It sucks to park your character unless you are willing to go to pug a raid, because dungeons dont drop anything and its pointless to do more than 8x10. give Mythic 12+ Mythic loot. Existing vault drops are not enough. Drip feeding 1 mythic/week that half the time is useless garbage is too slow.
Making infinitely farmable M loot is never going to happen.
Is it a bit too stingy atm? Probably.
I’m sure theres a happy medium but your idea ain’t it.
Never gonna happen to give myth track farmable loot and it shouldn’t.
There should be more myth track items from m+, like a bad luck protection from the vault, but in no way farmable.
Bad luck protection in vault. Be it blacklisting certain slots, favouring certain dungeons or what not. I mean in the end most are just hunting for weapons and specific trinkets anyhow.
The rest is optional or craftable (exceptions for classes that favour a certain stat over everything else and want items with like a 90/10 distribution). Not once have I ever heard someone say “I boy, I hope my belt/chest/wrist/cloak/nontieroffpiece is in the vault tomorrow” unless its like the very last piece or whatever.
People would finish gearing in one day. Blizz will never do this.
The only thing i dislike with what wow has become is that have become Seasonal with time-gated content (gearing) for mythic+ .
Starting mid-way right now is a pain for any player willing to do mythic + due the weekly gearing .
If you start 3 months (Mid-way) until next season you won’t have the option to have full gear up due the time-gated content (weekly gear ) .
Not talking that any player that start mid-way would just hit the wall and become anti-social due the negative effects of Score-ilvl and constantly left behind .
lol, ive done one dungeon 30+ times and havent gotten any of the items i wanted from it
Do it 30 more times.
doubt many get more than 20 m+ in a week, theres crests for like 8 anyway til limit