Last expansion, I recall lots of groups running Mythic Antorus for transmog.
I can’t seem to find any groups running Mythic Nyalotha though, and any attempts to form a group receives very little interest. The mythic versions of the transmogs look fairly unique, and I thought transmog-hunters would like to add them to their collections at least.
Has anyone had any luck running Mythic Nyalotha this expansion?
Because all the raids are incredibly difficult right now, even with 240 ilvl. Most bosses are more mechanical, rather than numerical (means you can’t roflstomp them with BL and hope for the best), especially Ny’alotha.
Here’s my experience so far (I know you quoted Ny’alotha, but will just post regarding others).
Uldir - 7/8 is ok if you have the right number of players, but Ghuun is very difficult since it’s mechanics only (the orb mechanic).
BOD - Easiest raid of them all, mostly dps checks. Rasta, Mekka and Jaina still have1 shots, even with 240 ilvl.
EP - Very difficult. Orgozoa is stacked with 1 shots, the queen’s court is insanely difficult, and Azshara is a waste of time. We got deleted in about a minute as a 240 ilvl group.
Ny’alotha - Insanely difficult. I did it with full 245+ group. We were even in discord. We killed everything up to N’zoth, which is just insane. Called it quits.
Also the other thing is, that you get very few pieces of gear, so it’s not really worthy due to that aswell. Keep in mind each raids takes atleast an hour, up to 2. For what, 1 or 2 items if you are lucky?
Why do you want that transmog set, it’s the worst ones, anyway, every x-pack Raids only seem to get easier after a brand new level cap, for some reason Legion took longer, but I think if the level changed to 70, for example, BFA npcs should be scaled easier at level 61…I remember that being a thing, for example u could solo Dreanor stuff when you were level 101? ugh don’t remember.
Thanks for sharing, I thought it might have been the difficulty aspect too rather than just the lack of “nice” transmog.
It’s interesting that mythic Antorus was “easy” by this time last expansion - it’s as if Nyalotha has a different approach to raid design, by the sounds of it…
The cloth set. There are no class specific sets in BFA. It’s part of the problem really, you might like it on your warlock but I don’t want it on my mage.
From personal experience I can say that night elf chicks really dig those big, wiggly tentacles, and the additional ocular shoulder decorations.
In short yes, a lot of the fights in Ny’alotha are mechanical fights, which means you cannot brute force through a lot of bosses. There aren’t many where you can actually brute force yourself through them, all of them need some basic knowledge of mechanics in order to get through.
Yes, indeed. Transmogs are purely subjective aswell, meaning beauty is in the eye of the beholder I personally think some sets are really good, my personal fav is plate from mythic BOD
Well, there are 2 things also:
Ny’alotha mainly has mechanical fights. Very few are really bursty. The hard ones are Skitra, Xanesh, Raden, Drest, Ilgynoth, Carapace and Nzoth himself. This means half of the fights need mechanics in order to be beaten. Antorus had 2 bosses in that regard, Eonar and Aggramar. Ny’alotha has 7 out of 12, which is insane.
Ny’alotha was tuned for the end of expansion, meaning borrowed power was at a maximum. I’m talking about essences, high HOA levels, and corruptions. When we got rid of these borrowed powers, we were naked (they obviusly messed up the tuning).
So yeah, all in all, avoid as much as you can for now That’s my advice haha. Really a shame though, not gonna lie. It would be quite nice for them to really make these raids way easier. Outside of the transmog and some mounts, it’s pointless and noone cares, and vanity item farming is the best thing to do while waiting for new content.
there are still those who wipe on mythic mythrax beams and adds
and mythic mekka with 0 players knowing how to enter the robot mobs to shut them down
and can say same for jaina i need the title for defeating her on mythic much less so the mount
I think the last 2 will be a problem even in 2 expansions. The main issue of Mythic Carapace and N’zoth is running out of sanity. The fight also takes ages because there are multiple phases you can’t bypass, regardless of the damage output you have, so in order to defeat it now, you need to have really precize timers as to when to stack, and when each player presses the neck (once per fight on Mythic).
All the wipes we had (around 10), were because too many people lost sanity, and had to jump out of the encounter (if you stay in, you become MCed and do even more harm to the players). Number such as healing and dps weren’t an issue.
The perfect solution (even for people that played BFA, aswell for these that didn’t) would be to:
Scrap all the sanity mechanics and just make it a dps / hps check. Noone cares anyways, since it’s not current content. With implementing this, the requirement to have HOA + cloak would also be gone, which would be a good thing.