Mythic Lockout Restrictions

Just wondering if Blizzard could revisit how Mythic lockout restrictions work sometime soon and what other peoples ideas around them would be? It seems really dated that when you enter a Mythic raid you are locked. In this day and age raiding has changed so much compared to how it was when these restrictions were created.

For instance many guilds including my own have 2-3 raid teams now. It makes life very difficult for what is a common way of raiding in guilds these days when you are restricted to 1 raid ID lockout for Mythic.

I understand that you don’t want raiders being able to jump into 100 IDs to boost and just get the bosses they need. But maybe there is a compromise or middle ground here?

What if raid IDs with guild members were open or allowed you to be saved to 2 IDs maximum and not just one?

This idea might not be the answer, but it feels like something could be done to make raiding easier with raid guilds that have 2 teams. These days it’s popular due to being able to rotate players regularly between teams and having a healthy bench. Alot of people struggle to raid more than 2 days a week these days and absences are common. Fighting against raid lockouts just feels abit unnecessary.

Thank you!

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I agree, I like to train bosses sometime, help other guilds or accepting fact that sometime we need to lock the ID to focus on progress specific bosses but in the same time the will of having mythic raid vault slot. (not possible if your guild decide to focus on a specific boss and continue de ID week after week)

The id lockout must gone.

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Most people would be happy with the mythic lockout being the same as heroic except for the very small minority who are not quite top tier but yet want the club of mythic raiders to be as small as possible to feel exclusive.

If Blizzard did this many more players would dabble with mythic raiding.

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Agreed .make raid great again

you have a roster of 40-60 active people?? Impressive.

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