Mythic+ overall situation with quitters

Hello all.

I stopped bothering a few months ago by pushing my Rio score above 2.7k because this expansion felt far far worse in terms of community willingness to cooperate than others and well, as an altoholic with 9 i really tried to contain myself max level toons 6 of them geared for heroic etc. I said, what the heck, getting the alts geared and over 2.x k would be fine. But I digress…

I have had in the past days my key going from 12 to 8 then to 12 then to 9 etc etc. which I had hoped would not be the case at the end of season 1… and while all are geared and have good scores etc. but alas… that was not the case.

Most key bricks atm, excluding the occasional happy 3k dps mains who think they can tank and don’t have a clue and completely ruin the run even before first boss, are the following people, which stunned me tbh:

People failing on a boss, really failing themselves, you CR them, they don’t accept and they just dc. On the first boss of an instance a lot of the times. It feels like it’s deliberate or something.

Please tell me if the few groups I was with and witnessed this are the utter fringe exceptions to an otherwise serene m+ experience.

And this brings me to the point where after complaining about something, you should propose ways to solve partially or in whole the problem. Well, the matter is, we all have seen proposals on the forum. And good ones too, even as replies to initial proposals from the OP. Blizzard promised to take action, which I have not seen or noticed. But mostly what bugs me is, that there is a staleness to the whole situation. Some green posts are made in the usual way it has been for years. No blue posts are being made. And then I think to myself, why would you even bother? I feel the lack of reponsiveness and really taking action and really tryin to understand what people are experience, after having had a busy day and wanting to have some fun, to have to deal with this kind of behaviour. The only thing I see is, people making posts, and then the threads are getting closed. How convenient. Why don’t you pin some of the posts that have the most views/likes or comments. Oh, it’s an old thread, me gotta lock it. There is nothing more perhaps new to be said on one thread but the topic remains. The issue remains. The memory of how you are not dealing with problems remains.

This is not the place to have a conversation with Blizzard.

Its a place to have a conversation with other players. And that is what we have, discussions between ourselves.

What were you expecting? A suggestions booth or something?


Exactly what I am talking about, you are part of the problem&system. Keep it coming.

Excuse me? Why?

Is anything I said incorrect? Has anything said in all the previous posts you mention been incorrect?

But if you want to be more on topic: The issue still remains because there is no issue at all. And so many posts are dead because of it.

People leave keys. Deal with it. There can be 100000 reasons, legit or otherwise.

What you can be sure 100% is that anyone that joins a key has the intention of completing it. And many do. But sometimes, people leave.

For the same reason that robbing is illegal. And no matter what you do there will always be someone that robs. Deal with it. Whining gets us nowhere. Sometimes crap happens, like in RL. Apples fall from trees and we have to simply live with the reality.

And if YOU specifically have an above average leaver in your own key runs… then the issue might be YOU. Not others. And if you have average (or bellow average like me) leavers in your key runs… then there is no issue at all. That number is small.

But what you do is the same as many others. You just come here to vent your frustration hoping for Daddy Blizz to pat you in the back and say “there there… everything is OK”.

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I disagree on the 100%, because there are most definitely some players that are there just to grief others… But I would agree that +/-90% or so of players do intend to complete they key when the initially sign up. :beers:

Ah, yes, the classic “I have no arguments with substance so I´ll just argue that everyone is conspiring against me and the entire system is broken” schtick… been a while since we´ve seen that, but it´s still not new and exciting.

Face it, you want to talk directly to a dev and have a back and forth, but never in the existence of these forums has a dev used them to converse with players. Not even in the US forums is this common.

But of course it´s everyone else´s fault for pointing it out, not entirely yours for expecting something that was never promised and complaining about not getting it.

You may now continue with your regularly scheduled tantrum and throw yourself on the floor whining and screaming bloody murder. :rofl:


OK OK… maybe 100% is a bit too round of a number. But I disagree with your number of 90% there.

There are 4 people (other than me) in a party. If I choose 4 people at random from the playerbase (that does keys), and I have a 1/10 chance of picking a greifer… So the probability of having atleast ONE greifer in my party would be of:


Which means 30% of my key runs would fail because of greifing. That is NOT what I see. Im sorry.

What I see is that maybe 1 in 10, or 1 in 15 runs there is ONE leaver. That ONE leaver can leave for legit reasons. So out of those leavers some are greifers. Hopefully the minority, and I can vouch for that because the vast majority of leavers in my experience leave when the key wont be timed, or it wont be finished in a reasonable time. So legit in my eyes.

