Mythic+ Swampface in Floodgate

I am kinda shocked how bad boss design is, it feels it is not working. It must be one of the worst experience bosses I have fighted so it is Swampface. Imagine dodge the big rings, chains, dodge beam and fire attack very fast. Overlap at once! I think boss needs to adjust alot coz it is disaster. I cant imagine pug coz I was playing with some I know, but pug? It is not possible!

What do you think?

I think the whole instance is a complete slap in the face

its meant to be.

you are meant to say - m+ are to hard and go do raids.

after all raids have all those nice “nerf” mechanics now :smiley: so user friendly

not like thos big bad m+ which are unpleasant

exatly how Ion designed them to destroy m+

That the 1st day of the season complaining already is crazy.

Tunning will be required. Guaranteed. But starting already to point fingers the 1st day of the season its a bit naive.


Except for a few tanks who go in with the mentality of “+2, easy peasy lemon squeezy,” so they pull every little bit of a pack inside Priory and Cleft without actually playing around LoS, the season is very good, and the dungeons so far are fun to play.

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thats because it should be easy peasy

atter all it is +2 - the very first key everyone gets.

thats the exact problem with current tuning - its offputing for anyone besides mythic tryhards

thats why completuion number will be abysmal bad even early in season :slight_smile:

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The keys are extremely easy.

The difficulty comes from people going in with undergeared characters because they slacked in Season 1 and now expect to faceroll Season 2 just because they joined. That’s not how anything works.

If you’re coming back after a long break, it’s going to be a journey for you. If you played in Season 1 but chose not to gear up, your struggles now are a direct result of that decision.

By the way, Mythic+ loot now starts at 636, and a +2 drops 639. Do you really expect to faceroll a dungeon after slacking last season? Most players go in with 620 gear and then cry about things being difficult, even in a +2.

I had no problem completing my +2 keys today before raiding, and I won’t have any trouble pushing up to +7 or +8 tomorrow after seeing most of the mechanics and testing them on +2.

Maybe you should start playing the game instead of playing on the forums.

So i can answer your stupid opinion about GEAR from season to season doesn’t matter.

actualy it does matter if you want to play the game early :smiley:

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and it shouldnt be.

what you described is horrible product design .

any product should be first and formost appealin to customers.

here game is not explainign to anyone that there is a huge invisible wall which you have to prepare for because some idiots designed it there.

there is no warning in game warninbg people about its existance.

there is no smooth natural progression to ease people in .

the compelte gear resets make it even worse experience.

now compare it to classic - currently in cata classic you can farm really strong gear in really welcoming enviroment which lets you literaly to pick bis early endgame gear from vendors.

its shocking that product managers can get it so right in cata classic and soooo wrong in retail when it comes to early endgame.

The fight is sorted with basic communication like “go left if linked”

Much hard.


seems people dont know left or right.

i only ran it once but someone mentioned that it is a bug that the fire rings are still up for the fight?
without the bombardment the boss is pretty simple.
besides operation suckgate they did a pretty good job at highlighting things you have to dodge. Before we had brown circles on brown ground, so now most mechanics are pretty easy to dodge. although i still hate that they often combine heavy aoe dmg and dodging large ciecles for 10s straight

Very often you can not dodge “left”. Without coms it is actually not that easy.

You need to shoot the helicopter out of the sky after the previous boss.

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As a tank, I tell people to all move left together on the frontal. It’s maybe even better to stack on e.g. tank for avoiding the orbs, I circle around them.

They just need to watch tank busters/frontals (in general tbh).

I advise to watch e.g. a video guide, I always watch Quazii-san’s guides, the best imo, sure it takes 30+ mins per video, but you either want to get better or not (and keep complaining) :slight_smile:

Exactly, I always (I know, it’s only been 1 reset :slight_smile: ) tell ranged with e.g. last boss of ML or Rookery, don’t stand too far from the boss, since you can’t outrun the rotating attack.

I think the main problem is that you have a split second to decide how to dodge the waves, and that if both players are going into opposite direction you only have a fraction of that time to change direction and follow the other player.

My proposal would be to increase the size of the link by ~10% or so, and then add a slow (up to 50%) the further away you are from each other starting at ~80% of the current max range. This adds friction making it harder to just run and “break”, while also rewarding staying together.