Mythic Raiders looking for guild (5/8 Mythic exp)

3 people looking for a new place to raid since guild fell apart,
Demon Hunter,Shadow Priest,Druid(Balance-Resto),
looking for a 2 day raiding guild with equal or slightly better progress,we have 5/8 Mythic exp and strong geared alts,might go alliance if the place seems right,hit me up on Filipgrk#2704
Hey bro!

Hit me up and we have a chat!


This is us. steveo#21656
still looking
Hey Dopamine,

You and your friends might just find a perfect home at <Leviathan> on Tarren Mill. We are currently 3/8M with Vectis going down soon with a few >20% pulls.

We are a 3-night guild rather than 2-night, but we hope you still consider us.

Please see our thread at;

please do read the post we did, we will not sidetrack from that but thanks for the effort guys!

If you are looking for a guild with experience players and a nice core which can progress fast please check the following post:

If a 3 day guild interests you.
28/10/2018 16:08Posted by Krentáris

If a 3 day guild interests you.

Unfortunately we cannot raid 3 days :(
still looking
still on the lookout
Hello there,

Red Mist (Draenor) is a 2 day mythic raiding guild. We raid on a Tuesday & Thursday from 20:00-23:00 Server Time.

A little about the guild:

Red Mist was formed at the start of BFA. We originated from a low populated realm where pushing mythic progression was more of a battle than enjoyment constantly struggling for numbers without anyone to recruit. Hence the move to Draenor, to create an established raid team.

The majority of us are 22+ years old and have a working/studying life besides WoW, the main reason for our two day raid schedule. We consider ourselves to be above average in terms of skill. Our official ambitions are to do a steady progression through the content, ultimately attempting to clear as much of Mythic as our roster and skill allows for.

We are primarily looking to bolster our raid team as a whole, so all applicants will be considered.

If you are interested please feel free to add me.

Still looking for a new home , ideally on the same progress as we are atm or higher and Horde ( Alliance will be considered only if the offer is "too good to refuse" ) .
still looking
Hi mate, can't offer 5/8M atm but can do 3/8M with a great environment and great potential. Hit me up if you feel like a talk.

Best regards,