I wont do the math, but you can do the reverse and you will get that the chances of picking a “greifer” from a random population is ~< 0.01%. So ONE in every 10000 players would be a greifer.

99.99% of people are legit. But I did not do the exact math, and the ammount of leavers varies from person to person.

So lets leave it at 99% legit people, 1% griefers. :slight_smile:


We can agree that it’s below 100% and above 90%, no need to try to nail it down, serves no real purpose. :beers:

I think the issue is more prevalent in lower keys than higher keys, and hilariously (IME from the rare pugging I did in some earlier seasons) it´s usually a player that doesn´t need the key, like a 3k rio tank running a +20 (now +10) Halls of Atonement.

I think this is primarily a result of the playerbase getting smaller and smaller the higer you run, because if you have to pug keys to push, it doesn´t do you much good to piss off the handful of people you´re going to be sending invites to tomorrow. And they generally also accept failed keys as a fact of life and not some world ending tragedy. :wink:

Wheras the “lowbob” that just wants to get to 2k rating? Oh yeah, he´ll be rightly jiltied if you come in full of confidence and bluster and then procceed to brick his key on the first pull by leaving before lust is even popped. ANd as a griefer you don´t have to care because he was probably never planning to push for the .1%, anyway. :beers:

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Absolutely. Im just a math nerd.

And I try to see the best in people too. So I will admit that I have a built in bias.

You have a point yes.

But lower keys also have more players. And more players equals more keys run.

So yeah, you have more leavers but then you can just hop into another run, or run your key and fill it up with people really fast (well… faster than in higher keys atleast).

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You and Uda are just trolling the original post matter, diverging the subject and the matter, like anyone who themselves do not have any arguments. I have just stated mere facts, that nothing is happening, green posts and people like yourselves discredit anyone who dares pose a negative opinion and your trolling goes on. You touched on the matter just a bit afterwards. And I do not care what the “official” state of the matter is. The essence is that they are watching forums and community feedback since release, no matter if they reply here or not, which is bad tbh, but ok policy. This is an issue that can cause large fluctuation of playerbase numbers if it will not be dealt with in the near future. There are many platforms like fps games, who have made special mechanics, eg in csgo premium with mobile authenticator and banning u 30mins, 2hrs, 24 hrs and one week after consecutive penalties. And all has been discussed / proposed and ignored locked down. Why arent there any big issue community posts “since this is a forum for the community hohoho” that are PINNED. Because… yeah. Now keep telling people you aren’t part of the problem.

YOu´re just underscoring my statement that you never had an argument to begin with, so everyone that disagrees with you or calls you out must all be paid shills aligning in a conspiracy against you. :rofl:

Just as I called it in my first response where you were already thrashing around on the floor :rofl:

YOu´re complaining about things that are Dev /Moderatior issues. Neither uda Nor I are (blizzard) Devs, nor forum moderators. But sure, it´s a user fault, just because we dared to disagree with your infantile rant

Little trolladin is just looking for someone to throw :poop:at, that´s all thats going on here. And he´s already so angry that it´s just sliding down his cage window that he forgot how to use paragraphs. Be careful people, now he´s really getting dangerous, next he´s gonna start jumping around scratching his armpits :rofl:

Do you honestly think that flaming other users is going to get the dev team to take you seriously and respond?? The only thing it will get is the forum mods to take you seriously, and you probably don´t want that, because they’ll just lock you right back up where you belong and throw away the key :rofl:

In no small part because people like yourself are incapable of contributing to one of the half dozen related threads on the front page, but instead always feel that their version of the same schtick is new and refreshing, which leads to none of them ever growing large enough to actually garner attention.

So at the end of the day, the only one you´re all successfully trolling is yourselves by being too prissy and self absorbed to actually make a large thread, instead of a dozen mini rants that all fade away into the nothingness of irrelevance where they belong.

People on the PTR are already testing Season 2.
I hopped in to check it out, and honestly, it’s not the disaster that Season 1 was, but it’s also not quite what you’d hope to see.
Let me assure you, though no Season 1 of any expansion, maybe except Legion because it was new, ever did a good job tuning PvE content properly.

Every Season 1 has been a disaster and way harder than later seasons.
Season 1 of BFA? Yeah, remember that infamous affix everyone hated with a passion?

Season 1 of Shadowlands was just as bad tanks were dropping to regular melee attacks like flies.

Season 1 of Dragonflight wasn’t much better. It was badly received, with tons of people complaining about tanks and people leaving Mythic+.

