Mythic dungeons (m0) no longer award any flightstones and crests.. bug or feature?

After the weekly reset today, i noticed that i no longer get any crests or flightstones from completing mythic dungeons (m0). Is this a bug or a new feature? …or maybe its because i am on the weekly mythic dungeon quest?

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No, they should be awarding flightstones and crests normally. If they do not for you, report it as a bug and they will prob fix it sooner rather than later.


Same problem here! Did two runs and did not receive any flightstones or drake crests!

Same here. Two runs, no crests…why Blizzard…why?

I admire your optimism

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It’s not optimism.

They kind of drop the ball when it comes to balance changes and stuff like that.

When it comes to bug fixes with systems that affect players (flightstone reduction not counting, legendaries not being upgradable, dungeons being trivial), they generally are pretty fast and fix it in a day or two.

Unless the bug is a spell interaction of your class. Then it is a feature :stuck_out_tongue: .

Same here, 2 runs no crests or flightstones…