Mythic+ overall situation with quitters

What arguments ? This is the post #100000 about the subject matter and its closed. And I gave my arguments:

And if you want an even more in-depth explanation here is anotherone:

Yeah, many games have done that. And what are the results ? You forgot to mention that. Dig in a bit deeper. Because all those penalties simply made the game worse.

Its a player problem. And it should be solved by players. That is the reality of the situation.

And as I explained on the post I linked above, I give a SOLUTION to that problem that you can do in YOUR runs. It is something YOU can do.

So stop wasting people’s time with a discussion that is as old as the internet itself.

And stop suggesting ways to force people to play according to YOUR objectives. Its never going to work. People join keys for all types of reasons, and you cannot expect that picking random people from a list of PuG applicants will guarantee 5 players with the same goals and visions. Its not possible !

So respect and live with it. Punishing people to the benefit of ONE view (YOUR view) is the most selfish thing you can do.

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