Mythic plus meta shadow

Shadow Priest is currently seen as the worst spec in the M+ meta game. This is largely due to the significant damage nerfs across all of 10.1 and the lack of an AOE tier set in 10.2. That has put Shadow Priest in a state where their AOE DPS is quite a bit behind other specs. They also are playing a Mindbender build for M+ which is a bit clunky overall for being able to excel on trash pulls.

The utility of Spriest has also taken a bit of a dive this patch Mass Dispel and Mindsear are both significantly less useful this tier. Mass Dispel and Power Infusion are both much weaker than they were in 10.1. Disc looking strong is also not super helpful to the viability of Shadow in M+ as a whole. We would hope to see some damage buffs for Shadow over the course of the season to bring them out of D-Tier.

When Buffs ?

if we concentrate effort in one place mb something will change (most likely not)
on topic i totally agree overnerfed for no real reason.

there are many dungeons with more than 8 targets which makes shadow very crap to play, but up to 8 targets, the dmg isnt bad. obviously not dh, ret or fury zugzug level.

shadows utility is not really needed this season even if it was unnerfed.

best buffs for shadow would be make shadowcrash 10s cd or no cd (no dmg) and no target cap.
giving a burst dmg to DA would be also nice like void form has.
mind shear from void torrent is also too weak.

i am personally more struggeling with single target dmg so far

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It’s fair you lost those utilities because it made people choose shadow priest over any other dps class, but they should definitely buff you guys.
Shadow priest deserves a damage buff, and I’d also say a better design of set bonuses. Since rework, shadow is either heavily liked or disliked.

Prior to the buffs we got earlier on this patch, yes. Not anymore. The utility is still atrocious though.

Raids it’s pretty horrendous still though.

There isn’t even anything to mass dispel in season 3 dungeons. Having it at a lower cd would affect nothing.

The biggest overlap issue with priest utility is PI, because if your 3rd dps is an aug then there’s no good targets for the 2nd one if you have a Shadow Priest and a Disc in the same group.

they were in dungeons because of PI and mass interrupt (cc) too. You still have those utilities tho, You still have MD do you not?

So let it stay 2 min? I don’t see the issue.

Just saying it needs DPS buffs.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard priest and CC in the same sentence… Priests have 1 AoE stop (Fear)

Evokers have 4

Mages have 2

Shamans have 3-4

Vengeance Demon Hunters have 7.

It needs utility to replace the stuff they took away / nuked from orbit.

Well fear works great if you use it from time to time. It’s not a thing you just throw away from the action bars and never use it. It doesn’t matter which specs have more CC.
You have a stamina buff, a fear, a PI, dispell and mass dispell. It’s more than enough!

You really don’t need this that much anymore. You can have it, but it’s not mandatory like in s2.

AS I said. Utilities, NO, but Damage buff is more than needed.

I mean just how is it possible you tune a specc so bad in damage that is the only Dps in low D Tier on ranking side

I dont care about utility just buff SP damage by 10%+, singel target is at the same bad state as aoe

Of course it matters.

This one can do a stop once, this once can do 7 times. Hmm, which would people prefer :thinking:

The stupidity of posts here blows my mind.

It’s easy to see from your reply you don’t deserve to be treated like a human being on forums, yet everyone replies to you politely.

You are the definition of what you used to describe me since you focused on one of my sentences without acknowledging the meaning of it by reading the full (and very short) text. I’d rather you don’t have cc if you had all the other stuff that you bring.

From the person that brought us a topic with “the problem is you” in the title.

Thats not what you said at all, and you know it. Don’t retcon your statements to say “what I really meant was…”

Did you find yourself in the “you”? Cause if you did I’m glad I got you. If not, you should’ve had at least a few more IQ points to understand who I am referring to.

read it again

Honestly, you couldn’t even give the correct tactics even though you were trying to crap on others. What a laugh.

Okay mister barely 2,9k - I’ve never seen you correct me with knowledge. I’ll be waiting on the opinion of someone who will do that.

The root cause of shockwaves being baited wrong is where the boss is generally tanked (at the edge). Which means when people go to the adds, which spawn in the middle, the shockwaves naturally point the wrong way. If you tank the boss close to the centre you largely fix this.

So sure, people bait them wrong but if you don’t address the root cause you’re stuck between a bad bait or the archers murdering you because you can’t approach them until the baits are done.

Good diss on the alt score btw. Granted, my main isn’t much higher, I’ll go get some burn cream for my wounds.

And I took your advice to look at the video you kindly provided me, and politely responded to that claim. If you wake up and choose violence over a stupid dungeon, that’s all on you bro. My sharp message was towards “you” people and those “you” people were clearly described as those who are trying to time a +24 RISE (specifically)…, and only those who claim to know everything.

I never do that to someone even way lower than you, and I know that’s not going to burn most of the people, but it was a pity try to burn you personally since your language with me or who knows how many others is not okay at all.

Yet they’re still above WW and the dk specs, affliction just to name a few.

So yes, they are the worst if you ignore the specs that are worse.