That said, I think Season 2 is going to be easier for PUGs. They’ve seen what happened they’re not blind. But let’s be real, they don’t exactly read forums or listen to random people complaining.

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Players should only be able to register or start a dungeon with a key that matches their own maximum key level. The dungeon can still only be started by the player who owns the key. If the dungeon is not completed, the key level for all party members should decrease by 1. If the dungeon is completed but not within the time limit, the key level remains unchanged. Successfully completing the dungeon within the time limit should increase the key level for all party members.

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What arguments ? This is the post #100000 about the subject matter and its closed. And I gave my arguments:

And if you want an even more in-depth explanation here is anotherone:

Yeah, many games have done that. And what are the results ? You forgot to mention that. Dig in a bit deeper. Because all those penalties simply made the game worse.

Its a player problem. And it should be solved by players. That is the reality of the situation.

And as I explained on the post I linked above, I give a SOLUTION to that problem that you can do in YOUR runs. It is something YOU can do.

So stop wasting people’s time with a discussion that is as old as the internet itself.

And stop suggesting ways to force people to play according to YOUR objectives. Its never going to work. People join keys for all types of reasons, and you cannot expect that picking random people from a list of PuG applicants will guarantee 5 players with the same goals and visions. Its not possible !

So respect and live with it. Punishing people to the benefit of ONE view (YOUR view) is the most selfish thing you can do.

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I´m not sure I´m understanding this correctly, please allow me the use of an example so you can clarify…

Let´is say I´ve run a GB10, does that mean I also get to queue for an AK10, or do I have to play up AK until I complete a 10 there to apply for one?

Also, how do I even get a GB 10 if I can only ever queue for +2s, because that´s what the original Key was and I can only queue for keys I´ve successfully completed?

So, if I want to help people in a 5, and it still fails for whatever reason and somoene leaves, making it uncompleteable, I can only run 9s now?

If so, that´s basically just asking for trolls that have completed their own seasonal goals to then turn around and sabotage others just because they can… esp. since instead of now, where you just leave with a depleted key and time wasted, you’re actively set back in your progress…

I disagree with parts of this.

If you dont complete the dungeon, or dont time the dungeon simply nobody gets an upgrade or deplete.

But if you complete it, you get gold to pay for flasks and enchants (instead of 50g).

And if you time it, all party members get an upgrade.

That is what I would do.

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In my vision, it will be any dungeon regardless of the key you have. However, to activate a specific dungeon, a person with the specific key for it will be required.

I don’t quite understand how you could misunderstand what I wrote :smiley: but okay, I see you like to complicate things. You have a +2 key because you leveled up your character 10 minutes ago. You can only go to other +2 keys, and if you manage to complete it on time for +3, you’ll get a +5 key. If you finish it as a +2, you’ll get a +4, and if you finish it as a +1, you’ll get a +3.

To reach +10GB, treat it as if you’re always only using your own key and not someone else’s.

FOR EXAMPLE: +2 → +5 → +8 → +10.

Yes, you can run UP TO +9 and the guy that leave also would be punished for leaving so he won’t destroy other ppl +10 key, the same as rest of group but maybe that would stop ppl to leave several +10 keys per our because of single death at first pack

Just imagine you are ALWAYS key provider, like whole party putting their key into keyhole and they risk all of 5 keys not only one that will be punished for playing with trolls

Yeah so 1 griefer is punishing 4 other players. You make the system even worse than it is now.
You have to understand 80% of what happens in the key is not on you. There are so many problems with your suggestion.

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So keep current key progression, and apply it to all dungeons.

BTW. It has nothing to do with “complicating things”, but rather not wanting to assume unclear variables due ti unclear statements and waste time discussing things that were meant differently than understood.

If you would prefer I criticize your idea for not being able to run AK 10 depsite timing a GB 10 just because you weren´t clear, I can do that next time, no problem. :beers:

I fear that what it would primarily stop is people helping their friends in lower keys. For ex. If I´m someone pushing 14’s-15s whatever and I risk not being able to do that anymorebecause of a random leaver in a 5, then I´m not running the 5 no matter how much I like my friend. :beers:

Well right now at my alt I have literally no chance to be invited to +10 so I’m spending my time pushing my own key to +10. Then I create group and after missed interrupt on fear, pack pulled by mistake, wrong day, angry wife, wipe on boss and so on and so on I’m the only punished guy as key provider because rest people could be invited to another +10 in few mins.
I think everyone should participate in this

Why not? Communities run those keys all the time. You just apply to the key and you are in.