Mythic Dungeons / Vaults

I am a casual player who enjoys to play an hour or two for couple of days each week, since I don’t have enough time, so when I enter a mythic dungeon +10 and people are literally brain dead for the diffculty or leaving after a wipe or whatever reason its a total of an hour wasted with Nothing to show for which is frustrating and infuriating, this needs to be fixed because it happens so much that i can’t handle it anymore.

Vaults needs to be account wide for couple of reasons, today i feel like playing a healer, oh wait i need to invest couple of weeks maybe a month to gear my other character which I already did on my main, lets say the day after I wanted to tank oh wait again I have to spend another week or month gearing my tank which I did on my main and alt AGAIN, not to mention its a single gear item per week so it isn’t that much to begin with, and we need a much better system for Alts to catch up to atleast do M5 and can start to grind from there, so 600 ilvl.

I have to play the game to get rewards waah.


One can get to 619 without ever queuing for a single group, and 606+ in one reset just by doing world quests and delves, not to mention this late in the season sparks for 606+crafted gear rain from the sky in m+.

But, be warned, don´t go complaining when people then are gearing 50+ alts faster than you can gear one thanks to account wide vaults, and as a result even more clueless but overgeared players on 626 alts they have never played before but got geared via proxy wind up wasting your time in m+. :wink:

Whatever happened to actually having to play a game to get the rewards, or playing games for fun for that matter, and not exclusively because of worthless purple pixels, that are even more worthless outside of a game that seemingly many wouldn´t even be playing if it didn´t have them to begin with. :rofl:

Seriously and without wanting to step on anyones toes, it appears to me that if epics were removed tomorrow, what feels like half the playerbase would quit simply because there are no more epics, and the game would quite possibly be all the healthier for it. Go figure. :confused:

I have nothing against casuals.

I do have something against punishing players that are not casuals. How you might ask ? Buy giving equivalent rewards. The “price” to pay for being a casual is to take longer to do things. Which is fair and reasonable.

And for the record, “hard-core” players also pay their “price” for the hours they spend in the game… Yin and Yang. There is no “good” with out a “bad”…

In addition to that, you play multiple alts. That also has a “price” to pay because you split your gametime between toons even further. So you will take even longer to get rewards. Which seems fair and reasonable as well.

Ad for the record, playing only 1 main also has a “price”. Yin and Yang…

But expecting to have the “best of both worlds” is not only wrong, but also unfair to everyone else. So my opinion on the matter is: NO.

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account wide vault would be quite stupid.
unlocking hero track vault has never been easier but a big downside now is that they increased the amount of crests required and also moved the entrance barrier to m+ higher.

gearing alts to a ilvl is extremly time consuming now, while in df i was able to maintain 5 alts on decent ilvl with several mythic pieces due to weekly 1 +18 run, in tww it is impossible. 10s are way too hard to push with an undergeared alt.

I am not even remotely done gearing my main healer because of the amount of crests you need.

Ehm, No, they didn´t. You still need the same amount as in dragonflight, they´re just no longer split into crests and fragments, flooding our inventory with fragments that we then used to convert 15 fragments into one crest before being able to upgrade with that 1 crest… now you just take the 15 crests , which are = fragments, and upgrade directly instead of having the conversion step. Acquisition and spend rates are exactly the same at the end of the day.

And unlike dragonflight, alts (or rather chars with a lower itemlevel than your highest in slot X) now also get a crest discount when upgrading (10 /lvl instead of 15), and not just the 50% valorstone discount… because now they have that option, wheras in DF it was always 15 fragments = 1 crest, no matter your itemlevel or the highest on your account.


aehm yes they did.
myth track ilvl has now 2 upgrade tracks more and the general ilvl range is now higher.
additionally crafted mythic pieces cost 30 crests more as well.

crest and fragment was already changed in S3 and has nothing to do with tww

the alt reduction doesnt come into play for me.
first the reduction is very minor, secondly it takes more time to gear your main and thus i barely have time for alts besides 2 delves or a dungeon a week

Why should i split my “Price” across my characters, I’ve done the gameplay, finished the quests, the raids, the vaults, the dungeons, why should I do them all over again just to gear up a character?

only difference between me and the hardcore players is that they get stuff way quicker because they invest the time early on, why should the Pace of gearing up stays the same while the hardcore already reached the max everything possible? the race already finished who cares.

I want to enjoy the game as a healer or as a tank with semi equivalent gear as my main.

and for the M+, I don’t Mind losing keys but give me something in return, for example if I fail a M10, but finished the %, give me M9 gear, or give me 2k gold regardless if I finished the dungeon or not since I’ll be using potions, food etc… give me something damnt.

Also, I think people who leave from a M+ key should be banned, like Overwatch if people leave competitive games they get banned.

This has been done to death.

I think your ideas are terrible. Gear my healer by playing my hunter! I mean, what the hell even?

Ok, we can argue this as a technicality, but the point is that, yes they added additional upgrade levels for the very highest end. The individual upgrades upgrades in and of themselves however cost exactly the same. Bringing up crafting gear, while tangentially related, is moving the goalposts because it wasn’t what was being discussed or commented on.

And the same question can be simply flipped around and be just as valid:

Why should a character that you may or may not be able to perform on get rewarded with gear for the successful completion of an activity he hasn´t yet even engaged with via the vault being account wide?

“Play one character to gear as many as you can create” is bassackwards design imo, and serves no real purpose but to appease those that don’t want to /can´t invest the time whiloe simultaneously giving them even less reason to learn their classes, making any sort of organized content with randoms into an even more massive clusterf than it already is… Right now if you see someone with 619+ gear, you can at least safely assume that he was at the keyboard while it was acquired even if he got boosted… Wheras under your system, chars can effectively get to levelcap and have maxlevel gear without ever even logging in much less putting skill y on their action bar or actually using one of them.

At that point, you might as well either just give people their BiS for logging in or remove gear completely, because the effective value and meaning ot it has been reduced to zero.

i didnt move any goal

i said you need more crests to reach max gear.
crafted gear belongs to BiS gear.
and even without it i am right.
so no need to tell me i am moving something kek

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