Mythic+ timer in the middle of the screen

Hey, ever since prepatch I get a 99 second blizzard battleground style timer in the middle of my screen when I start an M+ key. No addons and full ui reset and its still there. I have no clue what to do. I dont want a big countdown in the middle of my screen for 100 seconds whenever I start an M+ key. Ive seen other people with the same issue on the NA forums.

Link to a similar post on the NA forums:

This is still happening…

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Same problem since prepatch…

Same thing here, countdown starts at 45, m+ gates open at ~35 and it is still going until it’s done.

Same happens to me… Have you found any solution how to fix it ?
EDIT: The problem was the different time between the time on your pc and realm time, I just have put use local time on clock in-game and worked for me. Hope it works for you.

I tried the local time thing. Didnt work :confused: