I don’t have the required item level (currently 619), so no one invites me. Today, I spent over an hour signing up to get an invite for CoT +10. On the first combined pull (mobs + scarab), there was a wipe, and the party disbanded.
For +10 groups, there are often so many DPS players signed up that people will always choose someone who is already better-geared.
Suggestions to push your own key keep coming up, so you can just do it yourself. Alright, but what’s the point if I push it and then some troll leaves the group as soon as ANYTHING goes wrong? (I’ve seen people leave because a mob wasn’t pulled when it “always” is).
I want to thank Jóóló and Malp for their feedback.
As for Credulon/Uda etc you are really non stop trolling besides making some good arguments which I sadly must admit. Your bashing at me though for posting about a subject that has been talked about bla bla a thousand times. AND?! and then what!? Did something happen!? Did they allow the community to keep the discussion open by having a pinned topic on the matter? Did they merge threads and let someone make an unofficial poll about the so many mentioned options / solutions? No.
Just the same, close topic stop talking about it, be on your way to another lousy experience in m+.
This has to change. I said it from the start I am not here to make new suggestions, I am here to reopen the matter at hand and maybe convince people that things have to drastically change. I also posted suggestions.
As for csgo penalties where I didn’t mention what happened after, well it was a lot better for some time. The only thing that was problematic is you had premade groups who vote kicked a player right at last round and get him lose ranking and get a penalty for “being offensive” the reporting thing is a problem. This also might happen and has happened in m+ where u are one put in a premade and they just want to troll.
This is why there needs to be a coherent discussion about this. Or at least have some official announcement from blizzard where they say they attend to it. I am in general against permanent bans of accounts unless it’s really something extreme. But time gating a ban after someone has checked what happened would be ideal. Alas there is no personell anymore to check logs etc. they just see oh this one has gotten reports by x amount (which could have been just bad luck where u team up with 4x2 trolls in one day) and sure enough, you get a warning about behavior. These are the stories that are being told at least.
What Malp suggested that all have to pay a price / have accountability of their actions in the group reminds me of a suggestion I read on the other CLOSED now similar threads that said give people incentive.
We could have a reward mechanism, or even another second ranking system with commendations (agains similar but different to csgo) friendly player, good leader good dps fun to play with whatever. And this ranking should be only cast to people outside ur friend list/guild. This could have a positive effect on people who are only playing inside their closed groups to open up a bit. There is nothing wrong with having a core team, but there is also good fun and positive feedback to be gained just from helping others out.
As for reward mechanism you could instead of penalizing all keys you could give some bonus to all. Obv u can’t give for a +2 times run an upgrade of a 9+ key but something else perhaps like more crests or other. That would maybe incentivize players to also help out lower ranked/geared toons/players.
This was from November. Have you seen how many threads opened up in December? Now we are close to new Season coming out and? You noticed anything being better? Oh, they said they are giving suspensions. That was happening - just like the green post mentioned also directly under the blue post anyway over the past years. So yeah, sorry I don’t mean that kind of response. I mean a thorough well thought and with the community participation revamp of how things work. You probably ignore what people read and just type one „clever“ remark. Well , not helping. The mythic plus player base is depleting daily and well, it isn’t just the silly decisions/changes they made to tanks/healers. It is the quitting/trolling also is not more so.
And I cannot stress this enough, there are also people in groups trolling solo players and making false reports. No one is checking the logs. These are serious matters, when it comes to dealing with penalties.
And also something about Uda, I saw your valid remarks on the deserter debuff thread which has been obviously been addressed countless times now over the years and that is not helping. The question you pose though is going to be left unanswered as to why are people leaving. This is why I made this thread. So that there will be another solution hopefully in combination with many proposals of even closed threads (which agains bums me out) where there were good arguments being made. If you take a look at the last section of my previous post you will see some even for positive incentive for good cooperating.
Attend to what? If they thought it was a problem of sufficient importance it would have been addressed. You don’t prove a negative (make a long list of things you don’t intend to address).
At its heart M+ is meant to be about teams getting together to overcome challenges. If you want the upside of convenience, accept that it comes with downsides.
Or forgo the convenience and reap the upsides.
This is not a thing “systems” can fix. People need to do their part. If you can’t accept that then walk away.
Thats why you opened up thread #3495968694 on the matter instead of contributing to an ongoing discussion about it? There have been plenty of coherent discussions in the past. You’re flogging the dead horse after its been to the glue factory.
Please reread Udas first reply, and your immediately combative and derogatory response
He simply told you the truth, that no dev will engage in a back and forth on these forums, and that discussions here are between players.
You then immediately proceeded to bash him for it by saying
I merely called you out on it, and strongly suggested that you were bashing him for no reason other than not agreeing, or in this case wanting to accept the truth, but having no tangible counterpoint, which has been a common tactic among internet trolls since 1995, and I did so using language at the same wholly despicable and childish level you had already lowered yourself to of your own volition (and continue to hover at)
At which point you decided not that your actions were questionable, but rather that I must also be part of a systemic conspiracy against your interests.
