You mean B tier based on data from 15364 runs of +20 to +31.
It’s not as bad as people seem to think. It’s definitely not mind blowingly amazing, but the damage at least isn’t that terrible.
If it is B Tier, other speccs must all A tier at least if you consider the pic rait for shadow in lfg
How would be like yeah one dps specc left we need a shadow for medioca damage output
That depends on the player. I’ve seen plenty of mages and DH’s that are pretty bad. This is what comes with picking these overly popular classes for your group.
well at least ww feels better to play, especially in mass aoe.
affli has a similar problem as shadow but has at least an S tier dmg spec available.
dks seems kinda dead right now. Nobody plays DD dk, guess mainly because frost is pretty bad and unholy only works on mega pulls or just because it doesn’t fit in any good group comp - no idea.
works not great.
- you have to be in melee which is very dangerous and a terrible position to be in as a caster
- we have lots of undead mobs this season where this stop doesn’t even work at all.
Besides, silence is the worst interrupt in the game. At least boomkins is aoe even if slightly longer cd.
Shadows issue when it comes to damage is mostly a ramp up one, if you’re blitzing low keys shadow has no time to set up properly and also has to deal with the target cap on shadow crash of 8. The majority of people doing mythic+ aren’t ever going to see a level where things live long enough for them to be effective.
See my comment above. The higher you go the more shadow gets to spread it’s wings and, between the damage you’re capable of then and PI, your DPS contribution to the group is pretty strong. Where the spec struggles is having 1 AoE stop, a bad interrupt, and VE being near useless against the 1 shot / burst damage profile of the majority of high keys.
Even though shadow is not 1-2 burst boom spec and need a little ramp, it doesn’t take forever to get going, at least not the majority of dmg. The 4 set is certainly not a good addition if we consider burst/ramp as it in itself need to ramp quite long.
So if we had balance that would mean the ramp specs would later do more consistent dmg than the burst specs, OK but that is not even the case.
Consistent dmg of e.g. DH is so much higher than a fully ramped up shadow that it is actually laughable.
Now also the burst specs have such a low cd on their burst abilities that we cannot speak of burst anymore rather than consistent high dps that is applied from the first global.
Even ret pala notorious for crazy burst aoe with wings got reduced to 1min burst which in higher keys is basically up every pack.
the most aggrivating thing about shadow still remains shadow crash as an ability itself. The CD is too long and if it is on cd when you arrive at the next pack, it is just gg. You apply VT manually and by the time you dotted all targets, shadow crash CD is up and you apply it again, might as well just afk and wait for the CD to come back up. What a bad design is that pls?
And yes keeping shadow crash for the next pack is an option that will lose you dps and also sometime you have no idea what your tank is actually going to do.
firing ground spells onto a ceiling or a candle is a whole other story as well…
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