At this point, why not just have a separate difficulty for the race to world first, and then balance Mythic as it’s actually intended to be from the very start?
It seems silly that Mythic starts a week after Heroic, but actually it really starts the reset after the race to world first.
And what do the difficulties even stand for anymore when they go through a series of increasing nerfs over the course of a 6 months long season? How is a boss at the beginning of a season in any way comparable to the same boss by the end of the season?
its obviously we live in a 2 class system. game before this stupid event and after. its probably better to start after the game is finished and cleaned thn buy it on release
I see you learned the Anduin lesson and the Tindral lesson…
then you go and get a boss out like Ovi’nax and Ky’vesa.
Completely deaf or you didnt tell the truth?
Bad design kills guilds. guild that die means losing players, they leave. their social circle is not more.
I would like to see a PVE tournament realm, have all world first guild go there with merchant, get all the gear and do whatever race they want to do in that realm. Once they set foot in the raid a timer start that finishes when last boss is dead. The winner with shortest time is declared the winner. Put every extravagant silly difficulty in that realm and leave the wow retail realms with raids that are NOT balanced for the world first.
So, so well said. These constant pre-planned nerfs are infuriating, primarily because you know that it’s overtuned as hell at this very moment in time because you know it’s going to be nerfed 6 more times already and you know they’ve planned for it even though they have a gear system that’s supposed to take care of this sort of thing automatically.