Because of course it’s always everybody else´s fault and you´re completely innocent. You didn´t get treated like a troll because you decided to act like one, no siree, you were just a poor damsel in freshly washed white silk who would never do anything to provoke such a response.
And teh fact that you continue to harp on it and single us out after we have both obviously disengaged fron the thread merely further underscores that your intent is not to discuss, but to troll.
BTW, I agree 100% with this.
But as previously stated, I vehemently disagree that not engaging with any of the existing discussions but merely creating your own x hundredth mini discussion is the way to achieve that. Again, you are merely troling yourself by doing so and activelly helping to dilute the feedback to the point of obscurity that you complain about. And getting your panties in a bunch and going aggro when someone states the objective truth or disagrees with you, as you continue to do with Tsjoh and inevitably in your next response will do with Deja, is not in any way helping to make you more credible, nor is this pitiful attempt to play the victim after the fact.
You will not find the yes men you seek here, you will find discussion, if you can´t deal with that, I recommend posting on facebook, instead, where you have teh autority to decide who´s statements are valid and who´s arent. Because until your text turns blue and blizzard pays your salary, your opinions are worth just as much nothing as you deem ours to be.
And I am here to remind everyone reading this for the 1000 time that for every Nelur having leaver problems in M+ there are thousand others with out an issue.
Nobody will post a thread saying: “I got no problems with leavers and everything is fine”. So to make sure people dont miss-interpret your post as a “real issue” I answer to your post with a reality check.
To make sure people are not convinced of the wrong thing. Which is what you are trying to do Nelur.
Here is the thing with free speach. It works both ways.
You are right. You can open a post for the 1000 time talking about the same thing. But I have equal right to disagree with your statements and bash them.
So what exactly are you asking for? You open a topic in a public forum and only the answers that agree with your narrative are acceptable? Is that what you are implying?
Have you tried it? Tsjoh does and he dosent have issues. Dejarous does and dosent have issues. I have done it for years and dont have any leaver issues.
In fact. You can go beyond /party if you want. I played with people from this very forum. Ishayo, Ammonet, Tsjoh, Tah… to name a few… not just M+ but Delves as well. Just because I engage with them in the forums so much.
IT WORKS. What can I say. If you treat people like human beings and with respect 100% of the time they will treat you back with the same respect.
And dont you dare tell me it dosent work. That its impossible.
Because as I said before, its the EXACT same formula you use in your day-to-day interactions with other people in your personal life. At work. With clients. At school and even with your SO/loved ones. And it WORKS in RL. And you know it.
And the main reason its “not helping” as you claim is because selfishness is a very powerfull emotion that is difficult to overcome. People play WoW as if it was a SP, and engage in M+ with an objective (gear, rio, ect…). And the 4 people with you are there to assist YOU in acheiving YOUR objectives.
That is the point of view most people have. But its false. The 4 people present also have their own objectives. And that is what people fail to see.
By engaging with them in the /party you remind them that you are not an NPC. You are a person just like them, with goals and aspirations. And the way forward is with compromise. Which will not always end up benefiting you directly, or guarantee a finished run. But it will atleast guarantee a drama free and fun dungeon run. Which is the primary reason we all play WoW to begin with.
Basically it boils down to this: Behave like an NPC get treated like an NPC. Treat people as NPC, get treated as an NPC. Behave like a person get treated like a person. Treat people like peole and you will be treated as a person. And kindly remind people about this in every PuG run you do. DONE.
You are not getting a statement from blizzard every month. And i noticed it is getting better? Why? I do not have leavers. I always wondered where people found those. I even had a 1 hour 42 minutes… i repeat … 1 hour 42 minutes Stonevault 10 a couple of days ago. Random people. I never had seen them. Where are those leavers?
Replying now to all, I explained why I made a new thread, because all the others are closed, and they are getting closed really fast imo. That’s why I said there should be pinned topics about important issues. You feel it’s not a major issue, well others have another opinion, but dont tell me I was wrong to open a new thread when I first looked to post on open threads about the matter, where, like I mentioned before, there were many valid points made. Yes I have had also very good runs, but as of late they are really being scarce compared to the leavers. And we are talking about total random leaves. Out of the blue. You are chatting normally, sayin bit of this and that, then on some random thing, and mostly when they themselves die lol, puff dc.
Edit/update: and sure enough the person who died 7 times during the run, w.o anyone of us talkin trash or anything, just up and leaves “dcs” during boss fight. Yes, lets make a committee to try and be better to players like that.
Maybe there is a reason post like these are not pinned you know? Maybe because they are not important issues.
Lets see what the REAL important issues are: here is the list of “important issues”…
Thats it. The only thing. Maybe that is why.
And that opinion is wrong. And that is why posts like these get closed so fast. Dont keep insisting on the obvious please.
Yeah, and that sometimes happens. Big deal ! Get over it.
What matters is that over the course of a whole season (~ 6 months time) you dont have leavers in every run. That is what is important.
Getting one particular day or week with more leavers than usual is frustrating sure… but so what? That dosent make it a problem, because you had 22 weeks with out them.