Mythic key in Sod?

First of all, please stop saying things like ‘No, Mythic is only for retail’ or ‘Go back to retail.’ I just want to bring up the idea of Mythic keys in SoD. BWL is on farm, people are getting rank 13 in two weeks, and then what? I think the Mythic key runs could help keep players engaged.

Move on to another game, or even better a new hobby?

Wow doesn’t have to be your for ever home

There’s a whole world out there

Treat wow like a single player that you can complete and move on rather than something you need to devote your life too and try find a reason to keep playing


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You think very-very bad

Have some friends, a beer, level an alt, enjoy world pvp, do dungeons and raids, try new specs… like, start playing the game?

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This is half the problem with retail, it just dominates your entire life to the point where you have to play wow hours every day just to keep pace. Rather just do a few raids per week and chill out.

If you want to live your life in wow doing increasingly time consuming challenges retail is always there for you.

If you think M+ and raid-logging is an innovative activity as max level, you clearly misunderstood the season and play the wrong game.

bosses have barely mechanics and you can only +% damage so much with the narrow gaps in gear. I’m more interested in a concept similar to alpha beta and gamma dungeons they tried with wotlk to get the last pieces from MC/BWL later on

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