so I am a player that likes to push the highest keys as soon as i possibly can. I have so far completed all dungs on 15/16 and pushing as far as i can.
My question is : is there a Mythic+ rating table i can look at? it is very depressing timing a 16 or a 17 and getting +2 score only. Honestly this takes so much away from the achievement of timing a new seasonal high.
The thing to keep in mind is that if you have a +15 timed on one week, and a +16 on another, the +15 will count at 1/3 the score. The higher score counts full, the lower at 1/3.
Each key level is a flat 7.5 score if timed, past 10 (prior to that, each new affix adds an additional 7.5, with the seasonal adding 15).
I think it’s super demotivating to complete a key on 1 higher level and get 6 rating. How are you even supposed to know who is good anymore? Is someone with 2030 score much worse than someone with 2060? The increase in score is too small, rio system was far better.
I do agree on that point but you know at the same time, the scores are just too close to each other. Being divided by 10 score really undermines the difference in effort/ skill the players might have. It also just makes me feel like, did i really need that you know? previously getting like 30-60 score for the key kind of felt better. I know this is the first draft the system and its in no way bad but you can’t argue that small numbers take away from your sense of achievement.
someone with 2k score and like 50 completed +15 in time dungeons will be statisticaly better then someone with 1,5k score and with 10 completed 10-14 dungeons.
you still have to use toxic io if you want to ensure success of group .
well tbh this shouldnt matter really as your score should rise passively as you do dungens.
you have like 6 months to get it - no need to rush .
tbh new system is much more fair as someone who avoids certain dungeons on tyranical or fortifies has muhc much lower score then someone who does them all
its still toxic and faulty but its still giving better picture