Mythic+ dungeon tuning with 11.0.7

Along with the 11.0.7 patch this week, we’ll make the following changes to encounters in Mythic+ dungeons to provide better parity across different specializations and reduce composition restrictions.


  • Ara-Kara, City of Echoes
    • Ki’katal the Harvester
      • Cultivated Poison periodic damage reduced by 10%.
  • City of Threads
    • Orator Krix’vizk
      • Subjugate shadow damage reduced by 20%.
    • Royal Venomshell
      • Venomous Spray periodic damage reduced by 25%.
  • Grim Batol
    • Twilight Flamerender
      • Shadowflame Slash initial damage reduced by 25%.
    • Molten Giant
      • Lava Fist damage reduced by 21%.
      • Lava Fist cooldown increased.
  • Mists of Tirna Scithe
    • Mistveil Guardian
      • Protector of the Mists damage buff reduced to 2% per stack (was 3%).
  • Siege of Boralus
    • Irontide Curseblade
      • Cursed Slash damage vulnerability reduced to 10% (was 15%).
  • The Stonevault
    • Void-Bound Despoiler
      • Shadow Claw cast time increased to 2.5 seconds (was 1 second).
      • Shadow Claw cooldown increased.
    • Curseheart Invader
      • Void Infection periodic damage reduced by 25%.
    • Master Machinists
      • Igneous Hammer damage reduced by 20%.

These changes are intended to address high-damage, frequently cast magical tank attacks as well as to non-magic dispel spells that require significant throughput increases if they cannot be removed.


Too little, too late?
Actually no, no matter how much you nerf the dungeons, when the foundation is literally rotting.

Here is what you actually should fix instead:

  • Tank/heal and general self-sustain tuning
  • Peril affix perma removed, possibly replaced with something less atrocious and lazy
  • needless bumps on +10 and +12 smoothened out (whats even the point of fortified/tyrannical anymore if both are present always?)
  • cc changes plainly reverted; m+ was fine with it since 2016, so I doubt TWW should be that much different in this regard

The only redeemable part of the TWW m+ framework is the Xal’atath affix group, of course excluding the +12 version.
Idk, was mdi so much more fun now that every single run is the same?


Very appreciated dungeon tuning. Thanks. But why 3 months late ? That is what I dont get.

You tuned the raid 3 times during that period. Why do raiders always get special baby treatment?


You have to do these things earlier. Because right now the changes will have little impact. First, any tank will have either stopped playing or re-rolled Paladin.

Problem is that whoever wants to play right now has missed out on 10 weeks of the vault. No Myth Track gear for him. So he will be significantly behind with or with-out these changes.

Then. When it comes to PPaly right now, he has a lot of representation because of his ability to silence mobs. Not because he is tanky. PWarriors are technically tankier even.

So your changes will not increase tank variety unless you change the spell quew and make silences so OP.


While removing curses and poisons are what made RShaman so good originally. Right now its DPriest the one taking over. Simply because: Power Infusion (PI) and Fortitude.

You have to address the fact that 1 spec can provide 1 mini-BL every 2 minutes. I have been saying this for years. But the only way to not have a priest OP (DPS or Healer specs) is to nerf all 3 specs to the ground. But the moment any 1 of them is marginally competitive to the rest, it becomes meta because of PI.

It was much easier to see why Poison Clensing totem was too powerful. And you nerfed it quickly (unlike mass dispel in DF that took you 5 months to do… ahem…)… But PI is in the same category. And has been for a long time.

And IMO this is unacceptable. Please normalize raid buffs please.

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I might be mistaken, but havent we had dungeon tunings aswell?

We did. Some change to Stitch Flesh. That is the most impactful change we got since.

But either way. From a healer perspective the changes to curse dispel and poisons is something that should have happened in like… the 1st week…

It’s what made RShamans meta. And instead of having our totems gutted that is what we needed. Dungeon tuning.

As for tanks Prot Paladins got their Avenger’s Shield every 15s. Its what makes them so powerful. Previously, they were so undertuned that it did not matter because they used to flop to any tank buster even with CDs on.

When they got their survivability tuned to be more in line with other tanks (as it should be) the advantages of PPaly came to light.

And in addition, in DF many of those tank busters that they are tuning also existed. Except that they could be CCd. But not anymore.

So everything boils down to the spell quew changes basically. It all ends up back there. And I will not stop asking for Blizzard to revert this horrible change in the hopes that atleast in S2 we can go back to what we had.

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Too late! People stopped playing until the next season.


Do not hope respect for their customers, Brewmaster monks and Holy priests took their redpill since long time ago.


I’m glad you are attempting to balance stuff, but you really weren’t able to detect these imbalances sooner?

Is the same thing going to happen next season, too? Many things will be overtuned for a long time and when you finally get around to fixing it, the season will already be long over again? That doesn’t bode well for the future of m+.

Why is everything taking so long?


I have to agree. This is too little too late and honestly, i fear the trash more than i fear the bosses as a tank. I can rotate defensives for predictable tank busters.
It’s when there are multiple ones on the trash pull with 6 other mobs that things become hairy as we have to interrupt and stun while trying not to die to the first white swings or when they decide to line up tank busters at the same time for a tasty one shot.

Like please… go play a tank on 10+. A DK on 619ilvl or below especially. Every pull is a near one shot with defensives up until you build resources. It’s especially bad on DK but it’s like this on every tank. It’s just not fun.

Buff tanks. Remove the caster mob changes. Let us have fun again.
Heck if you prefer don’t buff tanks but nerf the mobs across the board.


Definitely this. I feel like it is 50% of why this season hurts.

But lots of folks just raid logging already anyway so… It can wait for 11.1 I guess. People not going to come back this late in a season.

Poor tuning all around, changes above are good but should not have been so slow. This was fixable in beta.

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Exactly what this dude said. Cmon blizzard stop cosplaying as a stubborn mule. Just make these changes that are the root cause of the problems


ok thx now my plus 10 vault filling is easier, but the nerfs wasnt neccessary tbh (tank opinion)

its already a non affix, but yeah
plus they nerfed it already one time, that you have more time in dungeons

yep better wait for push weeks and if you are not able to play this week you are very F
I am happy that i dont play higher than neccessary for gear.

How this tuning is going to bring me back into playing m+? :smiley:
First impression is important and S1 of TWW made horrible first impression on your players.
you have lot of FIXING…
to be fair you have a lot of reverting blizzard. cause you broked system that was more then OK in DF


That’s too late…

What is the reason to do it now? You see the numbers plummeting? Too much noise by Content creators?

Start to be proactive with your corrections and not reactive, maybe we will start to cheer a bit. 20 years of a game, and you are still not able to deliver quick fixes on an important content area…

That’s a pure fail, and the last minute buff of the ring for tomorrow’s patch is a joke. Again pure failure on your part, it’s 2024 and you have no vision whatsoever of where you want to go and what you want to do.


Timely tuning for next season would be appreciated Blizz, another one like this and I guess I’ll take a break.

Fingers crossed this is just the usual first season jitters


MDI ended Nov 24th, I believe. So a couple weeks to analyze everything, then conclude a change, not a weird schedule.

In other words; get rid of the MDI.


Too little.

Too late.

Since you’re so obsessed with metrics, look how (few) people are playing M+ now. Look at the ridiculous drop off at 12 and above and adjust quickly and aggressively.

What you’re doing now is beyond poor and its hurting the game.


Not saying it are bad changes. But i am afraid the posters above me are right it will not bring the lost players back.
I was hoping for a more radical change like removing the +12 affix.

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I’m somewhat confused, most of these nerfs are tanks and a few are healer related…why are so many ppl here mad, when most here play dd?

Only if you push m plus, else you can play literal any tank.

Like every season and you dont need so much gear for 8 or 10. Mostly its proper usage of def cds, which is a skill issue.

prot pala would still be better, because he can support in other ways, besides perma kicking mobs

but but heal priests want a kick so bad, because they are not viable otherwise :dracthyr_lulmao:

You know what would happen, if you “normalize” raid buffs? You stack a single dps specc in a raid environment 10-14 times, because you dont need the other. That would be great!

Im happy, that blizz dont always hear on the community, if i read stuff like this.

It’s funny how you can push with a Brewmaster just like a Paladin when playing with pugs?

Don’t be a fan of Blizzard. They buff a single class (because they listen to the community) and forget about others. They do this every single season. I have every tank spec at 3k+ rating, but if you want to push with pugs, you need a Paladin. You can’t join any group with other tanks.