me to join this community. Just recently leveled a horde char after playing alliance for 12 years. Heared some good stories about this community and hoping i can join here.


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