Mythic+ Squad Recruiting!

We are Mythic+ Squad - a cross-realm and closed community with a maximum of 50 active members for which we are again recruiting.

Run like a guild but on discord we are in search of like minded players that want to improve and progress at M+ in an organised and constructive environment. We keep our roster tight-knit to promote camaraderie as the end goal is to have a selection of great players, classes and covenants we can rotate to push keys. A lot of our members started off as noobs or were too anxious to pug but are now comfortably pushing above 10s and 14s respectively, reviewing logs and gameplay and most of all practicing for the fat ones to come.

Teams are formed first on player ability and comfort level. Some groups will do 14/15s and others will do 10/12s, for example. We then do our best to ensure lust, brez and interrupts are included and do have evenings where we focus groups by keys they need timed. It is a very hard task to balance but one my partner and I thoroughly enjoy.

M+ Nights & Times:
Note: We run dungeons in hourly slots. So there are 6 slots per evening. We ask that you be able to attend either one full evening or 6 slots across across both (3 per evening). There is no maximum limit to sign up but if we are oversubscribed on a class we try to have each player complete a 2/3rds of the slots they sign up. M+ Nights are on the following:

  • Tuesday & Friday evenings 6st-00st

NOTE: players are encouraged here to have two “mains” that we can rotate. So if you enjoy prot warrior and balance druid be my guest and we’ll rotate where we can!

We categorize players in 3 ways which we hope you find fair and reasonable:

  1. Mythic Junkies - players that in either time and/or gameplay focus on hard on their mains and desire to push dungeons beyond KSM. Without prompt they manage their mains, practice hard and play at an exceptional level.

  2. IRLifers - these players are Junkies at heart and what they lack in time they make up for in brains and preparation. They might not be online all day err day but are more than capable of pushing on their one or two chars, albeit at a slightly slower pace.

  3. Surfers - players that are either altoholics (jack of all trades, master of none), lack time to play or study and/or prefer a slower paced approach. They enjoy a more forgiving environment with a strong emphasis on fun and socializing.

Mythic Junkies & IRLifers SLOTS (16/30 open):

Tank - high demand
Healer - limited
Ranged - high demand
Melee - limited

Surfer SLOTS (17/20 open):

Tank -high demand
Healer - high demand
Ranged - in demand
Melee - high demand

We welcome friends, groups and exceptional players on non-meta specs and classes. Every player must undergo a probationary period of 4 weeks so that everyone can ensure a good fit.

Players that are already high rio looking to help foster a team for the long run or want to help guide are also welcome. Members seeking an ego boost will be quickly identified and removed.


Every member regardless of category/rank must adhere to strict character standards in regards to enchants and consumables.

Those that fall into the Mythic Junkie / IRLifer category will be held to a higher standard when it comes to attendance, player performance and preparation.

In return you will guided and placed in teams where you know that tilt and toxicity is strictly forbidden. We are a constructive community and feedback will be dealt with discretion and in private.

Lots of our members are already in established mythic and heroic guilds. We do occasionally run non-mandatory raids but our primary emphasis is on M+.

If you’re a bit overwhelmed or want an in-depth tour of how we run please contact us on discord:

Cheddar#5379 & Dash#4658

Hi there,
I have added Dash on Discord since Cheddar doesn’t accept Discord invites.

EDIT: Oh, nvm. I didn’t check you are in Horde.