Mythic premade group system way too toxic picky. Needs to change

No need to virtue signal your action. Just do it - and properly this time.

Next time try to form your own opinion instead of brainlessly parroting someone elses. Darn weak classic trolls “waaa, I’ve ignored you all”. :snowflake:


My main is a Shadow Priest, which is currently one of the weakest classes in M+. I’ve already reached a 2850 score and managed to time several +12 keys (though only a few because I prefer playing alts, as Shadow Priest feels too weak).

I can get into M+ groups in just a few minutes, so honestly, I think you’re exaggerating. It all comes down to whether I want to queue up, not whether I can get accepted.

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He is not making an assuption. He is literally reading what you wrote.

You STILL waited 7 HOURS for an invite. And you can blame whoever you want. But push your own +12 and you will quickly find out what Dejarous said:

Basically, you wasted your time. In 7 hours you had enough time to run 9 dungeons, assuming you complete all of them. Many more if you dont. So by running your own key you would have saved so much time.

What you want to acheive is to run ONE +12 only ONCE. Raise your rio, then run a +13 ONCE and so on. That is why you want to join others.

But M+ is not like that. M+ is about repetition. And the higher the key level, the more repetition you have to do, the more time it takes. M+ has that. Raiding has wipes… its all about practice and repetition.

Play your key. Or apply to a bunch of +11s and propose to do the +12 with that same group.

And FYI: this statement of yours is false.

The most appropriate person to do a +12 is someone that has already done 100s of +12s. And is trying to push his key to a +13, which is what they need to time. Or even better, someone who has done +17s and is simply there for fun/vault. He would be even more appropriate.


I doubt it’s even rio that is not getting you invited, ret pala is by far the most popular dps in the 11-12 range. You’re probably just not getting invited because there are like 100 other dps singing up (a lot of which will be ret palas too) so the odds of getting picked are just small :person_shrugging:

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