Only took since WoD to fix it!
Top marks for the negative slant on a positive change. Very forum like.
And you’re always here to point it out.
Better late than never
When it’s esport involved they fix things fast.
My Feral AoE abilities still don’t hit the boss unless I stand directly under the boss.
i think that only means one thing feral isn’t viable
It’s still not fixed, my demo lock pets still arent hitting them properly…
Blade dance / Essence break still often misses when you expect them to hit, it makes this fight really frustrating as a DH.
its fixed yeah untill he submerges and spawns on other side of platform, then AoE doesn’t hit anymore unless your almost right ontop of him
still bugged… Essence break and deathsweep/blade dance will miss half of the time no matter where you stand.
Yep this, missing essence break is awful. I can see my essence break visually hitting the boss yet it doesn’t get the debuff… Same with wake of ashes for paladins.
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